HCA 13/124 f.7r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.7r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


dureing all the voyadge libellate the
arlate Humfry Hickman did carry and
demeane himselfe very uncivilly [?conti]=
nously and debauchedly very much
addicteing himselfe to sweareing curseing
and blasphemeing and alsoe to fighteing
and quarrelling and rayseing many
differences and debates and much conyten=
tion in the severall Shippes wherein this
Rendent went out and did dureing the sayd
voyadge most desperately strike one of
the negroes in the shipp the Mayflower
soe that hee presently fell downe and dyed
with the blowe given him by the said Hick=
man and did very dangerously wound
another of the negroes soe that hee very
hardly escaped and did after most
deperately strike att and much endanger
severall of the Company of the said shipps
and amongest others did desperately stabb
att Robert Slowe the Calker of
the shippe Mayflower with a penknife
whereby his life was much endangered
and if hee had not prevented the same with
his Arme and receaved the stabb therein
hee had in all probability wounded him to
the death and Complaint thereof being
made to this Rendent hee did command
his knives to bee taken from him and his
person to bee secured in the Bilboes intill
the morneing that the buisinies could bee
thoroughly examined and then in the
morneing this Rendent caused all the
Officers of the Shippe and rest of the
Companye to bee called together and