HCA 13/71 f.143r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.143r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


since goe to the sayd Captaine heaman upon the Exchange London and
in the presence of this deponent and his precontest William Mettcalfe
desyre the sayd Captaine to lett him see how the 3[?9] [39 IS INCONSISTENT WITH 37 ELSEWHERE IN TEXT] bayles and two
faugotts of sike aforesayd were entered in the boatswaines books,
whereto the sayd Captaine heaman answered and sayd that his
boatswaine was dead, and that his booke was lost or to that effect,
whereupon the sayd Phillip Michell desyred that hee might see the
freight books for the voyage in question, and the sayd Captaine heaman
went with the sayd Phillipp Mitchell William Metcalfe and this deponent
to the house of the arlate Mr hugh fforth who had the sayd freight booke
in his custody, and shewed the same to the sayd Mitchell Metcalfe and
heaman and this deponent, and hee saith that by perusall of the sayd
freight booke it did plainely appeare to this deponent that the bale number
10 and the faugott number A were both entered therein as laden
aboard the sayd shipp harry the sayd voyage under the same
marke and numbers and to be delivered to the place and to the persons in the
sayd bill of ladeing in this cause exhibited expressed and the freight
was in the sayd books expressed to bee tenn dollárs as this deponent
very well remembreth And further to this arle hee cannot depose

To the 7th hee saith the bayle aforesayd numbered 10 did of this deponents
knowledge who weighted the same at Scanderoone weigh 72 rotalos
and 3/4 grosse weight, every rotalo makeing english weight fower pounds
13 oz, but the value thereof hee knoweth not for that hee knew not the
quality of the silke And further hee cannot depose/

To 8th hee saith, hee knoweth that since the ladeing the sayd silkes aboard
the harry the arlate henry Mitchell is dead, and hee hath heard and beleeveth
hee did in his life tyme make a will and make the arlate Phillipp Mitchell
his Executor, and that the sayd Phillip as hee beleeveth hath proved the
same And further hee cannot depose./

To the 9th hee cannot depose

To the 10th hee saith the arlate heamans is as hee beleeveth subiect to
the authority of this Court and further hee cannot depose

To the 12th hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

To the Interrogatories/ [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee cometh to testifie the truth of his knowledge
in this cause being required soe to doe by the producent Phillip
Mitchell who well knewe that this despondent was the party who weighed
and laded all the silke above mentioned as being the factor
Marines servant at Scanderoone, and saith hee is noe way concerned
in the silke Interrogate and was present at the ladeing of all the 37 bales and 2
faugotts of silke aforesayd and saw them put on board the boate of the sayd
shipp henry and saith none thereof was consigned to him this rendent./