MRP: Oxted

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Editorial history

13/01/12, CSG: Created page

Suggested links

See Carshalton
See Putney
See Richmond


Map of Surrey, Richard Morton, 1704

MAP PLATE Surrey New Descrip & State Of E Morden R 1704 2ndED Betwpp72&73 DL CSG 010112.PNG

Town plan

Insert Town plan


Insert Townscape

Image credits & copyright information

(1) Morden, Robert, 'Surrey', Plate, The new description and state of England, containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales, 2nd edn. (London, 1704), betw. pp. 72 & 73

Town profile


Mentions of Oxted in Wiki primary sources


Law suits



Sir Edmund (Edmond) Hoskins will

- "[Written in 1664] Item I doe give and bequeath to the poore of the Parish of Oxted where I received my first breath fifty shillings to be distributed by my cozen William Hoskins and the like summe of fifty shillings to be distributed by my wyfe amongst the poore people in Carshalton where I desire to be buryed"[1]

Suggested primary sources


Suggested secondary sources

  1. Jump up Sir Edmond (Edmund) Hoskins will