HCA 13/68 f.21r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 21 |
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Oliver Tanner | |
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2016/05/08 | |
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Edited on 11/05/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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he this Rendent should now say or declare upon his oath contrary to what he
hath formerly sworne, or that he should say and declare upon his oath
that he had noe certaine knowledge of the things or matter which he had
formerly deposed to, or to any such effect. And otherwise he cannot depose .
To the fifth Interrogatorie This Rendent saith that he doth not knowe
the partie interrate hereafter following that is to say, Peter fferrol, diego
Wetgen, William de Laudemare Claude de Laudemare, Peter Clemont
John Manier, Manuel Dickson ffrancisco Botelho [?ChaXes], Thomas
Botelhe de Silvera, the widdow and heyres of Edward Estevan Pira nor
any of them, Balthazar Coelho Alvarez, Marras de Sylva
[?Tunis] Smith, Silvio del Monte Jorgo Yomes de Alemo, Petrus Bronso
Antonio Correa Bravo, Michael Gomes Bravo, Jeromino de ffonseca
Pina, Nicholas Congnard. Michael Casony, Laurengo Pestana Martins
John Rolls, Mannel de Costa, George Sera Pinsol, Howard de Silva
Manuel Rogrigues, Andrew de Casseres, Edward Nunes, Jaques de
four, domingo Lopez de Silvara, John Arson Gregoriodias. Jaque Langard
Simon Rodriques Chaves Laurengo Pestama Martens Diego Lopez
Torres, Henry de Pas Pinto, Policapo de Olivera, ffernando Rodrigues
Pensa, Dias de [?Mesputa], ffrancys Wally nor any of them. but
saith he knoweth one of the parties interrate, that is to say, Jeromimo de
Casseres, and hath knowne him since the moneth of december last past
1652 and noe longer, and saith he saw him att Lisbone when the shipp
the White Unicorne was last there, And saith the sayd Jeromimo de
Casseres is by comon repute a Portuguese and a subiect of the King
of Portugall, and is an Inhabitant of Lisborne And this
Rendent did never heare that he hath at any tyme inhabited att or in
any other place but Lisborne. And otherwise cannot depose.
Repeated before the Judges in Court.
Claes [Xlbertsey] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 24th day of October 1653.
The Keepers et cetera against the Lewis' et cetera}
Examined upon the sayy allegation
Rowe dt.
Richard Moore of Wapping in the County of Middlesex
Mariner, masters mate of the Kentish frigott, 47
yeares of age or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
examined deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet
To the first Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith and deposeth
that It is notorious as he beleiveth, That this Commonwealth of
England by the violences miscarriages and irregular proceedings of
the ffrench King and also of the states of the united Provinces and
of their respective subjects hath suffered losse and dammage to a very
great value, and that there are universall reprizalls graunted
against the ffrench and Dutch Nations for reperation and satisfaction
for the sayd dammages, and that for that purpose All shipps of war
in the immediate service of this Commonwealth are authorized and empowered
to take and seize all shipps and goods at sea belonging to the sayd
ffrench or to the States of the united Provinces or to their respective
subjects. And otherwwise he cannot depose