MRP: September 1667, Letter from XXXX to Sir GO, XXXXX

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September 1667, Letter from XXXX to Sir GO, XXXX

BL, Add. MS., XX, XXX, ff. 14-15

Editorial history

01/06/09, CSG: Made partial transcription
22/12/11, CSG: Created page

Abstract & context

This letter appears to be from James Barker, who signs the subsequent short note.

Suggested links

See 27th September 1667, Letter from James Barker to Sir GO, London

To do

(1) Complete this transcription


This transcription has not yet been completed

BL, Add. MS., XX, XXX, ff. 14-15

[f. 14]

London ye 29th of August 1667

S:r George Oxinden (sic)

S:r yo:rs of y:e 1:st Aprill, 1665 have reced ?whereing I pstane [??] yo:r Worp:s hath binn Infformed of sume unkindness from M:r Craduk[1] att Bombay but I cann Insure yo:r Worp: y:t whoe soe ever did informe thereof did him much wron for I was allwais in his Comp:a theare & never heard him speake one word y:t was unhandsome towchinge yo:r works:

S:r I should have write by y:e Returne but not beleving she would proseed omitted, I confered w:th yo:r deere Sister[2] beefore she her Death & she advised not to send any returnes y:t yeare, I am a prepareing against y:e Next Sezone & if a peece I hope to have some of y:t Commodity from y:e place of its groath in dew time if not I know of a percell in towne w:ch I doubt not but to procure our muske was sould unto M:r Chris:a Boone[3] att fforty three shillings p ounce who deseyred it nought be entred at Custumhouse & with y:e Consentt of yo:r sister It was dunn as for y:e Deymonds as yett they are not sould & am offred only five tenn shillings p Carratt muske is now worth 3:ll p ounce & ambgres of y:e best 5:ll p ounce; Dymonds onlesse greate stones sell of little proffett if you send any pray lett them boe (sic) sume 10 to 20 Curratts (sic) Cleane good weater [?] well spred, M:r Vanperinge[4] [could be Tauperinge?] who hath

[f. 15]

Bought severall parcells of yo:r Worps: desired me to present his service unto yo:w who advised y:t lascars are & will bee in best request but they must be good weater [?] & Cleane wights as a bove or bigger , I hopped to have seene yo:r Wors once more in India, but it hath pleased God to deprive me of my ship by their unhappy wars w:th y:e Dutch shee being burnt



  1. Jump up Possibly Mathew or Richard Craddock
  2. Jump up Elizabeth Dallison
  3. Jump up Christopher Boone, London merchant
  4. Jump up Mr. ?Vanperinge was XXXX. See Missing faces