HCA 13/70 f.100r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 100 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/18 |
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The 8th day of September 1654/ [CENTRE HEADING]
A busines of Examination of witnesse for perpetuall}
remembrance of the matter promoted by Isaac Woodgreene}
and Company, Owners and imployers of the Shipp the}
Affrican ffrigot whereof the sayd Woodgreene was
Captaine against a certayne ffrench shipp called}
the Madam Guardiana whereof Peter Martin}
was Captaine and whatsoever goods and money in the}
same: Smith dt.}
Robert Hunt of the parish of Saint Martin
Outwich London Marchant aged 26 yeares
or thereabouts a witnesse sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth
Examined upon an allegation on the behalfe of
the sayd Isaac Wood (sic) and Company/
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
well knoweth that the arlate Isack Woodgreene and Company in the moneths
and tyme arlate in the yeares 1653 and 1654 had a Commission under the great
Seale of this high Court of Admiralty to the effect arlate and the sayd
Woodgreene and Company owners of the Affrican ffrigot did in persuance
of the tenor of the sayd Commission sett out and imploy the sayd shipp Affrican
ffrigot as a private man of warr to surprize and seize the shipps and
goods of the ffrench kinge and his subiects, this hee this deponent the
better knoweth for that hee hath seene and read the sayd Commission and
was a servant to henry hunt of London Merchant one of the Owners of
the sayd ffrigott and knoweth that the sayd Hunt did according to his share hee
had therein contribute togeather with the sayd Woodgreene and others
towards the setting forth of the sayd ffrigott upon the sayd designe And further
to this article (saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose/
To the second article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent
being at Tunnis in Barberie the sayd ffrigott touched there in the
moneth of March last and there this deponent came aboard her as a Merchant
and went in her from thence during the rest of the voyage in question
and thereby knoweth that in the moneth of Aprill 1654 the arlate Isaac
Woodgreene did with his sayd shipp the Affrican ffrigott upon the high
and open seas neere the Island of Scio arlate meete with surprize and
take the arlate shipp the Madam Guardiana (being a french shipp) and
her lading, after which seizure hee saith the sayd Woodgreene standing
in neede of provisions of victualls and for other necessarie occasions which hee
had did goe with the sayd shipp or ffrigott the Affrican ffrigott and the sayd
shipp the Madam Guardiana and her lading to Smirna And saith that after
such his arrivall there the arlate Peter Martin the Commander of the sayd
shipp Maddam Guardiana and all the rest of the Mariners gott on shoare
there, and being gott on shoare they were under the protection of
the ffrench Consull there, and by that meanes were not brought by the
sayd Woodgreene for England, but whether the sayd Woodgreene did desyre
the sayd Consull to permitt him to carry the sayd ffrench Commander or