HCA 13/68 f.21v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 21 |
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Oliver Tanner | |
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2016/05/09 |
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To the second Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that soone
after the [?] of the sayd shipp the Lewis by the Kentish frigat
soe[?] this deponent heard some of the Company of the Lewis but whom
in particular he remembereth not confess and declare that the sayd shipp
the Lewis was a ffrench vessell belonging to the port of Rochell[?]
where her Owners lived, and that she began her outward voyage
from Rochell. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the third Article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that upon a
Sunday in the forename in the moneth of August last past and
not farr from the beginning thereof as he now remembereth
the tyme the Kentish frigot one of the shippes in the imediate
service of the Commonwealth commanded by Captain Reynolds his [?]
did seize and surprize the sayd shipp the Lewis and all her lading
which this deponent knoweth being masters mate of the Kentish frigot
and presenting her att the tyme of seizure. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the fourth ARticle of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd
shipp the Lewis tooke in the goods that were seized in her att Greenland
and [?] was evident aswell by the lading it selfe as by the
Confession of the Master and Company of her, but whither the sayd
shipp and lading were bound this deponent heard not the sayd master
or Company acknowledge nor doth certainly knowe, but beleiveth they
were bound for the [?] of Holland aswell by the Course she the Lewis [?}
as by some words he heard some of her Company speake [?] that
they did take the [?] [?] a place where to which they were seized
to be the [?]. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the fifth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that the sayd shipp the
Lewis was taken and seized neare a place or Ilsand called Holygoland[?]
which is the direct way from Greenland to the Tepell[?] and was and is
farr distant from the neerest and most usual course from Greenland
to ffrance[?], and saith that the said Holygoland[?} is not farr from the
Tepell[?} and by the course the Lewis made, It was and is evident to this
deponent that the sayd shipp was sayling for or to the Tepell[?], att the
tyme when in this deponent present she was seized as aforesaid by that
Kentish frigot. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the sixth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith he heard some of the
Company of the Lewis say that about three dayes before the seizure
aforesayd they had bene in the company of two other french shipps.
And further he cannot depose.
To the seventh article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that so farr as
this deponent knoweth saw or hath heard there was noe license[?] from the
Right Honorable the Counsell of State aboard the sayd shipp the Lewis for her
safe passage to ffrance. And otherwise saving his foregoing depositions
he cannot depose.
To the eight article of the sayd allegation and [?] [?] therein mentioned[?]. This deponent saith he cannot
To the ninth article of the sayd allegation and schedule therein mentioned This deponent
saith he cannot depose