HCA 13/65 f.84v Annotate

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amendments and [?uses] of the said ship in the schedule
hereunto annexed contayned and specified
to which this deponent for more certainty herein
referreth himselfe And further saith hee cannot

Repeated before doctor Exton



The say aforesaid, upon Interrogatories on the behalf
of the said [?Searle] Topp and Company examined.

On the behalf of George Searle}
ffrancis Topp and Company Imployers}
of the Ship the restitution, touching}
the takeing of the shipp the Greyhound}

Smith dt.

Adrian Phillip A Porto of Brill in holland M[?ariner GUTTER]
Master of the shipp the Greyhound aged 28 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined deposeth as followeth.//

To the first article of the said Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth That hee
doth very well know the shipp the Greyhound Interrogated and was and att this [?present GUTTER]
is Master thereof, and hee saith that the said shipp did and doth belong
unto the Port of Brill in holland aforesaid and not to any place or port in
ffrance, And hee further saith thet Albert Adrianson, John Adrianson
Vordam, of the Brill ffrancis Cornellis d[?e]nicke of Maysland S[XXX GUTTER]
Williamson Bryer of the same place, and hee this deponent are owners and
Proprietors of the said shipp the Greyhound, and so are accompted rep[?orted GUTTER]
and taken hee this deponent haveing bin Master of the said shipp and part
=owner as aforesaid for foure yeares last past and upwards, And otherwise
hee saith hee cannot depose./

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith that att such time as the said shipp the
Greyhound was taken and seised by the Interrogated Captaine Ri[XXxxxx GUTTER]
there was on board her, 63 thowsand of hoopes, and fifty
Cases of glasses, laded by John Cole an English man liveing at
Roane in ffrance, where they were laden aboard the said shipp to bee trans
=ported to Bourdeux according to the sewrall bills of ladeing annexed to the
said Interrogatories, which said goods are french goods but whether belonging to
the said Cole or some french Merchant or whome else hee knoweth not,
And hee saith that there was about the
shipp the Greyhound when shee was so taken as much plaiser ballast [?as XX GUTTER]
ten pounds English money for the Accompt of the said Owners and this [?deponent GUTTER]
to bee brought to Bourdeux unto which Port hee saith they were [XXX GUTTER]
and further hee cannot depose saveing hee saith that there was alsoe
142. dozen of glasse bottles which belong unto this deponent and
Company abord the said shipp att her seisure as aforesaid

To the third Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth, that att such time as the said [?ship GUTTER]
was taken as aforesaid, there were not any other papers or writeings or