MRP: 9th April 1663, Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir GO
9th April 1663, Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir GO
BL, Add. MS. XX, XXX ff. 106-107
Editorial history
26/05/09, CSG: Completed transcription
14/12/11, CSG: Restructured page
Abstract & context
Suggested links
See biographical profile of Robert Raworth
See 19th March 1665/66, Letter from Robert Raworth to Sir GO, Grayes Inn
To do
This transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked
[BL, Add. MS. XX, XXX ff. 106-107]
[f. 106]
The yeare being now passed since yo:r departure out of Eng:d yo:r freinds heere & I amongst y:e rest hope by the next from you to heare when you will returne in England to settle yo:r selfe for y:e remander of yo:r dayes you haveing for y:e tyme past truely made your life a kinde of á pilgrimage, you have soone many of y:e great wonders of y:e Great God, Ocularly, w:ch wee have onely by Contemplation, & in y:t I (that have never beene out of my native Countrey) have taken great pleasure But finde in y:t & all sublunary things noothing but incertanty; were a man to live Methusalaas age hee might prevent dooing strange things, But now since wee finde 50: or 60: yeares á great age for a man to live, & not one of 10: to live soo long, after haveing seene y:e great & strangest vicissitude of things & affaires of y:e world, (& greater have ?Feare beene soone in any part of y:e world than those last 22: yeares in Engl) wee must Conclude wee are strangers & pillgrims here; wee have noo
[f. 107]
A bideing Citty here but must looke for a better where will bee noo Shadow y:t Change; In yo:r newes from your great affaires you have tyme and opportunity to admire y:e great goodness & providence of God towards you & us, y:t after soo many dangers by sea & Land you have lived to y:e joy & Comfort of yo:r freinds, & wee hope will happily returne againe though I live not to see it, being afflicted w:th my Ould dissease y:e Stone; That though I patch up this house of Clay; y:e foundation must faile, & I have reason every day to prepare & waite when my great Change shall come; I will not trouble you w:th any busyeness, yo:r sister indefatigall in her paines & care, haveing given you alarge acco:t I shall onely say you had false freinds nowe showing themselves [xxx] [Could be: "moste"?] peverse develish enimyes; But trueth will prevaile at last, I doubt not but you will bee vindicated, I shall trouble you noo further but w:th my owne, wife,[1] sonn & Daughters service to you, & assure y:ou y:t I am
Yo:r ffaithfull freind & servant
Robert Raworth
Grayes Inn 9:th Aprill 1663:
- Jump up ↑ Robert Raworth was married to Katherine Spelman, a daughter of the Norfolk historian and antiquarian, Sir Henry Spelman