HCA 13/68 f.190v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.190v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


producents in this Cause, the said ffactor by and according to the order and
directions of the said producents (as hee then declared and affirmedto this
deponent) did of this deponents sight and knowledge by himselfe and servants[?s]
Cause to be laden and putt on board the said shipp the black Cock there
at or neare Saint Lucar aforesaid One hundred and fiftie butts of sack, [?and]
nine hundred and ninetie dozen of Corke, the said butts of ack being
marked some with the first, some with the second and some with the
third marke or Character in the margent to be transported and [?XXX]
in the said shipp from Saint Lucar aforesaid to Amsterdam, and there to be
delivered unto the arlate Bernardo Ras and Companie ffactors and [?Agents]
to and for the said producents, and for their proper accompt, as the said [?XXXX]
at the time of the said lading expressed and signified unto this deponent
by reason whereof this deponent is fully assured in Conscience that the said
producents were aare and ought to be the true and lawfull Owners and
Proprietors of all and singular the foods predeposed, and for such were
and are commonly accompted reputed and taken. And further hee [?saith]
That after the lading of the goods predeposed aboard, this
deponent being in order to his intended voyage for Ostend resolved to goe to
Cadiz, and before his departure being in discourse with the said John Scrother
at Saint Lucars hee told and acquainted this deponent that there were severall
quantities of goods more in his hands, which hee intended to imbarque in and
send away by the said shipp to Amsterdam for the accompt and [?risgoe]
of the said producents, but this deponents occasions not permitting him to [?see]
the lading thereof hee cannot depose to the quantitie number or qualitie

To the 5:th article hee saith and deposeth, That the wines and corke [?being]
in this deponents sight, as aforesaid, and a quantitie more of the lading now [?XXX]
by the producents, were, as hee beleeveth, bought and provided by the [?said]
John Scrother for the accompt aforesaid by and with the money goods and
effects of the said producents remaining in the said ffactors hands, at the [?tyme]
of buying of the said goods, and particularly saith That of this
deponents certaine knowledge the said John Scrother in presence of [?XXX]
in or about the moneths of Aprill and May in the yeare 1652
past, received from Henrick Scrother and Heyn Skoeback [??Shippers ?of]
Hamborough Copper wire, knives, linnen and other goods wares and
merchandizes of great valew sent unto him by the said producents from
Hamborough, besides the lading of pipestaves and Clapboards [?received ?by]
him as is predeposed with order and direction to dispose of the same for
their accompt and to make them retournes for the same, this deponent