HCA 13/68 f.189v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 189 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2018/03/22 |
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belonging to his said shipp all and singular the goods schedulate videlicet one
Harser 77. fathoms long worth 2 li 12 s One foresaile worth 2 li
sixteen shillings, One peece of Cordage above three Inches thicke and
ten fathoms long worth 7 s One standard or flagg with the holsteyn
Colors worth 9 s One boate belonging to the said shipp worth 2 li 10 s
Seaven Rixdollers in money of the valew of 1 li 10 ss 6 d and one sea [?booke]
worth 15 s sterling amounting in all to the summe of 12 li 5 s sterling
English money or thereabouts, all which goods the said Captaine and
some of his Companie have since the time of the siezure of his said
shipp plundered and pillaged away from the same, and converted the
to their Owne use, Which this deponent knoweth having the said 7 rix dollers
taken out of this deponents pockett att Sea by the Master of the said Captaine
Hohman his man of warr, and for the rest hee hath since the seizure
been advertised by his shippes Companie of the plundering thereof by
the said Holman or Companie=, and this deponent haveing since been aboard
his said shipp at Dover perceived that the severall things predeposed were
taken away and not remaining by or in the said shipp, as they had bin
immediately before the said seizure. And further hee cannot depose.
To the Crosse Interrogatories./
To the first hee saith, hee had ten shipps pounds of the twelve
shipps pounds of cheese aoremenconed laden aboard his said shipp
the other two shipps pounds belonging to his said Steeresman And
otherwise saving his foregoeing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose [?but]
hee expecteth by the restitution his shipp and goods aforesaid, together
with the benefitt of his fraight and Voyage:/-
To the second hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, And
otherwise negatively:-
To the third hee saith, That hee hath knowne the shipp the redd Lyon
interrate for about 5. yeares last past, and saw her last at Dover
where shee now remaines./
To the 4:th hee saith hee had a bill of sale for his said shipp from the widow aforesaid [?which ?hee]
hath left at Hamborough; And otherwise negatively saving his
foregoeing deposition to which hee referreth
To the 5th hee saith hee hath personally knowne the interrate [?XXX]
Dorville for 6. yeares and upwards, and formerly onely by relation
and saith hee knwoet not personally the widdow or heires of the said Joos
Van Over beeck otherwise then by the relation of the said John [?Dorville]
and by the common report in the City of Hamborough where