HCA 13/124 f.8r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/124 |
Folio | 8 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 08/03/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_114_04_6973.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/03/08 |
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to the Mast with his owne knife and there
to stand till hee teare it out upon which
the whole Company required the
penalty of the said order, and there
upon this rendent called for the Chi=
rurgeon of the Shippe to advise with
him whether such a thinge might bee
donne without danger to the hand and
with his advise for the prevention of
murder and other the like misdemea=
ours this Rendent did cause the hand
of the said hickman to bee fastned to the
mast of the said shipp by thrustenige
the same knife wherewith the said hick=
man had stabbed the Caulker and en
dangered his life, through the skinne
of his hand betweene the Two middle
fingers according to the direction of the
Chirurgeon that it might doe him least
hurte and assoone as it was put through
the Skin as aforesaid this Rendent cau=
sed the said knife to bee presently pul-
led out againe in as short a time as a
man might tell forty and hee had very
little or noe hurt thereby but his said
hand was within 5 or 6 dayes and
is as perfectly well as the other and
otherwise hee doeth not beleeve the said
pretended positions or either of them
to bee true in any parte thereof saveing
that the putteing the knife through
as aforesaid did drawe blood out
of the same