HCA 13/65 f.20r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 20 |
Side | Recto |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/03/10 |
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P1170414 (Image not found)
To the 9th and 10th articles of the said libell hee saith and
deposeth That after the unladeing and dischargeing the said
360 peaces or thereabouts of ffruite out of the Beniamin hee
this deponent did relade the same on bord the ship the Swallowe
arlate and consigned the same to the arlate Edward Brand
and Company for whose accompt it was first laden
abord the Beniamin and in the said ship the Swallowe was
from thence transported unto this Port. All which said ffruite
hee saith was taken out of the Beniamin by the leave
and permission of the said M[?o]rley who (when this deponent
desired him to permitt him to unlade it) told this deponent
that hee could [?discerne ?noe] fruite but that which this
deponent desired because hee had noe order from any other merchant save this deponent
for soe doeing. the said Marley then wishing that every other
Merchant which had laden any goods abord his said ship would come
and doe the like And further hee cannot depose.
To the 11th and 12th articles of the said libell hee saith and
deposeth that upon such the loading of the said 360 pe[?e]ces
or thereabouts of Vel[?a]s and Grand Mallaga ffruite which
was taken out of the Beniamin) abord the Swallowe as aforesaid the Master
(as this deponent remembreth) of the said shippe did signe one
or more bills of lading for the same which said bills this
deponent remitted and sent away from thence inclosed
in letters to the said Eldred Brand and Companye
who as this deponent beleiveth receaved the same and have
them still in theire Custody[?a]. And otherwise reffereing himselfe
to his foregoeing deposition hee saith hee cannot depose.
To the thirteenth article of the said allegation hee saith hee
cannot depose sayeing that hee cannot tell what the said
ffruite was at the tyme arlate worth per fraile at London
because hee was then in Spaine and [XXX] [XXXX]
To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
Rp. EA.
To the first Interrogatorue hee saith that there were by this Examinate
laden abord the ship the Beniamin interrogated the number of
610 peaces or frailes part of veles and part of Grand Mallega ffruites
for the account of the said E[?ldred] Brand and company part
in Mallega and part in Veles. And saith that at such tyme
as this rendent desired the said Morley to give him permission
to unlade the said ffruites by reason of the Danger predeposed
hee the said Morley did then reply and say that Withall his
heart this deponent might unlade what hee could of his goods
soe loaden and withall wished that others would doe the like