HCA 13/70 f.10v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.10v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God king of England
Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of thefaith et cetera This deponent
saith that on or about the sayd of the date of the sayd bill of sale videlicet
on or about the twelfth day of October 1638. the allegat Robert
Moulton did signe seale and as his act and deed deliver the sayd
bill of sale to the use of the therein named James Sadler in the
presence of Abdiel Silsby servant to Thomas Wannerton scrivener
and of him this deponent who then did live with the sayd Wannerton
And the sayd Silsby and this deponent did thereupon sett their
hands as wittnesses to the sayd sealing and delivery on the back side of
the sayd bill of sale as therein is now to be seene, And theis
words or name [Gerard Roberts) on the back side of the sayd bill of
sale he now declareth to be his this deponents handwriting. And
beleiveth that the sayd Bill of sale was and is reall and
true without fraud. And further or otherwise he saith he
cannot depose.



The 17th of November 1654: [CENTRE HEADING]

The Lord Protector against the shipp the}
Sampson: Otto George Master and against}
all et cetera Budd. ffrancklin: Smyth.}

Examined upon an allegation given in on
the behalfe of his said highness
the 15th of November 1654.

Catherin Reeve living in little Alley over against
the signe of the ffountaine in the Minories in the
parish of Saint Buttolph Without Algate London
Widowe, aged 36 yeares or thereabouts sworne
and examined.

To the said allegation shee saith and deposeth that in the life time
of her late deceased husband Josua Reeve (who departed this life about a fortnight
after Michaelmas in the yeere of our lord 1653)
and a little before his death and in the time of the
sicknesse whereof hee died shee had oftentimes heard him say and affirme that the shipp the
Sampson (speaking of one of the three silver shipps brought in
as prize) was about 12 or 13 yeares since (at which time hee said hee
was in Amsterdam) built at Amsterdam, which hee said hee knew
for that hee as hee said had seene her
after such her bringing in and then found and sawe that shee was the
same shipp (as hee said) that was soe built at Amsterdam the time
aforesaid, and that hee was sure shee was the same shipp, and that
hee had bin aboard her at Amsterdam. And said and fiirmed upon
his death bedd in the presence and hearing of this
deponent that hee the said Josua would be readie to come and depose