HCA 13/68 f.20v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 20 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/25 |
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The 22th day of October 1653. [CENTRE HEADING]
The Keepers of the Liberty of England et cetera}
against the lading of the White Unicorne}
abd against Jeronimo da Casseres et cetera}
The foresayd Claes Albertson examined upon
the Crosse Interrogatories.
Rowe dt.
To the first Interrogatorie This Rendent saith that he was and is master of the
sayd shipp the White Unicorne and was in her att the tyme when she was
seized by the shipps of this Commonwealth, and hath bene Master of her
about 4 yeares and tooke the first Charge of her att the Port
of Stockholme in Swedland. and otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the 2 Interrogatorie he saith he this Rendent is Claes Albertson interrate master of the said
shipp, and knoweth well David Andrewes interrate Steersman of the
sayd shipp, and saith that he this Rendent is a man that feares god
and makes conscience of an oath, and will not sweare or depose an
untruth, and he taketh the sayd David Andrewes to be such a one
likewise, and that they were both in January last past and
the last day thereof and before and since honsest men and true
and such as being examined upon their oathes before a Magistrate
would depose the truth and nothing but what they knowe or did in their
conscience verily beleive to be true, and that for such they videlicet this
Rendent and the sayd David Andrewes were then commonly accounted
reputed and taken. And otherwise cannot depose.
To the 3 Interrogatorie This Rendent saith that towards the latter end of the
moneth of January last past the tyme he otherwise remembreth not
being after the sayd shipp White Unicorne was taken, He this
Rendent was brought into Plymouth before one there he
tooke to be a Magistrate of the Towne, but what his name or office
was or is he knoweth not, and saith the sayd person did administer
an oath to this Rendent to speake the truth by an Interpreter a
young man speaking the English and Dutch tongues, and thereupon
this deponent was by the sayd Interpreter examined, and att the tyme
of his being so examined another young man did write upon
paper, but whether he were a publiq notary or noe, or whether
he did write downe this Rendents Confessions or noe, or whether
the foresayd Interpreter were a sworne Interpreter or noe This
Rendent knoweth not. And he saith that he did not then affirme
or declare upon his oath any thing which was not true or whereof
he had not certayne knowledge neither was he instigated or perswaded
by any one to speake or declare anything false or that he did not
know to be true. And further cannot depose, saving he doth
not beleive that the sayd David Andrewes was then and there examined
but did howsoever sett his hand to a paper which was then sayd to be
the Confession or examination of this Rendent.
To the 4.th Interrogatorie This Rendent saith that Mr Samuel fflancklin (sic) one
of the Proctors of this Court did speake to him this Rendent to be examined
in this cause; and saith that noe one hath written to him to that effect, and
that noe person or persons whatsoever hath given him this Rendent any
Instructions what or to what effect he should now depose, nor hath any
one acquainted or told this Rendent that he was mistaken or forsworne
in his former depositions, or that he had deposed more thatn he had certayne
knowledge of, or that a Commission should be procured for the
reexamination of this deponent or the sayd David Andrewes, nor that