HCA 13/65 f.84r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 84 |
Side | Recto |
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First cut transcription started and completed on 31/03/14 by Colin Greenstreet | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
14/03/31 | |
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Created 31/03/14, by CSG |
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Warre and that halfe of his Company or a great
part of them was abord the Lawrell, but the said Man of warre
did againe send his boat with a great number of his men
abord the Lawrell who came thither and demanded the rest
of the Company belonging to her to come abord the man of
warre likewise, which by the[?n]
at that tyme by reason they were sow much under theire
power could not be avoyded and by reason of the said Mr
Maplisdens Comands and the said Mr May[?nes] desires
not to resist them, but they all sawe this deponent and two more went
abord the said Man of warre which was s[?oone] done but
the ffrench forth with seized the said the Lawrell
and her loadinge and tooke the same into theire possession
and forced this deponent and the other two of his Company which were abord
to waite upon and observe them for two dayes space or thereabouts
and then hee saith they hoysed out theire long boate and then
put all the Lawrells Company together with this deponent and the other
two aboard the Lawrell [?there]unto and soe forced them to shift
for theire selves at Sea which with a very great hazard they did,
and at hength gained the shore at Corsica where they landed
amongst a barbarous ans a strange people. And soe
by this meanes and in such manner as is predeposed the
said ship and loading were utterly lost to the owners thereof
and this deponent and all his fellowes were in great danger and hazard
of perishing in the Seas. And further hee cannot depose.
Repeated before doctor Stephens
the marke of
Israel I P Powell.[MARKE, RH SIDE]
The 17th day of September 1651
Touching the ship the Elizabeth}
[XXX] Rp.
Thomas Wilks of debtford in the County
of Kent Marriner aged 32 yeares or thereabouts
sworne the day abovesaid before the right worshipfull
John Exton doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the
highe Court of the Admiralty saith and
deposeth That hee this deponent being Captaine and
Commander of the ship the Elizabeth ffrigott in the service
of the States of this Commonwealth did in this her last voyage
disburse expend and lay out all and singular the
severall and particular sommes of money provisions and
necessaryes in for and about the necessary reparation