MRP: Stephen White will
Stephen White will
PROB 11/367 North 95-141 Will of Stephen White, Gentleman of Hackney, Middlesex 02 June 1681
Editorial history
01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
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Stephen White was the cousin, trading partner and heir of Sir Stephen White.
Suggested links
See Thomas White senior will (father of Sir Stephen White; haberdasher)
See Sir Stephen White will (cousin of Stephen White; grocer)
See John White will (brother of Stephen White; based in Oporto)
See Thomas White junior will (brother of Stephen White; based in Oporto)
See Hackney (Stephen White inherited lan estate in the manor of Hackney from his cousin)
To do
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The one and Twentieth day of Aprill Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred eighty One and in the Three and Thirtyeth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffaith x:r.
I Stephen White of Darlstone in the parish of Hackney in the county of Middlx Gentleman being sick and weake in body but of perfect and sound minde and memory (praysed be God therefore) considering the ffrailty and uncertainty of this present life doe therefore make and ordaine this my present Testament (conteyning therein my last Will) in manner and forme following that is to say
ffirst and principally I recomend my soule unto Almighty God my maker and Creator hoping and steadfastly beleiving through his grace and the alone meritts of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and redeemer to receive full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my Sinns and life everlastingmy Body I comitt to the Earth to be buryed in the Parish Church of Hackney neare the grave of my Kinsman S:r Stephen White Knight deceased there interred
And I will that all such debts and duties as I shall truely owe unto any person or persons at the time of my decease shall be truely paid by my Executrix within as short time after my decease as may be conveniently And as touching that worldly meanes and estate both reall and personall which it hath pleased Almighty God of his mercy and goodnesse to bestow upon me I doe give devise and bequeath the same as followeth
And first as toucheing my reall estate I doe give and devise unto my deare and loving Wife Hester White and her Assignes for and during the terme of her naturall life one full and equall third part of my Capitall messuage in Darlston wherein I now dwell and of all the Gardens Orchards Yards Edifices and appurtenances thereof one like full and equall third part of all othe rmy Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with there Appurtenances lying within the Mannor of Hackney aforesaid And I doe give and devise the Reversow of the said third part of the premises expectant upon the deathof my said Wife together with the present possession of the other two third parts thereof unto my Sonne Thomas White and his heires forever enabling me to make such devise thereof I have surrendered the same to the use of my Will according to the custome of the said Mannourof Hackney Item I will that my said Wife shall have her dower or third part for the terme of her life of and in all other my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever within the Kingdome of England and Ireland or either of them
ITEM I give and devise unto my said Sonne Thomas White and his Heires the revercon expectant after my said Wifes decease of the said third part or dower of my said Wife of and in all my other Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with their Appurtenances scituate in any place or places whatsoever other than in the said Mannour of Hackney And alsoe I give and devise unto my said Sonne Thomas White and his Heires in present possession the other two thirds parts of all other my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments scituate in any place or places whatsoever other than in the said Mannour of Hackney And my Will and minde is that if my said Sonne Thomas White shall depart this life before he doe attaine the age of Twenty and One yeares and without leaving issue of his body lawfully begotten Then the inheritance of all my said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever scituate in any place or places whatsoever shall descend and come unto my Daughter Hester White and her Heires except my Wifes third part of the premises for her life w:ch third part for life I have given and willed unto her And in case my said daughter shall depart this life before shee doth attaine the age of Twenty and One yeares without having any issue of her body lawfully begotten Then I give and devise all my said Messuages lands Tenements and Hereditaments with their Appurtenances unto my NeeceSarah Colbourne and the Heires of her Body lawfully to be begotten and for default of such heires I give and devise the same unto the right heires of me the said Stephen White for ever And as touching my personall Estate (the debts by me oweing being thereout first paid or deducted) I will and appoint that the same shall be divided into three just and equall parts or shares according to the laudable custome of the Citty of London (whereof I am a Member) One of which third parts or shares I give and bequeath unto my said deare and loving Wife Hester White being her customary part of my Estate accruing unto her by virtue of the said Custome One other of the said three parts or shares I give and bequeath unto my said children Thomas White and Hester White and such other Child or Children as at the time of my decease I shall have or as my Wife shall then goe with to be equally divided betweene them or the survivors of them the same being their Orphanage part of my estate likewise accruing to them by vertue of the aforesaid custome And the other third part or share of my estate comonly called the Testators part (my funerall charges thereout first paid or deducted) I doe give bequeath and dispose as followeth ffirst I give and bequeath unto my said Neice Sarah Colborne the sume of six hundred and ffifty pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Christs Hospitall in London for or towards the educacon of the poore children there the sume of ffifty pounds of like money
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Hospitalls of Bridewell and Bethalem the like sume of ffifty pounds of like money and I leave to the discretion of the Court holden for the two last menconed Hospitalls how much of the said last menconed ffifty pounds shall be paid unto one of the said Hospitalls and how much unto the other
ITEM I give unto my Wifes Sister M:rs Mary Drake the sume of One hundred pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I give unto my Godson Stephen Baldwin the like sume of One hundred pounds of like money
ITEM I give unto my loving ffreind M:r Christopher Lethieullier the sume of ffifty pounds of like money
ITEM I give unto my Cousin Mary Harsnett and to my loving ffreinds M:r Andrew ffrancklyn and M:rs Griffith Relict of M:r Arnold Griffith the sume of Twenty pounds apeece of like money Item I give unto my loving ffreind M:r Richard Ingram the sume of Tenne pounds of like money
ITEM I give unto such Servants as shall live with me at the time of my decease the sume of Three pounds a peece And I will that the persons here under named shall weare mourning at my ffunerall Viz:t my Wife and Children and Servants my Neeice Sarah Colborne my Brother John Crowther and his Wife my Brother John Airehurst and his Wife and M:r Edward Baldwyn and his Wife and my Wife shall allow what shee pleaseth for Mourning for my Children and Servants but shall pay to every of the rest above named Mourners six pounds apeece to procure themselves mourning
ITEM I give unto the said M:r Christopher Lethieullier and his Wife Six pounds apeece for mourning the rest and residue of the last third part of my estate commonly called the Testators part which is not herein before bequeathed I give and bequeath as followeth that is to say One third part thereof unto my said Wife Hester White and the other two third parts thereof to my said Daughter Hester White And my Will and minde is that my stock in the East India Company shall not be sould nor apprized but the dividends for the same shall be divided between my said Wife and Children as soe much of my personall estate from time to time in such manner as my personall estate is above bequeathed and my Childrens proporcons of the said dividends shall from time to time be paid unto the Chamber of London for their use And I doe make ordaine and appoint my said above deare and loving Wife Hester White the full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And in case my said Wife sall depart this life before any of my Children shall attaine the age of One and Twenty yeares then I doe make ordaine and appoint the said Christopher Lethieullier Executor of this my last Will and Testament and Guardian to my Children And in case all my Children shall dye before attaining the age of one and Twenty yeares or Marriage Then I give unto my said Neice Sarah Colborne the sume of ffive hundred pounds of lawfull money of England out of my said Childrens porcons over and aboe the Legacies above to her bequeathed
And I doe hereby utterly revoke renounce and annihilate all former Wills Legacies and bequests by me heretoforemade and given and doe publish and declare this my present Testament (conteyning ffive sheets of paper) to be my very last will and none other nor otherwise
In witnesse whereof to the first fower sheets of these presents I the said Stephen White the Testator have set my hand and to this ffifth and last sheet have sett both my hand and seale Dated the day and yeare first above written Stephen White Signed Sealed published declared and delivered by the said Stephen White the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of John Clerke Sarah Hill John Alsop Scr and John Reely his servant.
I THE ABOVE NAMED Stephen White the Testator doe by this my Codicill or postscript give and bequeath unto my deare and loving Mother Thomasin White One annuity or yearly rent charge of Thirty pounds of lawfull money of England to be issuing out of my Lands and tenements scituate in Aldham in the County of Essex and to be paid unto her by Executrix halfe yearly by equall porcons the first payment therof to be made at the ffeast day of the Annunciacon of the blessed virgin Mary which shall first happen after my decease And my Will is that my said Mother shall have power to recover and receive the same by action suit distressed or by any other Legall course whatsoever And I doe will this my Codicill to be accounted part of my will and to be proved with the same In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale dated the One and Twentyeth Day of Aprill One Thousand Six Hundred eighty One.
Stephen White.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Clerke Sarah Hill John Alsop Scr. And Jn:o Reeley his servant.
Granted to Hestere White Relicta et Executrisis
"[1673] June 10. Whitehall. The King to Consul Maynard and to Francis Parry, Resident in Portugal, respectively. Recommending to them Stephen White, brother and adminstrator of John White of Oporto, merchant, deceased, that they may assist him in getting in and settling the estate of his said deceased brother, the treaty with Portugal leaving the administration of the estates of English subjects dying there to be according to the laws and customs of England. [S. P. Dom., Entry Book 31, ff. 111, 112.]"[1]
Possible primary sources
- Jump up ↑ F. H. Blackburne Daniell (ed.), 'Charles II: June 1673', Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1673 (1902), pp. 327-414. URL: Date accessed: 11 January 2012