HCA 13/68 f.20r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.20r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the .5. he saith that the Advantage and the Waterhound interrate att the tyme
of the seizure interrate were both of them of this deponents knowledge dutch
built shipps. and otherwise cannot depose

To the .6. he saith he was present in and att the fight interrate.

To the .7. he saith that the sayd shipp Advantage did shoot one gunn att
random and out of shott as he taketh it, toward the Golden Starr, and the sayd
Advantage frigott then had out the Holland Ancyent in her sterne and
otherwise negatively.

To the eighth Interrogatorie he saith the sayd shipp the Advantage did shoot off
about three peices of ordinance with bulletts before the sayd
shipp the Golden Starr or Morning Starr did fire any gunnes att the

To the nynth Interrogatorie he saith he cannot positively depose which
of the sayd two shipps the Advantage or the Morning Starr made the
first Broad side, nor doth know that the Golden Starr did avoyd or decline
fighting, but did rather stirr up and provoke the Advantage frigott
to fight as he hath predeposed. and otherwise cannot depose.

To the tenth Interrogatorie this rendent saith that a shipp that halleth another shipp
under false colours or changes her colours after haling is by common
reputation a sea rover or Pyrat or so accounted to be, and an enemy
to the shipp so haled. but he saith that the Advantage frigott att the first
haling of the Golden Starr did weare her owne true English
Colours as aforesayd and did not change them att all after such haling
but wore and had them out onely during the whole fight. And otherwise
he cannot depose saving that it is now growne a common stratagem of
warr to salute another shipp by shooting of a Gunn att distance
under false colours, and is not nor ought to be as he conceyveth a
budge or token of pyracye.

To teh 11th Interrogatorie This deponent saith he was aboard the interrate shipp
the Golden Starr or Morning Starr before she came into the River of Thames
and not after. and saith that severall of the Company of the Advantage
and Waterhound were likewise on board the sayd shipp Golden Starr, And
saith he this deponent and others of the Company of the Advantage did gett
some plunder or Clothes, olives, oranges lemmons and Jarrs of oyle
and other things from betwixt the deckes of the Golden Starr being by
common esteemme and repute among seamen lawfull prize and plunder,
all or most whereof was taken from them by Mr Harrison the master
of the Advantage frigott who pretended he would share it equally and
thereupon caused the same to be putt into the great Cabin of the Advantage
but what became thereof afterwards this deponent knoweth not but saith
that he this Rendent for his part never had any part or share thereof, nor
of any plate sylver moneyes or goods whatsoever, aboard the sayd
shipp the Golden Starr, And further he saith he cannot depose.

To the 12th he saith he cannot depose.

To the 13th he saith he was a Common Mariner of the shipp the Advantage that
fought with the Golden Starr and helped to take her. and in case the sayd
Golden Starr be condemned prize he this Rendent expecteth some benefit thereby
as an able mariner according to such proportion as by the Law in that
behalfe made his share shall amount unto. And otherwise cannot depose.

Repeated before the Judges in Court./.

The mark of the sayd [MARKE] Thomas Jeofferyes [MARKE, RH SIDE]