shipp the ''ffortune of the sea'', and tha … shipp the ''ffortune of the sea'', and that the arlate Mr<br />
Philip Richaut and Company were the lawfull Owners<br />
and Proprietors of her and her tackle, apparrell and furniture<br />
for that this deponent hath for the accompt of the arlate<br />
Philip Richaut laden and unladen goods aboard her, But<br />
he saith that in the moneths arlate he the deposnent was sent<br />
on a voyage to sea, yet that he hath since well understood<br />
by aadvice that the articulate shipp was in or about the<br />
moneths articulate imployed and sett out on a voyage to<br />
Roane in ffrance by and for the accompte of the sayd Richaut<br />
and Company the Owners of her and that she did<br />
safely arrive then And further he cannot depose.
To the third, fourth and fifth articles he deposeth and<br />
saith That he the deponent hath bin aboard the arlate<br />
shipp the ''ffortune'' now called the ''Post'' since her<br />
comming into the River of Thames and since she was arrested<br />
at the suite of the Owners arlate, and that by his<br />
this deponents having bin often on board her before she<br />
went her voyage to Roane, and by his having bin aboard her<br />
since her now comming into this River and her arrest there<br />
he well knoweth that the said shipp soe arrested and since released<br />
by Mr Barrs putting in of bayle, is the very same shipp<br />
formerly called the ''ffortune of the sea'', and belonging<br />
unto the said Philip Richaut and Company, And<br />
further he cannot depose.
To the last he saith his former deposition is true./
To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth<br />
to be a wittnes by the meanes of Mr Peter Richaut and Company And<br />
to the resdt he answereth that he referreth himselfe to<br />
his former deposition and otherwise negatively.
To the second Interrogatory he knoweth not to answeare.
To the third Interrogatory he answereth that he never saw any<br />
money payd for the shipp interrate, but he hath seene the<br />
accompt of Mr Abraham Vanderhoven a Merchant<br />
whereby he chargd the said Mr Peter Richaut and CompaNny<br />
with the money payd for the sayd shipp And further<br />
he knoweth not to answeare./
Repeated before Doctor Clerke./
On the 12th of ffebruary 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
Pottgreene and others against}<br />
Crumpe. Clements Smith}
Upon the articulate allegation given in and<br />
admitted on Crumpes behalfe the 29th of<br />
January 1654.
'''John Barrett''' of the parish of Allhallowed Barking London<br />
a Wayter at the Customehouse of which parish he hath<br />
bin about 8. or 9. yeares past , aged about [?40]<br />
yeares a wittnes sworne and examined he deposeth<br />
as followeth.
To he deposeth<br />
as followeth.
To +