MRP: Putney

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Editorial history

01/01/12, CSG: Created page

Suggested links

See Carshalton
See Oxted
See Putney
See Richmond

To do

(1) Follow up past talk on C17th Putney by Dorian Gerhold, Wandsworth Historic Society
- See also Dorian Gerhold, Guide to Local and Family History Resources for the London Borough of Wandsworth (Wandsworth, 2009), downloadable word document, copyright

(2) Look at resources available from Wandsworth Heritage services[1]
- Includes records for historic parishes of Battersea, Clapham, Putney, Streatham, Tooting and Wandsworth, which are enclosed within boundaries of modern Borough of Wandsworth

(3) Take a look at the Surrey Quarterly Sessions Records
- Are they a useful way of getting greater granularity on Putney, Carshalton, Merton, Morden, Mortlake, Morden, Lambeth?
- What about the more urban areas of Bermondsey


Map of Surrey, Richard Morton, 1704

MAP PLATE Surrey New Descrip & State Of E Morden R 1704 2ndED Betwpp72&73 DL CSG 010112 copy.PNG

Map of Putney, 1626

BOOK PLATE MAP Putney 1626 Pettiward SAC 1926 Fac P2 IArch DL CSG 220222.png

Text from Map of Putney, 1626

Bottom RH corner text box

"You find by the letter:

A S:r Abraham Dawes land[2]
B M:r ?Willm Woman?sealls[3]
C M:r Hen:r Whites Lands[4]
D Edmund Powells Lands
E Hen:r Campion Lands
F Phillip Boures Lands
G S:r Thomas Clarkes Lands[5]
H Steeven Larretts Lands
J Dunston Duck Landes[6]
K M:r Langhornes Lands[7]
L XXXXX Nicolls
M Steeven Smyth Landes[8]
N Parr Goughs grounds[9]
O M:r Huntley his grounds
P Mathias ?Smy Lands
Q M:r XXXX Offeleys
?S Willm Steedmans Lands
W M:r Richard Willetts[10]
X ?Will Brooks Lands
Y Demeanes & Land waste
Z Willm White Grounds[11]
?XX Nicholas Lande XXXX

A.D. 16?17 [Third number looks like a 9, but published source claims map is from 1626]


Insert Townscape

Image credits & copyright information

(1) Morden, Robert, 'Surrey', Plate, The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales, 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 72 & 73[12]

(2) Anon, 'Map of Putney in 1626: from the original drawing in the possession of Mr. Charles Pettiward,' in Surrey Archaeological Society, Surrey archaeological collections, vol. 37, pt. 1, (Guilford, 1926), face p. 2[13]

Town profile


Named individuals on map of Putney, 1626

Henry Campion (d. by 1653)

Lysons cites from a newspaper, Perfect Occurences, Aug. 27-Sept. 3: "The Commissary General (Irelton) at Mr. Campion's". Lyson adds his own footnote: "This house is now a school, in the occupation of the Rev. Mr. Adams; it was built (as appears from a date in one of the rooms) in the year 1533."[14]

- Just possibly PROB 11/205 Essex 108-149 Will of Sir Henry Campion of Goudhurst, Kent 22 June 1648
- See also PROB 11/223 Bowyer 154-195 Will of William Campion, Factor for the Honorable English East India Company in Bantam of East Indies 20 October 1652
- See also PROB 11/260 Berkeley 413-460 Will of Hugh Campion, Gardner of Wandsworth, Surrey 01 December 1656
- See also PROB 11/117 Wood 1-58 Will of Abraham Campyon or Campion, Clothworker of London 10 April 1611 (speculatively, the father of Henry Campion of Putney)

See Everard Green, Pedigree of the Family of Campion (Danny MS. 6)[15]

"The Salterns, owned [1883] by Colonel Ouvry.
(Excerpt from his deeds).

12 May, 1653. Between Richard Campion of Putney Co. Surrey, Esq. son and heir of Henry Campion Esq. deceased, Thomas Bownest, of Putney, Esq. William Ashwell, of London, Esq. John Smith, of Low Layton Co. Essex, Esq. on the one part and Francis Guidott of New Lymington Co. Southampton Gentleman on the other part.

In consideration of £110 to said R:d Campion & five Shillings to said Thomas Bownest, W:m Ashwell & John Smith, paid by said Francis Guidott, the s:d R:d Campion & o'rs do bargain sell assign etc. to the s:d Francis Guidott his heirs & assigns all those five Salterns Salt water and Salt works situate etc. in Old Lymington in Co. Southampton. Twoe Salterns abutting on the lands of one . . . Bower in the occupation of William Dore on the south & east, towards Pennington Common on the west, & Oxey bridge and the Causeway on the north. And all that other Saltern lying in the Rowe Salterns abutting on the lands of one Henry Guddard, called Banbury, towards the east & the Highway towards the west, the "Causieway" leading to Banbury Saltern on the north, and the Saltern of Bartholomew Bulkley & Thomas Scot on the south. And all that Saltern Iying in the
Rowe abutting on the land of George Burrard on the north, & the land of Richard Parsons on the south, the Sea on the east, & the highway on the west. And all that Saltern lying in the Rowe abutting on the land in the occupation of Richard Pearse on the north, and the land of the said George Burrard on the south, the Sea on the east, & the highway on the west, & all houses etc. & bankes sluices waters lakes docks ways passages easements etc. & also all the freehold & inheritance etc. all quit-rents, Customary or Copyhold rents, fines for "alienacon" suites & services of or
belonging to the said premises & the Seigniorie & Seigniories of all the s:d houses lands & premises etc.

Henry Campion dec:d father of the s:d Richard or by Abraham Campion
grandfather of the s:d Richard —

To hold the s:d Salterns etc. free from the fee farm rent of £36-13-0 payable out of the Manor of Old Lymington to the heires successors & assigns of the late Queen Elizabeth. The s:d Francis Guidott doth hereby grant for him & his heirs & assigns to yield & pay for the s:d premises to the s:d R:d Campion his heirs & assigns yearly every year for ever the annual fee farm rent of "fower" pomids etc. on the feast days of S:t Michaell & the Annunciation of the Virgin in every yearly equal portions for all rent services & demands issuing or payable out of the said premises. If such
rent be in arrear or unpaid for 21 days it shall be distrained etc. on the s:d premises.

Richard Campion

W:m Ashwell.

Enrolled in Chancery 7th July (1653)

By Thomas Edwards.

Sealed & delivered in the presence of —

Thomas Urry
Philip Dore
Barth. Bulkley
G. Benyon."[16]

A "Mr. Campion" was a member of the First Classis in Surrey, which met at Winton, Surrey, 19th November, 1645. Campion was listed third, with Sir Hen. Mildmay as the first name.[17]

"Henry Campion, Esq." is listed as the second member for the Long Parliament, Bovember 1640, the first being John Button, Esq:r[18]

"Warwickshire County Record Office: Feilding family of Newnham Paddox (CR 2017/C1 - CR 2017/C328): CORRESPONDENCE OF THE 17TH CENTURY [no ref. or date: Unbound Correspondence in the time of the 1st and 2nd Earls of Denbigh (no ref. or date): Letters found loose addressed to Basil Lord Feilding and arranged in alphabetical order of correspondents (no ref. or date)]
- Morris Abbott, Job Harbie, John Langham, Samuel Vassall, Richard Middelton, James V?ean, Edward Abbott, Raphe Flower and Michaell Waring in London, creditors to Randoll Syms a deceased English merchant in Venice, to [Basil] Lord Feilding, Ambassador for his Majesty of Great Britain to the state of Venice, and to Francis Hide, Mighell Gatwood and Richard Gatwood in Venice, 26th February, begging their assistance in procuring for them the payment of Syms' debts. CR 2017/C49/1-2 1635[/6]
- John Bromhall, Henry Hyde, Grenling Tyndall and Henry Norris in Zante [Ionian Isles] to [the same] Ambassador in Venice, 13th July 1637; John Bromhall, William Burdett (? Consul), Grenling Tyndall, Martin Lobery, Henry Campion, John Kent and William Freeman in Zant to the same as before, 12th Jan. 1637/8; Henry Hyde in Zante to [the same], 5th March 1638: all concerning the unjust treatment of Henry Hyde, an English merchant, by the authorities. CR 2017/C56/1-3 1637-1638
- William Freman, Grenling Tyndall, Henry Norris, Martin Lobery, Samuel Whitehead, and John Hunt in Zante [Ionian Isles] merchants, to the same, Ambassador for the King's Majesty of Great Britain in Venice, 7th June: Henry Hide of their number has been appointed to acquaint his Lordship with the merchants' grievances. CR 2017/C65 1636
- William Pettie in Florence, Padua and Rouana to the same, Ambassador Extraordinary from his Majesty of Great Britain in Venice 1636-7, and as Ambassador to the Duchess of Savoy at Turin, 1638: on the purchase of pictures, his journeys, etc. CR 2017/C93/1-3 1636-1638
- Morgan Read in Livorno [Leghorn] to [the same], 28th April: shipping news CR 2017/C98 1638
- G.[eorg] R.[odolfe] Weckherlin [(1584-1653) Under Secretary of State] in Barwick to [the same], 4th June. CR 2017/C115 1639

Sir Abraham Dawes (d. ca. 1640)

- Sir Abraham Dawes was the eldest son of John Dawes (?of Bedford)

- "Sir Abraham Dawes, Knt., eldest son and heir, was one of the farmers of the customs, temp. Car. I. and was one of the most eminent men of his time: he, and Sir Paul Pindar, Sir John Wolstenholme, and Sir John Jacob, had assigned them (a) from Philip Burlimachi, the impositions laid by way of subsidy, on sugars, called Muscovadoes, St. Thomas's, white sugars refin'd, and unrefin'd, &c. for which , Burlimachi, had a greant from K. Charles I. Sir Abraham, was a very great royalist, and suffered greatly in the cicil wars; he was stiled of Putney, in Surry, and of London: and married Judith, daughter of Thomas Wright, of the county of Salop, Gent. by whom he had two sons; 1. Thomas, aetat. 26, 1630; and 2. John, aetat. 13, 1630; also one daughter, Jane, married to Elkin Wymondesold, of Southwell, in com. Nott. Esq: father of Sir Dawes Wymondesold, Knt."[19]

- Sir Abraham Dawes left a bequest in his will for the creation of almshouses at Putney

Dunston(Dunstan Duck (d. ca. 1650)

Lysons cites from a newspaper, Perfect Occurences, Aug. 27-Sept. 3: "Lieutenant Colonel Cowell, at Mr. Duck's"[20]

John Gough (d. 1630)

"John Gough of Putney, Surrey, gent. May 11, 1630. Bur. at St. Benet Paul's Wharf, L. nr. my late w. Ann & others my freinds & predecessors; my w. Isabel copyhold in Putney of manor of Wimbleton, in occ. of Phil. Burlamachi, esq...."[21]


- Steeven Smyth is listed on the 1626 map

Lysons cites from a newspaper, Perfect Occurences, Aug. 27-Sept. 3: "Judge Advocate, at Mr. George Smith's"[22]

Henry White (d. ca. 1658)

- Appointed High sheriff of Surrey, 1653

Lysons cites from a newspaper, Perfect Occurences, Aug. 27-Sept. 3: "Commissary General of Victuals, at Mr. White's." Lysons adds a footnote on Mr White's house: "This house now belongs to Mrs. Douglas Pettiward, widow of the late Roger Pettiward, D.D. The Pettiwards came to Putney by the intermarriage of John Pettiward, Esq. with Sarah, daughter and heir of Mr. White here mentioned. Amongst the vicissitudes which usually befall a parish so near the metropolis, they are the only family who were setled here in the last century. Henry White was appointed high sheriff of the county, by the parliament, in 1653. The Pettiwards appear to have taken the opposite side. Roger Pettiward, Esq. of Putney, was returned as one of the persons to be elected Knights of the Roayal Oak, when it was in contemplation to create such an order after the Restoration....Mrs. Pettiward is in possession of a portrait of Henry White, Esq. who is represented in his high sheriff's dress, and two excellent pictures of the celebrated Lord Falkland, by Cornelius Jansen; and Sir Abraham Dawes, by the same master. Sir Abraham was one of the farmers of the customs, an eminent loyalist, and one of the richest commoners of his time. In the splendor and magnificence of his housekeeping, he vied with the first of the nobility (Biograph. Brit. article Crispe, in the notes.) He lived at Putney in a house which he had built on some land which he purchased of Mr. Roger Gwyn. The house was pulled down about four years ago."[23]

M:r ?Willm Woman?sealls/William Wymondesold (d. ca. 1664)

Lysons cites from a newspaper, Perfect Occurences, Aug. 27-Sept. 3: "The General (Fairfax) at Mr. Wimondsold's, the high sheriff." Lyson adds in a footnote: "Mr. Wymondsold's house now belongs to Mrs D'Aranda, as appears from her title deeds. It was purchased by Paul D'Aranda, Esq. of the trustees of Sir Theodore Jansen, Bart. previously to whom it had been the property of the Wymondsolds. On the same site was anciently a mansion belonging to the Welbecks, several of which family lie buriedin the chancel at Putney. The present house as built in the year 1596, by John Lacy, citizen and clothworker, as appears from the records of the manor of Wimbledon. The cieling of the drawing-room is ornamented with the clothworkers' arms. A survey of Putney, taken in the year 1617, describes this house as "a fair edifice in which his "Majesty had been." James I. was of the clothworkers' company, a circumstance, probably, which occasioned the visit there recorded."[24]

Putney, Surrey, Lysons, 1792

"The waste land is vey extensive, consisting of a small common adjoining to that of Barnes, the whole of Putney heath, and the greater part of Wimbledon common, in which the parishes are marked out by posts placed from north to south. The cultivated land is principally arable, including about 120 acres, occupied by the market gardeners, and thirty employed as nursery grounds by Mr. Howey. Two hundred and thirty acres of Richmond-park are in this parish, two hundred of which are cultivated. The soil of this place consists chiefly of sand and gravel; there is some clay. The parish of Putney, exlusive of the hamlet of Roehampton, is assessed at the sum of 599 /. 12 s. 7d. to the land tax, which this year, (1792,) isat the rate of 1s 3d. in the pound."[25]

A2A search: Putney, 1640-1670

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam (FRE/1 - FRE/1126): Family (no ref. or date): Miscellaneous early deeds: deeds of the Turner family (no ref. or date): Lease for 21 years, annual rent £20 FRE/501 1 Nov 1653
- Contents: William Wymondesold of Putney, Surrey, esq to Richard Jones of Putney, esq. New built brick house in the town of Putney between the houses and grounds there in the occupations of Mrs Yardley, widow, south and Henry White, north, with the garden, orchard, stable and coach house and 2 closes of land (9a) one (5a) abutting W on the walls of the premises and the other (4a) abutting W on the former, ranging between the road to Richmond and the common fields
Schedule of fixtures and fittings annexed

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam (FRE/1 - FRE/1126): Family (no ref. or date): Miscellaneous early deeds: deeds of the Turner family (no ref. or date): Assignment of leases for £400 FRE/502 25 Mar 1657
- Contents:
Richard Jones of Putney, Surrey, esq to John Turner of London, merchant
1 Property as in FRE/501
2 Messuage with the outhouses, backsides and yards, courts, garden and orchard land in the town of Putney, abutting on the one side to a tenement held by Lady Ruse and an orchard occupied by Mr Lyte, and on the other side onto a common way leading to the common field and late in the occupation of Mayor Coulsonn and near to the waterside; 1 farndle of ground lying outside and ranging with the orchard wall open to the road leading to the aforesaid field. Recites leases for 21 and 30 years respectively of the two properties from William Wymansold to Jones and he assigns the properties to Frewen for the remainders of the two terms

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam (FRE/1 - FRE/1126): Family (no ref. or date): Miscellaneous early deeds: deeds of the Turner family (no ref. or date):: Bond in £800 from John Turner and Richard Slany of London, merchants to Nathaniel Letton of London, merchant for them to repay £412 to Letton at his house in Buttolph Lane, London by 15 Sep next FRE/507 14 Mar 1659

Note: John Turner, merchant, was linked to the Turner family of Cold Overton

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam [FRE/1 - FRE/1126: Family [no ref. or date]: Letters of administration [no ref. or date]: Martha Turner as executrix of the estate of John Turner [no ref. or date]]
- Letters of administration (PCC) of the goods of John Turner of Putney, Surrey granted to his widow Martha Turner FRE/158 14 Dec 1669

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam [FRE/1 - FRE/1126]: Family [no ref. or date]: Letters of administration [no ref. or date]:
- Letters of administration (PCC) of the goods of Martha Turner of Putney, Surrey widow granted to her son Henry Turner FRE/159 5 Aug 1681
- Letters of administration de bonis non (PCC) of the goods of John Turner of Putney, Surrey which were left unadministered by his administratrix Martha Turner at the time of her death, granted to their son Henry Turner FRE/160 7 Oct 1681

East Sussex Record Office: Administration of the goods of John Turner of London, merchant (died 1669) [no ref. or date]
- Receipted bill for work by Edmund Pickering at the funeral of John Turner at Putney FRE/169 1669-1670
- Appointment by Henry Turner (John Turner's administrator) of his brother Richard Turner of Lincoln's Inn, esq to receive all sums of money due from the heirs of the late Edward Crispe of Barbados, merchant FRE/170 17 Jul 1696

East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam (FRE/8198 - FRE/9713): ESTATE [no ref. or date: Leicestershire estate (no ref. or date): Correspondence: various early letters (no ref. or date)]
- Contemporary copy letters from John Pettiward written on behalf of his daughter Martha Turner to her steward William Hunt upbraiding his dishonest statements of accounts FRE/8968-8972 15 May-6 Dec 1670
- Letter to Martha Turner from her 'brother' Wymondesold concerning livestock at Cold Overton, and other estate matters FRE/8973 5 Jul 1670
- Letters to Martha Turner at her house in Putney, Surrey, from her steward Francis Pecher and from Francis Chamberlayne concerning estate matters. Details of prices of livestock purchased, payment of accounts, etc FRE/8974-8981 10 Mar 1671-13 Oct 1675
- Copy draft letters from Martha Turner at Putney to her Steward of the Cold Overton Estate, Francis Pecher giving him instructions as to management of the estate FRE/8982-8983 17 Feb 1676-14 Dec 1676
- Letter from Tyr[ingham] Stevens of [? the Registry of the Archdeaconry of] Leicester to Henry Turner at Lincoln's Inn concerning presentments to the Rectory of Sapcote, 1557-1599 FRE/8984 24 Jul 1683

Mentions of Putney in Wiki primary sources

Sir George Oxenden correspondence

See 8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney


PROB 5/1892 PROBY, Peter, of Putney, Surrey, merchant tailor, died in London (includes commission) [Registered will: PROB 11/378; Administration with will annexed d b n Feb 1686, Jun 1690] 1684[26]

Law suits


See Sir Thomas Chambrelan will
- "I desire that my body may be buried according to the Rules of the Church of England in the Parish Church of Putney soe neareas Conveniently may be to the place where my late deare wife was buried"

See PROB 11/378 Hare 141-180 Will of Peter Proby, Merchant Taylor of London 21 November 1684

Suggested image sources

View of Putney and Fulham, c. 1794

Anonymous artist/engraver, 'View of Putney and Fulham; View of Hackney,' pub. in The New and Complete English Traveller (XXXX, c. 1784)

- Two copper engraved antique prints on one page, left margin close trimmed (slight loss of decorative border). Size 23 x 36 cms plus margins. Ref G7110[27]

Suggested primary sources


PROB 4/13351 Turner, John, of Putney, Surrey 1670 24 Sept.
PROB 4/3128 Wymondesold, Sir Dawes, of Putney, Surrey 1675 18 Dec.

PROB 5/2124 SYMONDS alias SIMMONS, Hester, of Putney, Surrey 1666
PROB 5/1894 PETTIWARD, Roger, gent, of Putney, Surrey [Registered will: PROB 11/349] [Sentence: PROB 11/349] 1675)
PROB 5/1892 PROBY, Peter, of Putney, Surrey, merchant tailor, died in London (includes commission) [Registered will: PROB 11/378; Administration with will annexed d b n Feb 1686, Jun 1690] 1684
PROB 5/2301 Lawrence, Sir John, kt, of Putney, Surrey (includes account) 1694)
PROB 5/1257 Wymondsoll or Wymondsole, Thomas, esq, of Lambeth, Surrey, [merchant] [Registered will: PROB 11/448] 1698)

PROB 11/219 Grey 201-251 Will of James Martin of London 16 December 1651
- Possibly the deceased husband, James Maertin, fishmonger, of London and Putney, of Sarah Martin, who then married Sir William Terringham of Putney, as his second wife
PROB 11/314 Bruce 49-96 Will of William Wymondesold of Putney, Surrey 11 June 1664
PROB 11/315 Bruce 97-143 Will of Hugh Hubbert of Putney, Surrey 14 December 1664
PROB 11/321 Mico 92-138 Will of Edith Roberts, Widow of Putney, Surrey 13 July 1666
PROB 11/328 Hone 113-166 Will of Jane Hubbert, Widow of Putney, Surrey 30 September 1668
PROB 11/334 Penn 129-184 Will of James White, Brewer of Putney, Surrey 16 December 1670
PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir Thomas Chambrelan of London 07 December 1671
PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of John Pettyward or Pettiward of Putney, Surrey 11 December 1671
PROB 11/340 Eure 108-157 Will of Dame Mary Clarke, Widow of Putney, Surrey 07 December 1672
PROB 11/346 Bunce 104-150 Will of Noah Bridges of Putney, Surrey 10 November 1674
PROB 11/349 Will of Roger Pettiward, Gentleman of Putney, Surrey 09 February 1675
PROB 11/349 Dycer 106-147 Will of Sir Dawes Wymondesold of Putney, Surrey 22 February 1675
PROB 11/352 Bence 109-158 Will of William Pittman, Serjeant of His Majesty's Pivoy Buck Hounds of Putney, Surrey 06 November 1676
PROB 11/362 Bath 1-59 Will of Elizabeth White, Widow of Putney, Surrey 12 March 1680
PROB 11/366 North 48-94 Will of The Right Honorable Charles Earl of Nottingham 27 April 1681
- Charles Howard (b. 1610, d. 1681), the third Earl of Nottingham. Son of Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham, by his father's second wife, Margaret Stuart. He inherited the title of Earl of Nottingham in 1642, following the death of his half-brother, Charles Howard, 2nd Earl of Nottingham (b. 1579, d. 1641). 13 hearth house in Putney, Surrey (1664)
PROB 11/366 North 48-94 Will of Cordwell Hamond, Gentleman of Putney, Surrey 06 June 1681
PROB 11/371 Cottle 111-163 Sentence of Grace Ford, Widow of Rowhampton London 16 February 1682
PROB 11/378 Hare 141-180 Will of Peter Proby, Merchant Taylor of London 21 November 1684
PROB 11/388 Foot 90-132 Will of Sir Robert Wymondsold of Putney, Surrey 07 September 1687
PROB 11/397 Ent 139-189 Will of William Turner of Putney, Surrey 09 December 1689
PROB 11/414 Coker 47-90 Will of Jeremiah Jones, Waterman now belonging to Their Majesty's Ship Ossory of Putney, Surrey 17 March 1693
PROB 11/425 Irby 42-84 Will of Frydisweede Mascall, Widow of Putney, Surrey 27 May 1695
PROB 11/438 Pyne 89-132 Will of Walter Sysum, Mariner and now belonging to His Majesty's Ship Boyne of Putney, Surrey 14 May 1697
PROB 11/439 Pyne 133-177 Will of Daniel Belt of Putney, Surrey 08 July 1697
PROB 11/449 Pott 1-44 Will of Thomas Payne, His Majesty's Sergeant at Arms of Putney, Surrey 03 January 1699

PROB 18/7/94 Probate lawsuit Wymondesold v Wymondsold, concerning the deceased Sir Davies Wymondesold, kt of Putney, Surrey. Allegation 1675)
PROB 18/7/96 Probate lawsuit Pettyward v Pettyward, concerning the deceased Roger Pettiward, [gent] of Putney, Surrey. Allegation 1675)
PROB 18/13/52 Probate lawsuit Ford and Oveatt v Proby otherwise Ford and others, concerning the deceased Dame Grace Ford, widow of Roehampton, Surrey, relict of Sir Richard Ford kt. Allegation and interrogatory 1681

Suggested secondary sources

Bailey, Keith, Building and architectural history, Wandsworth Historical Society, Guides to Local History Sources No. 2 (XXXX, 1985)
Creaton, Heather (ed.), Biography of printed works on London history to 1939 (XXXX, 1994)
- Web accessible updated version available[28]
Gerhold, Dorian (ed.), Putney and Roehampton past (XXXX, 1994)
Gerhold, Dorian, Putney and Roehampton in 1665: A Street Directory and Guide (XXXX, 2008)[29]
Guthrie, Old Houses of Putney (1870)
Ordish, T. Fairman, 'Fairfax house, Putney' in The Antiquary, vol. xv (London, 1887), pp. 49-52
- Mentions a survey of Putney in 1617
- Wimonsold family long established in Putney
Wandsworth Local History Service, A guide to Wandsworth building history resources (XXXX, 2004)

Thom, Colin, Researching London houses (XXXX, 2005)
  1. Jump up, viewed 29/02/12
  2. Jump up S:r Abraham Dawes. Sir Abraham Dawes (b. ?, d. ca. 1640), of Putney, Surrey. A non-academic source suggests that General Fairfay stayed at "William Wymondsold's, which may have been the house built by Sir Abraham Dawes on what is now the site of Putney Station, the largest house in Putney" (PROB 11/184 Coventry 117-173 Will of Sir Abraham Dawes of Putney, Surrey 08 December 1640; see also PROB 11/252 Berkeley 1-52 Will of Sir Thomas Dawes, Gentleman of His Most Royal Majesty's His Honorable Privy Chamber in Ordinary and Collector or Customs of His said Majesty's customer inward in the Port of London and Surveyor of all the Customs in all His Majesty's Outports of Putney, Surrey 25 January 1656; PROB 11/273 Wootton 52-105 Will of Dame Judith Dawes, Widow of Putney, Surrey 12 February 1658; 'The Putney Debates 1647 Exhibition, at the Church of St mary the Virgin, Putney,', viewed 29/02/12)
  3. Jump up M:r ?Willm Woman?sealls. Possibly William Wymondesold, of Putney, Surrey (PROB 11/314 Bruce 49-96 Will of William Wymondesold of Putney, Surrey 11 June 1664)
  4. Jump up M:r Hen:r White. Henry White, of Putney, Surrey (PROB 11/278 Wootton 314-362 Will of Henry White of Putney, Surrey 27 May 1658)
  5. Jump up S:r Thomas Clarke.  ?Related to Thomas Clarke (b. ?, d. ca. 1627), yeoman, of Putney, Surrey (PROB 11/151 Skynner 1-59 Will of Thomas Clarke, Yeoman of Putney, Surrey 16 January 1627)
  6. Jump up Dunston Duck. Dunstan Duck (b. ?, d. ca. 1650) (PROB 11/214 Pembroke 157-211 Will of Dunstan Duck, Gentleman of Putney, Surrey 15 November 1650)
  7. Jump up M:r Langhornes. Possibly William Lanhorne, merchant, of Putney, Surrey (or a relative) (PROB 11/247 Aylett 210-263 Will of William Langhorne, Merchant of Putney, Surrey 15 February 1655)
  8. Jump up Steeven Smyth. Possibly related tp Stephen Smyth (alias Smith), yeoman, of Putney (PROB 11/112 Windebanck 56-114 Will of Stephen Smyth or Smith, Yeoman of Putney, Surrey 21 September 1608)
  9. Jump up Parr Gough. Possibly related to John Gough (b. ?, d. ca. 1630), gentleman, of Putney, Surrey (PROB 11/158 Scroope 64-117 Will of John Gough, Gentleman of Putney, Surrey 29 October 1630)
  10. Jump up M:r Richard Willetts. Possibly related to John Willett, gentleman, of Putney, Surrey (PROB 11/207 Fairfax 1-57 Will of John Willett, Gentleman of Putney, Surrey 15 February 1649)
  11. Jump up Willm White. Possibly related to Alexander White (b. ?, d. ca. 1610), baker, of Putney, Surrey (PROB 11/115 Wingfield 1-56 Will of Alexander White, Baker of Putney, Surrey 19 January 1610)
  12. Jump up Morden, Robert, 'Surrey', Plate, The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales, 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 72 & 73
  13. Jump up Anon, 'Map of Putney in 1626: from the original drawing in the possession of Mr. Charles Pettiward,' in Surrey Archaeological Society, Surrey archaeological collections, vol. 37, pt. 1, (Guilford, 1926), face p. 2
  14. Jump up Daniel Lysons, The environs of London: County of Surrey, vol. 1 (London,1792), p. 407
  15. Jump up Extensive notes are provided on the Campion family in an introductory article accompanying the East Sussex Record Office entry on the "Danny Archives" (East Sussex Record Office: The Danny Archives)
  16. Jump up Edward King, Old times revisited in the borough and parish of Lymington, Hants, 2nd edn. (London, 1900), pp. 243-244
  17. Jump up Edward King, Old times revisited in the borough and parish of Lymington, Hants, 2nd edn. (London, 1900), p. 242
  18. Jump up Edward King, Old times revisited in the borough and parish of Lymington, Hants, 2nd edn. (London, 1900), p. 178
  19. Jump up '281. Dawes, of Putney' (Sir John, knight,) Created Baronet, June 1, 1663,' in Arthur Collins, The English baronetage (London, 1741), p. 402
  20. Jump up Daniel Lysons, The environs of London: County of Surrey, vol. 1 (London,1792), p. 407
  21. Jump up J.H. Morrison, Register "Scroope" (1630): Abstracts and index, p. 124
  22. Jump up Daniel Lysons, The environs of London: County of Surrey, vol. 1 (London,1792), p. 408
  23. Jump up Daniel Lysons, The environs of London: County of Surrey, vol. 1 (London,1792), p. 408
  24. Jump up Daniel Lysons, The environs of London: County of Surrey, vol. 1 (London,1792), p. 407
  25. Jump up Daniel Lysons, The environs of London: County of Surrey, vol. 1 (London,1792), pp. 404-405
  26. Jump up Peter Proby, merchant taylor of London and Putney; eleven hearths in Surrey hearth tax returns for Putney (PROB 11/378 Hare 141-180 Will of Peter Proby, Merchant Taylor of London 21 November 1684
  27. Jump up, viewed 30/08/11
  28. Jump up, viewed 29/02/12
  29. Jump up Book description: "This book is based on a comprehensive house-by-house list of Putney and Roehampton’s inhabitants in 1665 (a hearth tax return). It combines this with the plentiful evidence from Nicholas Lane’s map of 1636 and parish and other records to provide a more detailed picture of the parish and its people - both rich and poor - than is possible for any other period before the nineteenth century. It describes the people, how they earned their livings and how they were housed, and examines the impact of the metropolis, the Thames and the plague of 1665 on the community. A street directory links the people and their homes to contemporary and modern maps"; Book author: "Dorian Gerhold is a House of Commons Clerk. He has written extensively on Putney, as well as on Wandsworth, Westminster Hall, road transport before the railways and other historical subjects. He is Chairman of Wandsworth Historical Society, a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries."