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HCA 13/71 f.143r Annotate
First transcribed 11 September 2012  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 143  +
Parent volume HCA 13/71  +
Side Recto  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/09/2012  +
Transcription since goe to the sayd Captaine heaman uponsince goe to the sayd Captaine heaman upon the Exchange London and<br /> in the presence of this deponent and his precontest William Mettcalfe<br /> desyre the sayd Captaine to lett him see how the 3[?9] [39 IS INCONSISTENT WITH 37 ELSEWHERE IN TEXT] bayles and two<br /> faugotts of sike aforesayd were entered in the boatswaines books,<br /> whereto the sayd Captaine heaman answered and sayd that his<br /> boatswaine was dead, and that his booke was lost or to that effect,<br /> whereupon the sayd Phillip Michell desyred that hee might see the<br /> freight books for the voyage in question, and the sayd Captaine heaman<br /> went with the sayd Phillipp Mitchell William Metcalfe and this deponent<br /> to the house of the arlate Mr hugh fforth who had the sayd freight booke<br /> in his custody, and shewed the same to the sayd Mitchell Metcalfe and<br /> heaman and this deponent, and hee saith that by perusall of the sayd<br /> freight booke it did plainely appeare to this deponent that the bale number<br /> '''10''' and the faugott number '''A''' were both entered therein as laden<br /> aboard the sayd shipp ''harry'' the sayd voyage under the same<br /> marke and numbers and to be delivered to the place and to the persons in the<br /> sayd bill of ladeing in this cause exhibited expressed and the freight<br /> was in the sayd books expressed to bee tenn dollárs as this deponent<br /> very well remembreth And further to this arle hee cannot depose To the 7th hee saith the bayle aforesayd numbered 10 did of this deponents<br /> knowledge who weighted the same at Scanderoone weigh 72 rotalos<br /> and 3/4 grosse weight, every rotalo makeing english weight fower pounds<br /> 13 oz, but the value thereof hee knoweth not for that hee knew not the<br /> quality of the silke And further hee cannot depose/ To 8th hee saith, hee knoweth that since the ladeing the sayd silkes aboard<br /> the ''harry'' the arlate henry Mitchell is dead, and hee hath heard and beleeveth<br /> hee did in his life tyme make a will and make the arlate Phillipp Mitchell<br /> his Executor, and that the sayd Phillip as hee beleeveth hath proved the<br /> same And further hee cannot depose./ To the 9th hee cannot depose To the 10th hee saith the arlate heamans is as hee beleeveth subiect to<br /> the authority of this Court and further hee cannot depose To the 12th hee cannot depose To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/ To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING] To the first hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth of his knowledge<br /> in this cause being required soe to doe by the producent Phillip<br /> Mitchell who well knewe that this despondent was the party who weighed<br /> and laded all the silke above mentioned as being the factor<br /> Marines servant at Scanderoone, and saith hee is noe way concerned<br /> in the silke Interrogate and was present at the ladeing of all the 37 bales and 2<br /> faugotts of silke aforesayd and saw them put on board the boate of the sayd<br /> shipp ''henry'' and saith none thereof was consigned to him this rendent./hereof was consigned to him this rendent./  +
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