HCA 13/65 f.19v Annotate

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The 5th day of August 1651.

Garland and Brand}
Smith.: Suckley}

Examined uponm the libell on the behalfe of
the said Garland.


Re. B.

John Browning of Mallaga in Spaine
Merchant aged 28 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and Examined deposeth.

To the 6th article of the said libell hee saith
and deposeth That within the tyme lilate and dureing
such tyme as the ship the Beniamin arlate was and
remained at [?Vales] Mallaga hee this deponent being
then and there present and seeing of the said ship to bee in
great danger and hazard of being lost by reason of Prince
Ruperts lying soe neere unto her[?X} with his ffleete and the said
ships Company for feare haveing deserted the said shipp{?e]
hee did repaire unto the arlate Thomas Mar[?le] the
Master of the said ship and desired him that hee would hive
this deponent Leave to unlade what goods hee had Lately Loaden
abord the said ship to which the said Marley condescended and
thereupon this deponent procured hands and did unlade
about 360 peeces or frailes of ffruite, all which the said
Marley did tell those whom this deponent soe imployed were
part of a greater [XXXX] of peeces of fruite which this deponent had formerly laden abord
the said ship (for the accompt of severall Merchants) aswell in Mallaga
as is Veles. And further or otherwise to this article hee saith
hee cannot depose.

To the 7th article of the said libell hee saith and deposeth
That the said ffruite soe unladen by this deponent out of
the said ship the Beniamin was other than what the
said Marley did tell this deponent should bee taken out of the same
place where that which this deponent had formerly loaden thereupon, was
stowed. And other wise hee cannot depose.

To the 8th article hee saith and deposeth that dureing the tyme
as the said ship the Beniamin was discharfeing and unladeing
the fruite abord her Prince Rupert and his confederates being
then in that Roade with the Revolted ffleete did fire and destroye
the said ship and what goods shee had abord her and [XX GUTTER]
withall the said Prince and his Adherents did use alll
meanes and endeavours that possibly they could to apprehend
and take the said Marley, which hee knoweth to be true because
hee this deponent was at Mallaga when the said Fact was soe
done and at his departure from Veles l[?e]ft the said [XXX GUTTER]
desyring her said fruite at his returne f[XXXX] her [XXXXX GUTTER]
and all afire. And further hee cannot depose.