HCA 13/68 f.190r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 190 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/01/13 |
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live. And otherwise cannot depose./
To the 6.th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition. And otherwise
cannot depose.
To the 7.th hee knoweth nothing thereof otherwise then hee hath formerly
To the 8:th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition. And otherwise cannot
Repeated before doctor Clarke and
doctor Godolphin:-/
The 28:th day of November 1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Clayme of the widow and heires of Hans}
Lemmerman for their goods in the black Cock}
Examined upon the said Allegation:-/
[?XXX R: R:-]
John Stootenpape Native of Neer in the
Principalitie of Liege or Luyck Merchant aged
33. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as afolloweth videlicet
To the first second and third articles of the said Allegation hee saith and
deposeth, That in or about the moneth of January 1652 (new style)
and for some moneths before and since this deponent then residing at Saint
Lucar in Spaine and familiarly acquainted and daily Conversing with the
allate John Scrother, hee this deponent heard him severall times say and declare
That according to letters of advise which hee had received over land from
Hamburgh from the allate Widow and heires of Hance Lemmerman
deceased, hee did expect the arrivall of the shipp the black Cock allate
(whereof John ffransen Haen was Master) laden with Pipestaves and
Clapboards for the accompt of the said Widdow and heires, and by them consigned
to the said John Scrother their ffactor or Agent to be by him sold or disposed
of to their best advantage. And saith. That accordingly in or about the
moneths of August or September in the yeare 1652. last past this deponent
being at Saint Lucars aforesaid, saw the arrivall of the said shipp the
black Cock at the said place with a lading of pipestaves and Clapboard as
aforesaid, which were there of this deponents sight and knowledge unladen and
received by the said John Scrother, and brought into his house and woodyard
for the accompt of the said widdow and heires, as the said John Scrother then
also severall times affirmed to this deponent And further to theise articles
hee saith hee cannot depose:-/
To the 4.th article hee saith and deposeth, That in or about the moneth of
October 1652. last past, this deponent being then also at Saint Lucars aforesaid
and daily in Companie with the said John Scrother ffactor to the producent