HCA 13/65 f.19r Annotate

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P11704XX (Image not found)


The second of August 1651.

The claime of Michael despiu[o]sa and}
Nicholas Juris alias Jeronimo [?Munez] d'Acosta}
for their goods in the ffortune of Euchusen.]

Examined upon an allegation and schedule on
the behalfe of the said d'Espin[?o]sa and


Peter Lucas alias Lutzen of Euchusen in holland mariner
aged 56 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article of the said allegation and schedul[?a] annexed hee saith and deposeth that the producent
Michael d'Espinosa was and is commonly accompted the true and lawfull owner
of all and singular the goods mentioned in the first schedula, and Nicholas Juris
alias Jeronimo [?Munez] d'Acosta of those mentioned in the second schedula
annexed, And otherwise saving his following deposition hee cannot depose.

To the second article article hee saith that within the time arlate the said goods were
at Avero in Portuguall laden aboard the said shipp the ffortun[?a] of EWuchusen
for the fore said accompt to be thence carried and transported in her for Amsterdam
and there delivered to them for their use, according to the bills of lading by him
signed therefore, being to the effect aforesaid, which hee knoweth because hee
soe signed the said bills, bein master of the said shipp and receiving the said
goods aboard.

To the third article hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp having received
the said goods aboard sett saile within the time arlate and departed from
Avero for New haven in ffrance to [?have] [?advice] whither shee should hoe to discharge, and in her course was about sixe weekes since met
with at sea and taken by Captaine M[?atham] in a small
vessell a man of warr, named as hee taketh it the hop[?a], at which time
the said goods were aboard the said shipp the ffortuna, which hee knoweth being
master of and alsoe aboard her. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that the bills of lading nowe showne
unto him remayning in the Rehistrie of this Court and mentioned in the said fourth
article were and are the originall and two bills of lading for the said goods
and were and are signed with this deponents owne hands, and that the
contents thereof were and are true and soe had and donne as therein is
conteyned. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fifth article hee saith the producents arlate live in Amsterdam whither this
deponent hath often brought them goods from Portugall, and thereby well
remembreth their names and their habitations. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

Smith [?debet]

To the first Interrogatoria[a] hee saith that hee hath noe share in the oiles or any
other goods aboard the said shipp brought from Portugall, nor well it
be benefit or dammage to him to making prize or releasing the same
and otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith that hee knoweth not the said producents by sight
but meerly by name and relation as aforesaid, and otherwise hee cannot

To the third hee saith that the said producents did not freight him outwards
from holland, but hee knoweth that the said producents were and are
owners of the goods predeposed because hee signed the said bills of
ladinge for them. And saith the said shipps lading carred from ffrance
to A[?vera] was the[?re] delivered to severall persons according to their severall
bills of lading, but hee was principally directed to one John Cruy[XXX]
of Avero, who reladed the said shipp with oiles, And otherwise hee cannot
depose saving his former deposition.

To the last hee saith that there was a Charter parti[?a] for the said voyage
made in france, which was aboard when hee was seized, and taken away
from him with the rest of the papers by Captaine M[ortam] out of this deponents
chest, and saith hee signed but one sort of bills of lading for the goods
aboard the said shipp, and signed all for ffrance. And otherwise hee
cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

Repeated before doctor