First transcribed
18 August 2014 +
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Colin Greenstreet +
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HCA 13/70 +
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 18/08/2014 +
The 8th day of September 1654/ [ … '''B1'''
The 8th day of September 1654/ [CENTRE HEADING]
A busines of Examination of witnesse for perpetuall}<br />
remembrance of the matter promoted by Isaac Woodgreene}<br />
and Company, Owners and imployers of the Shipp the}<br />
''Affrican ffrigot'' whereof the sayd Woodgreene was<br />
Captaine against a certayne ffrench shipp called}<br />
the ''Madam Guardiana'' whereof Peter Martin}<br />
was Captaine and whatsoever goods and money in the}<br />
same: Smith dt.}
'''Robert Hunt''' of the parish of Saint Martin<br />
Outwich London Marchant aged 26 yeares<br />
or thereabouts a witnesse sworne and<br />
examined saith and deposeth as followeth<br />
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of<br />
the sayd Isaac Wood (sic) and Company/
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent<br />
well knoweth that the arlate Isack Woodgreene and Company in the moneths<br />
and tyme arlate in the yeares 1653 and 1654 had a Commission under the great<br />
Seale of this high Court of Admiralty to the effect arlate and the sayd<br />
Woodgreene and Company owners of the ''Affrican ffrigot'' did in persuance<br />
of the tenor of the sayd Commission sett out and imploy the sayd shipp ''Affrican''<br />
''ffrigot'' as a private man of warr to surprize and seize the shipps and<br />
goods of the ffrench kinge and his subiects, this hee this deponent the<br />
better knoweth for that hee hath seene and read the sayd Commission and<br />
was a servant to henry hunt of London Merchant one of the Owners of<br />
the sayd ffrigott and knoweth that the sayd Hunt did according to his share hee<br />
had therein contribute togeather with the sayd Woodgreene and others<br />
towards the setting forth of the sayd ffrigott upon the sayd designe And further<br />
to this article (saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose/
To the second article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent<br />
being at Tunnis in Barberie the sayd ffrigott touched there in the<br />
moneth of March last and there this deponent came aboard her as a Merchant<br />
and went in her from thence during the rest of the voyage in question<br />
and thereby knoweth that in the moneth of Aprill 1654 the arlate Isaac<br />
Woodgreene did with his sayd shipp the ''Affrican ffrigott'' upon the high<br />
and open seas neere the Island of Scio arlate meete with surprize and<br />
take the arlate shipp the ''Madam Guardiana'' (being a french shipp) and<br />
her lading, after which seizure hee saith the sayd Woodgreene standing<br />
in neede of provisions of victualls and for other necessarie occasions which hee<br />
had did goe with the sayd shipp or ffrigott the ''Affrican ffrigott'' and the sayd<br />
shipp the ''Madam Guardiana'' and her lading to Smirna And saith that after<br />
such his arrivall there the arlate Peter Martin the Commander of the sayd<br />
shipp ''Maddam Guardiana'' and all the rest of the Mariners gott on shoare<br />
there, and being gott on shoare they were under the protection of<br />
the ffrench Consull there, and by that meanes were not brought by the<br />
sayd Woodgreene for England, but whether the sayd Woodgreene did desyre<br />
the sayd Consull to permitt him to carry the sayd ffrench Commander or<br />
Mariners ffrench Commander or<br />
Mariners +
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