HCA 13/70 f.122v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.122v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 14th hee saith he was formerly examined before the vice=
Admirall since the seizure of his shipp, and his Confession
putt in writing and subscribed by his owne hand and what he
then subscribed to was the truth being written on the topp
of the second leafe of the schedule now shewne him which
he now declareth to be his handwriting and to have bene done
as therein is now to be seene and further that the two
french papers to the sayd schedule annexed now shewne him were
and are the coquett and Charter party aforesayd and were on
board the sayd shipp att the tyme of her seizure. And
further saving as aforesayd cannot depose.

Repeated in Court
before the Judges.

heyman vredrickson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The fourth day of November 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of the Lord Protector}
against the shipp Saint Michael whereof}
Woulter Michaelson is master, and}
the goods in the same}

Examined upon Certayne Interrogatories on the
behalfe of the Lord Protector.


Woulter Michelson of Ackersloat in
Holland mariner master of the sayd shipp the
Saint Michael aged forty yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth by vertue of his oath as followeth

To the first Interrogatorie This deponent saith and deposeth that his sayd
shipp the Saint Michael doth belong to the Port of Amsterdam where
the most part of her Owners dwell to say Cornelius Mes, the heyres
of Jan Ivenson, Gerard da Jagher Henrich de Jagher, Powy
de Vos, Willhelm Compas, Sybrand Appleman, Peter Beakall
Peter Halft, Gerard Hendrickson, the heyres and widdow of
Peter Mazaur, Gerart Claes volhove, the rest of the Owners
are Peter Gerard Staffalls of Surdam, Ayman Ardamson
of Munnickadam, and this deponent of Ackersloat, all
Hollanders, and subiects of the States of holland. And the
merchants goods seized in the sayd shipp being salt doth belong
to Merchants of ffrance subiects of the ffrench King commonly
knowne by the name of the Grand party, their names he knoweth
not. And further saving his subsequent depositions he saith he
cannot depose.

To the 2d he saith the sayd shipp tooke in her lading being salt at
Brouaye in ffrance, and the same was laden by a frenchman whose
name he remembreth not, an Inhabitant of Rochell, and from that
sayd port of Brouaye the Saint Michael came last before her seizure
And further he cannot depose.

To the 3d he saith there was one Charter party on board the says shipp when
she was seized purporting the sayd shipp and lading to be bound