MRP: Robert Raworth
Robert Raworth (,
[hide]Robert Raworth biography (,
Robert Raworth’s family was from Dover in East Kent, just a few miles from the Oxenden and Master family homes in Deane and East Langdon. The family had a strong legal tradition, and an interest in scholarship. The youngest of three brothers, the lawyer Robert appears to have been the most commercially successful. The same age as Elizabeth Dalyson, he provided legal services to the Dallison and to the Oxenden family for more than forty years (1631-1675).[1]
The family interest in scholarship is seen in bequests of books by his father, Francis Raworth senior, to two of his sons, and the bequest of a Life of Martyrs to his daughter;[2] in Robert Raworth’s adolescent poetry;[3] and in the marriage in 1616 (TBC) of his older sister Elizabeth to a German diplomat and poet, the Stuttgart born Georg Rodolph Weckherlin (b.1584, d.1653).[4] Weckherlin appears to have lived with the Raworth family in Dover for part of three years he spent in England sometime between 1607 and 1615.[5] In his own will Robert Raworth made explicit admiring reference to his father-in-law, "the Learned and ever to be revered S:r Henry Spelman Kn:t."[6]
There were at least three lawyers in the immediate family: Robert himself; his elder brother, Francis (junior); and Robert’s father, also named Francis (senior). His second brother, Thomas, was a rector in Norfolk. Robert was admitted to Gray’s Inn on July 20th 1633.[7] It is not clear where and when his elder brother and father received their legal training, but both practiced law in Kent. Francis (junior)’s son, also named Francis, was an exact legal contemporary of Elizabeth Dalyson’s son, Maximilian. Both were admitted to Gray’s Inn on the same day in May 1650.[8]
He married Katherine Spelman, from Haydon, Norfolk, a family with strong legal connections.[9] Many Spelmans had been admitted to Gray’s Inn throughout the sixteenth and early seventeenth century. Whilst Katherine's father, Sir Henry Spelman, was a Norfolk historian and antiquarian who briefly attended an Inn of Court, others were practising lawyers. For example, Clement Spelman (b.1598, d.1679), the youngest son of Sir Henry Spelman, was a Gray's Inn lawyer, who was appointed a Baron of the Exchequer in 1663, and several of Sir Henry's daughters married lawyers.[10]
Raworth's brother-in-law, Ralph Whitfield (alt. Whitfeld, Whitfeild), later Sir Ralph Whitfield, was another Kentish Gray's Inn man, from Tenterden, Kent. In November 1632, the year before Robert Raworth's admission to Gray's Inn, Whitfield was appointed serjeant-at-law. At the time of Raworth's admission in mid 1633 Whitfield was already a reader at the Inn. Two years later, in 1635, Charles I appointed him King's serjeant.[11] That same year, on October 3rd 1635, he was knighted at Hampton Court.[12] Though not appointed to the Bench, he frequently presided at the York assizes.[13]
Robert Raworth probably knew Whitfield prior to his admission to Gray's Inn since Whitfield and Raworth were both witnesses to Sir Maximilian Dallison's will, made in late 1630, with Whitfield's signature in the most prominent, and Raworth's in the least prominent, position.[14] It is unlikely to be chance that two probably related Whitfields were admitted to Gray's inn on the same day as Robert Raworth in July 1633 - Ralph Whitfield, the third son of Ralph Whitfield, Esq., specifically identified in the admission's register as "reader of Gray's Inn", and William Whitfield, son and heir of William Whitfield of Snodland, Esq.[15] Robert Raworth's also name appears as a witness on a deed of revocation dated 25th June 1634 related to Kent land, immediately after that of that of the lead signator "Raphe Whitfeld".[16]
It is possible, though speculation, that Raworth clerked for Whitfield early in his career. When Sir Ralph Whitfield draw up his will, in September 1645,"sick and weak of body", he lamented the death of his brother-in-law, Sir John Spelman (b.1594,d.1643), and depradations to his own estate, but anticipated that his surviving brother-in-law, Robert Raworth Esquire, would assist his wife and eldest son.[17]
Robert’s legal career progressed through the troubled 1640s, and 1650s, and reached its peak in the 1660s. Made barrister-at-law in 1640, a position James Master also achieved at Gray’s Inn, he progressed to ancient in 1658, and bencher in 1664.[18] By the 1660s a partial reconstruction of his client list shows county gentry and nobility from across England, well beyond Kent and London. He acquired an estate in Berkshire towards the end of his career. Yet, though commercially and socially successful in terms of his client list, he was not knighted.
Surviving records of Robert Raworth's legal activities are scattered across many county archives, and show him acting as a lawyer for a wide range of gentry and aristocratic clients, sometimes with other lawyers and sometimes alone. It is hard to form a balanced view of his legal practice given the probably tendency for records relating to estate business to survive more frequently than those related to more commercial matters. Certainly those Raworth records in county archives are heavily oriented towards estate business, such as mortgages and marriage agreements, in which land played a key role. For example, he and Anthony Crofts appear in a bargain and sale of land at Stowe, Cornwall, in 1652, with the other party being John Grenville, heir of Basil Grenville.[19] It is only through painstaking unpicking of Dallison and Oxenden Chancery records held at the National Archives, in combination with inspection of Sir George Oxenden's correspondence at the British Library, that the role of Robert Raworth becomes clear in a number of lengthy and important commercial cases.[20]
Normally industrious, organised and positive, Raworth’s character had a melancholy side. Writing to Sir George Oxenden in April 1663 from Gray’s Inn he wrote unusually about personal matters. Referring to the fact that he himself had never been overseas he expressed admiration for Sir George, who had spent more than half his life outside England. He wrote of illness ("being afflicted w:th my Ould dissease y:e Stone") and his fears of death.[21] In 1666 he paid a fine to Gray's Inn in lieu of XX, giving ill health as the cause.[22] He died in 1676.[23]
When writing to his friend and client Sir George Oxenden, Robert Raworth gave his address as "Gray's Inn".[24] He appears to have acquired a property independent of chambers by the mid 1660s, since a Robert Raworth is recorded in the 1666 Hearth Tax returns in a property with eleven hearths, close to Lincoln's Inn.[25]
In 1670 Robert Raworth purchased the manor of Throcking in Hertfordshire, which passed to his daughter Frances Elwes on his death in c.1676. At her own death in 1678 the manor passed to her son, Robert's grandson, Jeremy Elwes.
Father & brothers
Robert Raworth's father and elder brother were prominent in the administration of Dover and the Cinque Ports, as town clerks of Dover, for a period of more than fifty years (1601-1657), with good connections in London to court, legal and commercial circles [TBC]. The town clerk role appears to have involved legal as well as commercial and administrative tasks.
Francis Raworth (senior) appears to have had a role as as an undersheriff and as an attorney prior to his appointment as Dover town clerk. In Kent records he is undersheriff for [Dover: TBC] in 1599. In the records of the Kent Quarter Sessions of July 1601, which were held in Maidstone, he acted as attorney for the defence of a gentleman client. He was probably appointed Dover town clerk in the same year.
Robert’s elder brother, Francis Raworth (junior) was Recorder of the Admiralty Court and Chancery for the Cinque ports, as well as town clerk for Dover. It has not been established when he took over from this father as town clerk.[26]
Robert Raworth client list
Lord & Lady Broghill
- Marriage settlement (1665-1666). Letter "Concerning Lord and Lady Broghill's marriage settlement" from "Jo. Foantayne and Robert Raworth"[27]. "Jo. Foantayne" may be the serjeant-at-law John Fountain CHECK
Robert Carr
- Shropshire Archives, 1037/10/20 16 May, 1650. Settlement in the form of a lease of land in Shropshire by a Shropshire based parties to Robert Raworth of Gray’s Inn, Middlesex, esq., and Robert Carr of the City of Westminster, Middlesex, gent for 99 years at pepper corn rent, allowing a Shropshire relative and his future Westminster resident wife to enjoy the land for their lives
Elizabeth Dallison
- Various law suits and land transactions (1657-1665)
- Co-defendant in law suit brought by Alexander Emerson et al. vs. Elizabeth Dallison et al.
- In February 1662 Elizabeth Dalyson, with “the knowledge and consent” of her son Maximilian Dalyson, surrendered the existing lease to the Bishop of Rochester and took out a new lease on the premises in the name of Robert Raworth of Grays Inn esq. & his heirs on the longest of the life or lives of Elizabeth Dallison, Maximilian Dallison her son, & Maximilian, the son of Maximilian Dallison
- Recipient of manor of Martin, Lincolnshire, conveyed by Sir Henry Oxenden to Robert Raworth as executor of Elizabeth Dallison (1675)
Sir Maximilian Dallison
- Witness to Sir Maximilian Dallison's will (1630? 1631?)
Edward Kelke (junior)
- Prepared Edward Kelke will (1658)
- Defended himself against scurillous allegations by Alexander Emerson of Lincoln's Inn, in a suit brought by Emerson and others challenging the preparation of Kelke's will and Elizabeth Dallison's administration of Kelke's estate
Sir William Hewitt
- See H.R.Moulton Catalogue 1930, ID 4227, Lot No. B1094,, viewed 06/10/11
John Holles, 2nd Earl of Clare
- various estate related transactions between 1651/52 and 1658. Robert Raworth appears on transaction documents as second to Bartholomew Hall, of Middle Temple, Attorney General of the Duchy of Lancaster,
James Master of Yotes
- Legal fees paid by James Master to Robert Raworth:
-- “July 6. 1655 Given to Mr. Raworth [A lawyer] 02 00 00”
-- “Feb. 14 1655-56 Given to Mr. Raworth y:e lawyer 00 01 00”
-- “July 19. 1656 Given to M:r Raworth y:e lawyer 00 01 00”
Sir Henry Oxenden
- Marriage settlement with Richard Meredith of Leeds Castle, re. Henry Oxenden's second marriage (1652)
- Reconciliation of differences between Sir Henry Oxenden and Thomas Panton over two moieties of a capital messuage in St. Martin in the Fields, following the conveyance of property by John Parker of Wellington, Somerset to George Oxenden, Elizabeth Dallison and James Master, as trustees of Sir Henry Oxenden (1669)
Henry Oxinden of Barham
- Deed of covenant between Allen Zouch, Knt., and Dame Katherine his wife, late the wife of James Hobart, Esq., and John Hobart, son of James Hobart, of the first part, Robert Raworth, Esq., and James Acton, gentleman, of the second part, and Thomas Peyton, Bart., Henry Oxinden, Esq. (son of James Oxinden of Wingham, Knt.; and Henry Oxinden of Barham, Esq., of the third part (1651)
Sir Ralph Whitfield
- Indenture of demise dated 28th October 1631 between Mathew Whitfield, esq, on the first part, and, Sir Ralph Whitfield, John Spelman, esq., and "Robert Roworth", on the second part. Indenture is stated by Hodgson to be (as of 1840) amongst the deeds at Whitfield house, Northumberland (1631)[28]
Edward Wood
- 1663/64. Letter from Edward Wood to John Pack, requesting Thomas Collins deeds from Mr. Raworth to be sent by Pack to him
- 1665. Letter from Edward Wood to John Pack returning box of writings which should be corrected by Raworth, Wood’s solicitor
- 1665/66. Letter from Edward Wood to John Pack, requesting Pack get advice from Mr. Raworth on Wood’ signature of a bond
- Edward Wood was a London merchant
Admissions to Grays Inn
'1607/08 Feb.3 Ralph Whitfield, gent., late of Staple Inn, fol. 617'[29]
'1612 Aug. 9. Herbert Whitfield, of Tenterden, Kent, Esq., fol. 673'[30]
'1622 Aug. 12 Robert Whitfield, third son of Herbert W., of Tenterden, Kent, gent., fol. 797'[31]
'1624/25 Mar. 12 Herbert Whitfield, M.D., of Tenterden, Kent., fol. 825'[32]
'1624/25 Mar. 12 Robert Whitfield, of Tenterden, Kent, gent., fol. 826'[33]
'1631/32 Mar. 2. Herbert Whitfield, son and heir of Ralph W., of Tenterden, Kent, Esq., "absque fine., as son of a reader" fol. 885'[34]
'1632 Aug. 13 Henry Whitfield, gent., second son of Ralph W., of this Inn, "absque fine.," fol. 889'[35]
'1633 July 20 Ralph Whitfield, third son of Ralph W., Esq., reader of this Inn, fol. 898'[36]
'1633 July 20 William Whitfield, son and heir of William W., of Snodland, Kent., Esq., fol. 898'[37]
'1633 Aug. 16 Roger Whitfield, fourth son of Ralph W., Esq., reader of this Inn, fol. 903'[38]
'1633 Aug. 16 Charles Spelman, second son of John S., Esq., of Haydon, Norfolk, Esq., fol. 903'[39]
'1649 June 6. John Whitfield, son of Thomas W., of Biddenden, Kent, gent., fol. 1,044'[40]
'1651 Nov. 26. John Whitfield, son and heir of Thomas W., of Biddenden, Kent, gent., fol. 1,069'[41]
PROB 11/141 Swann 1 - 66 Will of Herbert Whitfeld or Whitfeild of Tenterden, Kent 15 February 1623
PROB 11/194 Rivers 111 - 157 Will of Sir Raph Whitfeld, His Maiesties Serieante at Lawe 27 December 1645
"HARRISON Hugh, of Dunchurch, co, Kent, gent, bachelor, about 29, and Mrs Elizabeth RAWORTH of Dover Kent, spinster, about 22 and at her own disposal – at St Mary Savoy, or St Mary Magdalene, Old Fish Street. 24 June 1672."[42]
Primary sources
BL MS XXXXX Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir George Oxenden, ff. 106-107
PROB 11/351 Bence 55 - 108 Will of Robert Raworth of Grays Inn, Middlesex 18 July 1676
Possible primary sources
C 3/458/23 Short title: Raworth v Edlyn. Plaintiffs: Robert Raworth. Defendants: Henry Edlyn and others. Subject: property in Deptford, Kent. Document type: bill only. 1651
C 6/4/166 Short title: Raworth v Browne. Plaintiffs: Robert Raworth and others. Defendants: Thomas Browne, Cecily Browne and Mary Browne. Subject: property in Croft, and Inby, Lincolnshire. Document type: answer only. 1651
C 9/423/74 Raworth v. Tampkind 1664
C 10/163/12 Bourchier v. Frankland, Newcomb, Raworth: Middx 1671
C 10/106/108 Philip Sidney Viscount Lisle, Robert Raworth and Richard Nelmes v Charles Cornwallis: unspecified manor and others. Answer 1672
C 10/81/72 Moore v Twisden, Tregonwell, Raworth, Buckland, Wanley and others: Kent 1666
C 10/74/73 Pinder, Wiche, Buch, Raworth and Skipwith v. Watts: Herts 1664
C 10/14/105 Sir William Monson knight v Philip [Smythe] Viscount Strangford, John Fotherly, Robert Raworth and Thomas Marsh: manor of Grafton Underwood, Northants. Bill and three answers 1652
C 142/408/137 Whitfield, Herbert: Kent 21 James I.
E 115/434/62 Certificate of residence showing Ralph Whitfield (or the variant surname: Whitefield, Whytfield ) to be liable for taxation in Kent, and not in the ward of [Cripplegate, etc.], [London], the previous area of tax liability. (Any information not given in this certificate comes from its old pouch, no 276. 1623-1624
E 115/434/141 Certificate of residence showing Ralph Whitfield (or the variant surname: Whitefield, Whytfield ) to be liable for taxation in London, and not in the Royal Household [?London], the previous area of tax liability. (Any information not given in this certificate comes from its old pouch, no 474. 1640-1641
E 134/1657/East24 Edward Master v. Thomas Hocken, Sir Herbert Whitfield.: Manor of Burmarsh and lands in Romney Marsh. Value, &c., &c.: Kent 1657
E 178/6086 KENT: Burmarsh Certificate as to the manor (Master v. Whitfield and Hockin). 1657
STAC 8/132/6 Elliot and others v. Whitfield: Kent. 04/03/1603-27/03/1625
BL, Add. 72439 f. 139, Raworth (Robert). of Dover. Elegy, distich and anagram on E. Trumbull 1624 Engl. and Lat.
BL, Add. 72439 f. 113, Raworth (Francis). brother of R. Raworth. Letter to F. Raworth from R. Raworth 1628,
BL, Add. 61490 f. 195, Raworth (Robert). Witnessed, in 1670
Possible secondary sources
'The Life of Sir Henry Spelman Kt.' (no pagination) in Edmund Gibson, The English works of Sir Henry Spelman, kt: publish'd in his life-time; together with his Posthumous works, relating to the laws and antiquities of England; first publish'd by the present Lord Bishop of Lincoln, in the year 1695, together with the life of the author, now revised by His Lordship (London, 1723)
'Pedigree of Whitfield, of Randall-Holme', in John Hodgson, A History of Northumberland, in Three Parts: General history of the country, pt. 2, vol. 3 (Newcastle, 1840), p. 104
Forster, Leonard, 'G.R. Weckherlin in England' in German Life and Letters, vol. 3, Issue 2, pp.107–116, January 1939
Forster, Leonard, 'Sources for G. R. Weckherlin's Life in England: The Correspondence' in The Modern Language Review, Vol. 41, No. 2 (Apr., 1946), pp. 186-195
Jones, William J.,Images of language: six essays on German attitudes to European languages from 1500 to 1800 (Amsterdam, 1999)
Suggested links
See Robert Raworth will
See Francis Raworth will (elder brother of Robert Raworth)
To do
- Look again at the social and other links between the Raworth and the Trumbull families
-cf. BL, Add. 72439 f. 139, Raworth (Robert). of Dover. Elegy, distich and anagram on E. Trumbull 1624 Engl. and Lat.)
- Look again at the Weckherlin and Raworth family links. Have writers misattributed the John Raworth stationer link to Weckherlin, or are John Raworth, stationer of London, and Robert Raworth, printer of London, related to the Raworths of Dover? What of Robert Raworth "merchant of London"?
- Complete the Raworth client list. How does the client mix compare with client lists developed by other legal historians for C17th lawyers?
- Complete transcription of Robert Raworth will
- What happened to his Norfolk located brother James Raworth?
- Follow up background on Jeremy Elwes of Gray's Inn, Robert Raworth's son-in-law. He accumulated estates in Lincolnshire, and Robert Raworth appears on one of the related estate document (see Lincolnshire Archives Committee, Archivists' Report 20, 17th March 1968-15th March 1968, p. 11,, viewed 05/10/11)
- The father of Jeremy Elwes of Gray's Inn, was Jeremy Elwes of Roxby, Lincolnshire. His wife, Mary Morley, was the daughter of one of the six clerks of Chancery
- What was the connection between Sir John Monson of Burton, Lincolnshire, and Robert Raworth? (See Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies: DE/Cm/37993 7th May 1669: Lease for 1 year)
- See C 10/14/105 Sir William Monson knight v Philip [Smythe] Viscount Strangford, John Fotherly, Robert Raworth and Thomas Marsh: manor of Grafton Underwood, Northants. Bill and three answers 1652
- Look at connection of Bartholomew Hall, of Middle Temple, Attorney General of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Robert Raworth, who appear together between 1651/52 and 1658 in several related estate transactions concerning John Holles, 2nd Earl of Clare. Hall and Raworth are described in one document as "tenants to the praecipe" (University of Nottingham: Ne D 37 : 'Exemplification of a common recovery of properties in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire; Jan. 1651/2 ')
- Bartholomew Hall appears to have been in favour with the parliamentarians, as seen by his name in a list of visitors to the University of Oxford listed in 'An Ordinance for the Visitation and Reformation of the University of Oxford and the several Colledges and Halls therein', May 1647.[43]
- Bartholomew Hall was Treasurer of Middle Temple in 1650[44]
- "Hall, Bartholomew (1592-?); matr. Hart Hall 1611.6.14 age 18, BA 1615.11.7;bar-at-law middle Temple 1623, bencher 1649, attorney-general to the duchy of Lancaster] [Not found in DNB]"[45]
- Provisional dates for Bartholomew Hall as Attorney General of the Duchy of Lancaster are 1649-1654, succeeded by Nicholas Lechmere, and proceeded by Bulstrode Whitlocke[46]
- Jump up ↑ Earliest reference to Robert Raworth is as a witness to Sir Maximilian Dallison's will in 1631, PROB 11/160 St. John 69-138; latest reference is in 1675 as recipient of a bargain and sale of the manor of Martin from Sir Henry Oxenden, acting as Elizabeth Dallison's surviving executor over an unpaid mortgage between Lady Mary Widdrington and Elizabeth Dallison
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ BL, Add. 72439 f. 139 Elegy, distich and anagram on E. Trumbull 1624 Engl. and Lat.
- Jump up ↑ Gerald Gillespie, German Baroque Poetry (XXXX, 1971), p. 37
- Jump up ↑ William J. Jones, Images of language: six essays on German attitudes to European languages from 1500 to 1800 (Amsterdam, 1999, p. 198
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Will of Robert Raworth of Grays Inn, Middlesex 18 July 1676
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ Charles Parkin, An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk, vol. VIII (London, 1808), p. 387
- Jump up ↑ William Carr entry on 'Clement Spelman', in Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, vol. 53, citing Foss's Judges, vii. 171; Norfolk Archæological Soc. vol. vii. pt. vii. p. 253; Cal. State Papers, Dom
- Jump up ↑ Robert E. Ruigh, The Parliament of 1624: politics and foreign policy (Harvard, 1971), p. 52, fn. 16
- Jump up ↑ Thomas Sergeant & John C. Lowber, The Law Library, vol. 1 (Philadelphia, 1833), p. 5, fn. 3
- Jump up ↑ Thomas Sergeant & John C. Lowber, The Law Library, vol. 1 (Philadelphia, 1833), p. 5, fn. 3
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/160 St. John 69-138 Will of Sir Maximilian Dallison 28 November 1631
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 200
- Jump up ↑ H.R.Moulton Catalogue 1930, ID 4227, Lot No. B1094,, viewed 06/10/11
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/194 Rivers 111 - 157 Will of Sir Raph Whitfeld, His Maiesties Serieante at Lawe 27 December 1645
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ BL, MS.XXXXX Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir George Oxenden 9th April 1663, ff. 106-107
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Will of Robert Raworth of Grays Inn, Middlesex 18 July 1676
- Jump up ↑ BL MS XXXXX Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir George Oxenden, ff. 106-107
- Jump up ↑ 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Andrew Holborn (1 of 2)', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011). URL: Date accessed: 06 October 2011.
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/269 Ruthern 411-461 Will of Francis Raworth, Gentleman of Town and Port of Dover, Kent 27 October 1657
- Jump up ↑ Centre for Kentish Studies: Sackville Manuscripts [U269/C1 - U269/C356]: U269/C79 1665-66
- Jump up ↑ Detail provided in 'Pedigree of Whitfield, of Randall-Holme', in John Hodgson, A History of Northumberland, in Three Parts: General history of the country, pt. 2, vol. 3 (Newcastle, 1840, p. 104
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 119
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 130
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 168
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 176
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 176
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 195
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 197
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 200
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 200
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 202
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 202
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 251
- Jump up ↑ J. Foster (ed.), The register of admissions to Grays Inn, 1521-1889 (London, 1889), p. 259
- Jump up ↑ London Marriages Licences for Kent 1521 to 1869,, viewed 05/10/11
- Jump up ↑ C.H. Firth, R.S. Rait (eds), Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660 (1911), pp. 925-927. URL: Date accessed: 05 October 2011
- Jump up ↑ C.H.Hopwood, A calendar of the Middle Temple records (XXXX, XXXX), p. 81
- Jump up ↑, viewed 05/10/11
- Jump up ↑, viewed 05/10/11