MRP: Sir Stephen White will
Sir Stephen White will
PROB 11/358 Reeve 106-156 Will of Sir Steven White of Hackney, Middlesex 30 December 1678
Editorial history
30/11/11, CSG: Made small edits and restructured page
[hide]Abstract & context
Sir Stephen White appears to have married three times, although the dates and order of the marriages cannot be determined. The families of all three wives are referred to in White’s will.
The probable wives were XXXX Hassard, XXXX XXXXX, and XXXXX Thorowgood. Peter Hassard was a fishmonger, with two daughters, Mary and Sarah. Stephen White was one of the executors of Hassard’s will in 1648. Roger Nettleship married Mary Hassard in 1651. Assuming Stephen White married the younger daughter, Sarah, this explains White referring in his will to "my brother Nettleship and his wife."
Suggested links
See Thomas White senior will (father of Sir Stephen White)
See Peter Hassard will (father-in-law of Sir Stephen Wright)
See Stephen White will (cousin and commercial partner of Sir Stephen White; Sir Stephen White's principal heir)
See Hackney (Sir Stephen White purchased an estate in Dalston in Hackney)
See Smirna Venture Joint Stock subscriber list
To do
(1) Complete this transcription
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Steven White of Darlestone in the parish of Hackney in the County of Middlesex Knight being att present in reasonable good health of Body and in perfect memory ffor which I blesseth the Lord But knowing how soone it may please God to take me out of this Transitory life Doe while health and strength is afforded unto me make this my Last Will and Testament following
And ffirst I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of my good God steadfastly beleiving in and through Jesus Christ my onely Redeemer to have my sinnes pardoned and to be received unto xxxxx
And for my Body I comitt unto this Earth To be decently buried in the parish Church of Hackney where my present place of abode now is And it is my will That there shall not be above one Thousand pounds att the most expressed in all manner of Charges at my ffunerall whatsoever It being my will that there shall be Gold Rings given att my Buryall unto all such persons as shalbe invited thereunto
And it is alsoe my will that all my Loveing ffreinds, hereafter named shall be paid Tenn pounds unto each person wherewith to provide such mourning of Black att my ffunerall (viz:t) To my sister Sarah Cockerell To her sonne in Law Crawley Hxxxx and to my Neice his wife. To my Aunt Chomazee White To my Brother Edward Thorowgood To my sister Thorowgood the widdow To my sister Suzanne Baldwine To my Brother Walfoss and his wife To my Brother Trowell and his wife To my Brother Edward Lewes and his wife To my Brother Sherley To my Brother Lytell and his wife To my brother Tayler and his wife To my Brother Husbands and his wife To my Brother Nettleshipp and his wife. To my Brother Boylston and his wife To my Cousen Sammell Husbands To my Couzen Jn:e White and his wife To my Neice Susann Orme To Mary Paschall the widdow To M:rs Jenifer the xxxxx of Hackney To Doctor Bates of Hackney To Doctor Houghton of S:t Hellens parish in London To Doctor Jacombe formerly Minister at the Church by Eastgate To M:r Watson formerly Minister at S:t Stevens in Walbrooke To M:r Whitaker formerly Minister at S:t Mary Maudling in Bermondsey streete To M:r Cave the Minister at Islington To M:r Durham the Minister now or late dwelling att Islington To M:r Sympson the Minister att Newington To DoctorTyllastone of London To M:r Staincliffe the Minister dwelling in Hackney To M:r Reed the Minister dwelling in Hackney To M:r Bennoyer the Minister dwelling in Hackney To Doctor Rowxxxx the Minister now dwelling neare Bunhill To M:r Chxxxx the Minister now dwelling in London To M:r James Houblon the elder To Doctor Huffxx of Hackney To Mathew Txxxxx the Appothecary To M:r Ezekiel Wright of London Merchant and to M:r Ralph Smith the Elder of London Bookseller And it is alsoe further my will that all my servants living in my house att the time of my decease shall have mourning given them the which I leave unto the discretion of my Executors hereafter named to doe theirxx as they shall thinke fitting
As for the remainder of Estate and xxxxx which the Lord of his mercy hath been pleased to bestowe upon me whither in Land or in Personall Estate (any debts and ffunerall ffirst discharged) I dispose thereof as hereafter followeth
IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath unto my sister Sarah Corkwell the sume of Two Thousand pounds To be paid unto her within Sixe and Six months next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Neice Anne Hurst the daughter of my sister Sarah Cockerell the summe of One Thousand pounds To be paid unto her within Six and Sixe months next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Neice XXXX XXXX The sume of Three Thousand pounds to be paid her within Six and Six months next after my decease More I give and bequeath unto Robert Orme the sonne of my aforesaid Neice Susanna Orme The sume of ffive hundred pounds to be paid unto her within Six and Six months next after my decease for the use of her said sonne Robert And to be by her disposed for his best Advantage untill he shall attaine the age of one and Twenty yeares
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Cousen Stephen White the sume of Three Thousand pounds to be paid unto him within Six and Six monthes next after my decease More i give and bequeath unto the two Children of my Couzen Stephen White which are named Stephen White and Rebecca White to each of them the sume of ffive hundred pounds a peice To be paid unto my Couzen Stephen White for them within Six and Six months next after my decease More I give and bequeath unto my Couzen Hesther White The wife of my Couzen Stephen White one Breast Jewell Contayning Seaven greatest and Thirteen lesser Rose Dyamonds which I formerly bought of Jn:e Lawrence and paid him One Hundred and Twenty pounds for the same
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Neice Susanna Orme One necklace of Pearles contayning ffifty and One Large Pearls Together with a Lockett or XXXX sett with diamonds belonging unto the said necklace of Pearls The which I formerly bought of Jn:e Portman and paid one hundred and ffoure xxxx pounds for the same
ITEM I give and bequeathunto my Couzen Jn:e White now O Porto in Portugall the sume of ffifteene hundred poundsto be paid him within Sixe and Sixe months next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Aunte Thomazine White One hundred pounds To be paid unto her within Six months next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Ann Cockerill of Colchester widdow the sume of one hundred pounds To be paidunto her within Six and Sixe months next after my decease MORE I doe hereby give unto the aforesaid Ann Cockerill An Annuity or yearly payment of the sume of Twenty pounds To be paid unto her for and during her naturall life by halfe yeare portions The ffirst payment to beginn either at our Lady day or at Michaelmas which shall ffirstfallout next after my decease And for the due payment of the said Twenty pounds To be paid unto her as aforesaid I doe hereby Bynde and engadge All those my lands lying in Alaham and the aprts adjacent in the County of Essex the which I purchased of S:r Robert ffenn Knight and Robert ffenn his sonne Esquire And I doe hereby appoint and order That the said lands shall stand Charged with the said Annuity of Twenty pounds in the possession of whomsoever the said lands according unto this my will shall distend or xxxx with the like power of distresse for the non payment thereof att the end of fforty dayes after any time of payment (being lawfully demanded) as is usuall in cases of Annuities MORE I hereby give and bequeath unto the aforesaid Ann Cockerell the widdow The one moiety or halfe part of the Cottage and lands thereunto belonging lying and being in the parish of Gouldhanger in the County of Essex the which was formerly my Grandfather Jn:e Stevens And was by him given unto my sister Ann Player deceased The which moiety or halfe part of the said Cottage and lands I bought of my Neice Susanna Orme before her marriage unto her late husband Robert Orme deceased as by a deed of safe thereof under her hand and seale may appeare The which aforesaid moiety of the Cottage and lands I now hereby give unto the aforesaid Ann Cockerill and her heyres
ITEM I hereby give unto William Cockerell the sonne of the aforesaid Ann Cockerell of Carshalton widdow The some of Two hundred Pounds
To be paid unto him by my Executors when the said William shall attaine the age of one and Twenty yeares But if it shall fall out That the said William Cockerell shall dye before the said Adge Then it is my Will that the aforesaid two hundred pounds shall be and remaine unto my executor:s hereafter named
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Couzen Sarah Colborne the some of Three hundred pounds to be paid unto her att her day of Marriadge or att the Adge of Twenty and one yeares But if it shall soe fall out That my Couzen Sarah Colborne shall dye before her marriadge or her attaineing unto the Adge of One and Twenty yeares Then it is my Will That the aforesaid Three hudnred pounds shall be and remaine unto my Executor:s hereafter named
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Couzen Rebecca Husbands the sume of Two hundred pounds to be paid within Six moneths next after my decease unto my said Brother Richard Boylestone for her use And to be by him imployed for her benefitt and advantage untill she shall have attayned unto the adge of One and Twenty yeares or day of Marriadge which shall first happen to bee
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Couzen Jn:e Wollastone the some of Two hundred pounds to be paid him within Six months next after he shall have procured a full discharge from all those Credito:s he is or shallbe indebted unto
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Cuzen George Turfrey the some of Five hundred pounds To be paid unto him within Six and Sixe moneths next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath untro Stephen Thorowgood the sonne of my Brother Jn:e Thorowgood deceased unto whom I was Godfather the Some of Two hundred pounds to be paid him by my Executor:s when he shall have attained unto a Adge of one and Twenty yeares
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Couzen Stephen Read To and for the use of his sonne and my Godsonne named after Steven Read the some of One hundred pounds to be paid unto my aforesaid Couen Read for the use of his sonne within Sixe and Sixe moneths next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Doctor William Bates now dwelling in Hackney Sixty pounds More unto Thomas Watson formerly Minister att S:t Stevens in Walbrook I give Thirty pounds More to Doctor Armisley formerly Minister att S:t Giles without Cripplegate I give Twenty pounds MORE to M:r Whitaker formerly Minister at S:t Mary Maudlins in Bermondsey streate I give Twenty pounds More to M:r Rowles the Minister att S:t Thomas Hospitall in Southwarke I give Twenty pounds More to M:r Stancliffe the Minister now dwelling in Hackney I give Twenty pounds More to M:r Barrons the Minister now dwelling in Hackney I give Twenty pounds More to M:r Chester the Minister now dwelling in London I give twenty pounds Al which said somes soe by me given unto severall Ministers as aforementionced It is my will That they shall be respectively be paid unto them within Two months next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath One Hundred pounds To be distributed among Tenn poore Ministers that have been forced to leave their liveings by Tenn pounds a peice unto each of them according as Doctor Bates Doctor Almiskey M:r Watson M:r Whitaker M:r Stancliffe and M:r Roode or the Major part of them that shalbe surviving after my decease shall thinke fitt To be paid within Sixe moneths next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath ffifty pounds to be distributed among tenn poore Ministers widdows by ffive pounds a peice unto each of them according as Doctor Bates Doctor Amisley M:r Watson M:r Whitaker M:r Stancliffe and M:r Roode or the Major part of them that shall be surviving after my decease shall thinke fitt To be paid within Six moneths next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto M:r s Church
The widdow of M:r Church the Minister deceased late dwelling in Hackney the some of ffifty pounds To be paid unto her within Six moneths next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto M:rs Mary Pasthall the widdow the some of Twenty pounds To be paid unto her within Six moneths next after my decease MORE I give unto the said Mary Pasthall An Annuity or yearly payment of the some of Tenn pounds to be paid her for and dureing her naturall life by halfe yearly payments The first payment to begin either att our Lady Day or att Michaelmas which shall fall out next after my decease And for the dew (sic) payment of the said Tenn pounds a yeare unto M:rs Pasthall as aforeasid I doe hereby bynde and ingaged those my lands lying in Braatham in the County of Suffolk And doe hereby appoint and order that the said lands shall be satyed Charged with the Annuity in the possession of whomsoever that the said ffarme or lands according unto this my will shall descend or come with the like power of distress for non payment after fforty dayes (being lawfully demanded) As is usual in Cases of Annuities
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Townes of Coggeshill Brayntree and Botkinge (?) in Essex the summe of Thirty pounds unto to each Towne to be paid unto the Churchwardens of eachTowne for the time being within Six moneths next after my decease which Thirty pounds a peece given unto the aforesaid Three Townes It is my will that the same shall be employed by the Minister Churchwardens and Overseers of each Towne as a Stocke for the use and benefitt of the poore of the said respective parishes
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the parish of Aldham in Essex and unto the parish of Springfeild in Essex Tenn pounds to each parish To be by the Ministers Churchwardens and overseers of the poore distributed amongst the honest poore of the said respective parishes as they in their discretion shall thinke fitt
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the ffrench Congregation in London Twenty pounds to be paid unto M:r James Houblon the Elder and M:r Jn:e Jurgon within Two moneths next after my decease To be by them and their overseers of the poore distributed among them as they in their discretions shall think fitt
ITEM I give and beqeath to be distributed amonge the poore Pentioners of the Grocers Company Nyne pounds The which aforesaid some I did formerly pay in unto the said Company for my Corne money and was to be paid againe unto my Executors after my decease ALSOE I doe give One and twenty pounds more to be paid unto the Wardens of the Grocers Company for the time being within Two moneths next after my decease And to be by them distributed among the other poore people free of the said Company as they in their discretions shall thinke fitt
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Christs Hospitall in London the some of Three Hundred pounds To be paid unto the Treasurer of the said Hospitall for the time being with Six and Sixe moneths next after my decease To and for the use and benefitt of the poore Children in the said hospitall kept and mianteayned
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Brother Edward Thorowgood Twenty pounds to buy a peice of Plate with all as a remembrance of my love
MORE I give unto my sister Thorowgood the widdow Twenty pounds to buy a piece of Plate withall as Remembrance of my Love
MORE I give unto my sister Susanna Baldwyn Twenty pounds To buy a peice of Plate withall as a remembrance of my Love
MORE I give unto my Brother and sister Watson or the survivors of either of them Twenty pounds To buy a peice of plate withall as Remembrance of my love
MORE I give unto my Brother and Sister Trowell or the survivor of either of them Twenty pounds to buy a peice of Plate as a Remembrance of my love
MORE I give unto my Brother and Sister Lewis or the survivor of either of them Twenty pounds to buy a peice of Plate withall as a Remembrance of my love
MORE I give unto my Brother Shipton Twenty pounds to buy a peice of Plate withall as a Remembrance of my Love
MORE I give unto my sister Little Twenty pounds to buy a peice of Plate withall as a Remembrance of my Love
MORE I give unto my Brother and Sister Tayler or the Survivor of either of them Twenty pounds to buy a peice of Plate as a remembrance of my Love
MORE I give unto my brother and sister Nettleshipp or the Survivor of either of them Twenty pounds To Buy a peice of Plate withall as a Remembrance of my Love
MORE I give unto my Brother and Sister Boylestone or the Survivor of either of them Twenty pounds to buy a peice of Plate withall as a Remembrance of my Love
MORE I give unto my loving ffreinde M:r William White the elder of London haberdasher Twenty pounds
MORE I give unto M:r Ezechiel (sic) Wright the sonne of my Master Nathaniel Wright deceased Twenty pounds
MORE I give unto M:r Ralph Smyth the elder of London Bookseller Twenty pounds And More I give unto M:r Hen: Beavis formerly a servant with mee Twenty pounds All which severall somes soe given by mee asforesaid It is my will that they shall be paid unto them Respectively to buy Plate withall as a remembrance of my Love within three moneths next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto M:r Thomas Gyll who was formerly a servant unto my Cozen Steven White and now at O Porto in Portugall the some of ffifty pounds to be paid him within Sixe moneths
MORE I give unto Zachary Dixon who I placed Apprentice unto M:r Bartock in London the some of ffifty pounds to be paid unto him upon the Expiration of the Terme of years for which he was bound Apprentice
MORE I give unto William Garstone my servant If hee continue to live with mee in my house att the time of my decease the some of one hundred pounds
MORE I give unto my servant Jn:e Cooke if he continue to live with mee in my house at the time of my decease Twenty pounds
MORE I give unto my maid servant Ann who is the Chamber mayde if she continue to live with me in my house at the time of my decease Thirty pounds
MORE I give unto Damaris my Cooke mayde if she continue to live with mee in my house att the time of my decease Twenty pounds
MORE I give to Abigall my other mayd servant if she continue to live with mee in my house at the time of my decease Twenty pounds
MORE I give to Rowland Hill Thirty pounds and to Abesha (?) Twenty pounds soe as they both doe continue to be servants unto my Cozen Stibin att the time of my decease
MORE I give to Hester the maid servant unto my Neice Susanna Orme if she continue to live in my house at the time of my decease Tenn pounds All which severall Legacies given unto servants as aforesaid It is my will that they shall be paid unto them within Three moneths next after my decease
MORE I give unto Goodye Hallowny (?) who did formerly live with mee as a servant ffive pounds And unto those Two washer women who doe use to wash at my house I give ffifty shillings a peice to beforthwithe paid unto each of them after my decease
ITEM I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my Couzen Steven White All those lands and Tenements ffreehold and Coppy hold lying in the parish of Aldham and parts adjacent in the County of Essex the which I purchased of S:r Robert ffenn Knight and his sonn Robert ffenn Esquire The which aforesaid Lands and Tenem:ts I doe hereby give unto Couzen Steven White and unto the heires of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for want of such heires as aforesaid Then I doe hereby give the said Lands and Tenements unto Neice Susanna Orme and unto the heires of her body lawfully begotten and to be begotten And for want of such heires as aforesaid I doe hereby give the said Lands and Tenements unto my Couzen John White and unto the heires of his body lawfully begotten or to be beggotten And for want of suchheires Then I leave it unto the next heire att Comon Law But it is my will and meaning That the aforesaid Lands and Tenements shall stand Charged and be lyable unto the payment of that Annuity of Twenty pounds
A yeare given by this mw will as is above mentioned unto Anne Cockerell the widdow for and during her naturall life unto whom xxxxx they shall descende or come MORE I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my aforesaid Couzen Stephen White All that my lands and Tenements lying in and being in Darlestone and the places adjacent in the parish of Hackney in the County of Middlesex the which I purchased of S:r ffrancis Birley Barronett As alsoe all those my Lands and Tenements lying in and being in Brantham and Cattywade in the County of Suffolke being purchased by my Grandfather Jn:e Stevens and my ffather Thomas White and were by them left unto mee All
Anno 1677
My Reall Estate Estimates for Lands and Houses may com to .........................£10200li
My Personall Estate may com to more about the somm of ................................£24800li
I Reckon to have given away by my will made in August 1672 about..................17000li
Out of which there will be an abatement by theis particulars hereunder mentioned which are since dead (viz:t) To my Cozen Jn:e White deceased 2500li
To my Cozen Steven White his two children which are since dead 1000
2500li (sic)
R: 14500li
I PURPOSE God sparing my life By a Codicill to be annexed unto my said will to give theis severall Legacies unto severall as followeth IMPRIMIS unto my Cozen Stevens 2 Children now living Hester and Thomas 500li a peice (his former 2 children being deceased since the makeing of my foresaid will whereby their Legacies are void as to them). 1000
MORE unto my Cozen Gravly Hurst his 3 daughters Mary Sarah and Roberta Hurst I give 500li apeice to them or the Survivor:s of them To be paid at Dayes of Marriadge or dayes of 21 yeares 1500li
MORE to Doctor William Bates I give besides what mentioned in my will 0100li.
MORE to M:r Bowles our Lecturer at Hackney I give 0050.
MORE to M:r Parrett a minister in London I give 0020.
MORE to my servant William Carston besides what mentioned inm my will I give 0300. MORE to my Mayd servant Alisha besides what is in my will I give 0200.
MORE to my maid servant Damaris besides what is in my will I give 020.
MORE to my maid servant Abigall besides what is in my will I give 0020
MORE to the Hospitall of Bridewell I give 0100. MORE to my Cozen Poorye for his sonn Steven my Godsonne I give 0200.
MORE to my Couzen Balwne for his sonn Steven I give 0200.
MORE to my Cozen Norris for his daughter Mary my Goddaughter 0100.
Hackney January the Fourth 1677
Theis particulars to bee paid as abovementioned by mee It is my will that they be accordingly paid by my Executo:rs unto the Respective persons above said in case it shall please God to take mee out of this worlde before I shall have made a Codicill thereof to be annexed unto my will
Witnes my hand hereunto
I intend to make void that Legacie of Two hundred pounds given in my will unto my Cozen Geo: Turdrey for reasons best knowne to my Selfe. 200li
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/347 Dycer 1-51 Will of John Nettleship or Nettleshipp, Salter of Saint Lawrence Jewry, City of London 26 February 1675