HCA 13/124 f.7v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/124 |
Folio | 7 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 08/03/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_114_04_6972.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/03/08 | |
Editorial history | |
Edited on 09/02/2018 by Colin Greenstreet |
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upon examination it did cleerely appear
that the Boateswaine of the said shipp
calleing for helpe to take in some water
which was by the shipp side the said
Robert Slade the Calker running
to helpe him did with his cloathes touch or
stirr the platter in which the said Hickman
was eateing (hee being at Supper) for
which the said Hickman rose upp in a
great rage and drew his pen knife and
ranne and stabbed att the said Calker in
a most desperate manner whoe seeing
himselfe in great danger of his life
held upp his Arme and receaved the stabb
thereinto which otherwise had without
doubt beene in his Brest and had in all
probabillity killed him which fault soe
appeareing to this Rendent and Company
the whole Company cryed out to this re=
spondent that the said Hickman might
bee severely punished for soe foule a [?fact]
that thereby not onely hee but others might
for the future bee deterred from committing
such dangerous and desperate Acts Where
upon the orders of the shipp which att
the beginning and dureing the whole
voyadge were and had been hung upp
in the steerage for all to see and take no
tice of and which all the Companye
were bound to have observed and kept
were ordered to bee publickly read in
which amongst other thinges was con=
tained That hee that should drawe a
knife in the shippe to seeeke to doe mischeife
to any man should have his hand nailed