MRP: Peter Cooze will
Peter Cooze will
PROB 11/329 Coke 1-56 Will of Peter Cooze, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 08 March 1669
Editorial history
[hide]Abstract & context
Peter Cooze was a mariner. He was part-owner and commander of the Loyal Merchant, in which Sir George Oxenden had a part-share. He appears to have sold the Loyal Merchant in late 1667, raising 1,000.
Sir Henry Oxenden wrote to his brother in November 1667, informing him of this:
Cap:t Couze hath sold ship for 1000:ll & I have taken out yo:w share he is about building a larger ship, he desires me to come in againe for a share, but I shall advise yo:w upon it, for many are discuraged from going shares in shipps, The Loyall merch:t goes to y:e Coast, we would faine have gather to goe to Suratt but could not prevaile, Cap:t Risby commands her, an honest man.[1]
Peter Cooze testified in court in support of Sir George Oxenden's legal action against various subscribers in the SVJS.
Peter Cooze's will appears to have been written in July 1668 and proved in ?March 1669/70. However, there is a calendar reference dating from January 7th, 1675 from a Home Miscellaneous record from a "Peter Cozens to John Goodier" regarding Sir George Oxenden, with Cozens claiming to have special knowledge.[2]
Suggested links
See 20th March 1662/63, Letter from Peter Cooze to Sir GO, Ratcliff
See March 1662/63, Letter from Peter Cooze to Sir GO
See Plymouth
To do
In the name of God Amen This Eighth day of July and in the twentyeth yeare of the Raigne of Our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Anno Domini 1668 I Peter Cooze of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stebonheath alias Stepney in the county of Middx marriner being at present in good health and perfect mynd and memory (praised be Almighty God) But considering my owne frailty And the uncertainty of this present life, not knowing the Tyme of dissolution, doe therefore make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following
And first and principally I doe recommend my soule after my departure hence, when it shall please god to put a period to my dayes in this Transitory life, into the hands of God my creator the father of spiritts, hopeing through the death passion resurrection and ascension of my blessed Saviour and redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ to have and receive free pardon and remission of all my sinnes And to participate of and in that Celestiall happiness laid up and purposed for all those that shall awaite for his appearance through the greate love and mercy of God in Christ to all the faithfull And my body I remitt unto the earth, from whence it came, to be decently interred therein as tyme and place shall permit
And as touching my temporall and worldly substance goods Chattells and Estate whatsoever wherewith the Lord hath bin graciously pleased to invest me withall or that I shall or may be worth at the tyme of my decease I doe order and dispose the same in manner and forme following
Imprimis I doe give and bequeath unto my loving brother Marke Cooze of Stoke and lyving in the County of Devon, marriner, the just and full somme of fiftie pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my loving brother in law John Turpley of Coome and lyving in the County aforesaid mariner the just and full somme of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my two younger kinsmen James and Robert Turpley both sonnes to my brother in law John Turpley the just and full somme of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England per peece
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my kinswoman First (?) Turpley spinster the alsoe daughter of the said John Turpley the Just and full somme of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England Item I doe give and bequeath unto my kinswoman Mary Turpley the just and full somme of Tenne pounds of lawful money of England
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my Kinswoman First (?) Victory one of my sisters daughters the Just and full somme of Twenty pounds of lawful money of England
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my [??MISSING TEXT] the Just and full somme of Twenty pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my sister in law Elizabeth Ashford of Wapping the just and full somme of five pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my brother in law Thomas Wilgate of Wapping marriner the just and full somme of five pounds of lawful money of England to buy him a ring and be worn in remembrance of mee
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my kinsman Thomas Sole the just and full somme of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto the poore distressed seamens widows of the Parrish of Stepney the just and full somme of Tenne pounds of lawfull money of England to be disposed of by and according to the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto the poore of Plymouth the place in which I was borne in the just and full somme of five pounds of lawfull money of England
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto my loveing friends Peter Brynt of Lymehouse Plaminer and to Jeane his wife and to both and each of them the just and full somme of five pounds of lawfull money of England per peece to buy each of them a ring and to wear in remembrance of mee And as touching or in respecte concerning that our messuage house or Tenement wherein I now dwell situate and being in the Hamblett of Ratcliffe in the County aforesaid my mynde and will it is and soe I doe declare that the said house or Tenement shall be to the use and behoofe of my wife and Executrix hereunder named and to the right heires of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten by me forever And for default of such issue then to the use and behoofe of my aforesaid loving Brother Marke Cooze And to the right heires of his body lawfully begotten or to be begotten forever Item whereas my wife at present is supposed to be with Child my mynde will and desire therefore is that in case such issue take effecte and produce any child or children that shall be borne and bee living and soe continue Then I give and bequeath to such child or children the full and just somme of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid in Gould together with the value of fifty pounds sterling money of England in plate my beste feather bedd my best suite of Curtains vallance Quilt And all other things Answerable to the said Bedd And likewise one Closett of Chayney ware And our greate looking Glase in the dyning roome of my said house And one Goulde Chayne and Whistell And att the decease of my wife one Goulde Cheyne of myne which commonly shee weareth
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto Marry More wife of ?Sir More of Ratcliffe one of my neighbours and loving friends the somme of Thirty shillings to buy her a ring and to weare in remembrance of mee And unto her daughter Mary the somme of Twenty shillings to [buy her] a ring and to weare it in remembrance of mee
ITEM I doe give and bequeath unto Margaret Brynt daughter of the aforesaid Peter Brynt the somme of Twenty shillings to buy her a ring to weare in remembrance of mee The which I order to be paid together with all the other of my Legacies within six months next and immediately after my decease
The rest and residue of my estate goods and Chattells (after my debts paid and Funerall expenses defrayed and these my Legacies herein bequeathed duely performed I give and bequeath unto my deare and loving wife Elizabeth Cooze whome I doe hereby make and ordayne to bee full and sole Executrix of this my last will and testament which I doe here pronounce to bee absolutely my last will and Testament utterly hereby renouncing and revoking all others whatsoever by mee heretofore made And this only to be established to stand and abide unalterable
And hereupon to the assistance of my said Executrix and for the corroboration and effectuall assurance of the performance hereof I have nominated and Elected and Chosen the beforenamed Peter Brynt and other Supervisors of this my said last will and Testament And as trusty loving and faithfull friends and assistants to my said wife and Executrix for the good of her and others herein concerned in the direct execution hereof And I doe give and bequeath unto my loving friend More the somme of Thirty shillings as a token of my love to him to bestow upon what he please payable with the other of my Legacies within six months next after my decease as aforesaid In witness whereof I have hereunto this my last will and testament put my hand and seale the day and yeare above written
Peter Cooze
Signed Sealed published and declared by the within named Peter Cooze as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of Peter Brynt John Swift John Jenkins
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/329 Coke 1-56 Will of Peter Cooze, Mariner of Stepney, Middlesex 08 March 1669
PROB 11/377 Hare 98-140 Will of Thomas Cousins, Mariner in His Majesty's Service of Saint Paul Shadwell, Middlesex 04 August 1684
1693 PROB 11/417 Coker 175-222 Will of Frances Cosson alias Cousins, Mariner late belonging to Their Majesty's Frigate Bristol but now belonging to the Woolwich 11 November 1693
PROB 11/420 Boy 91-135 Will of James Cozens, Mariner belonging to Their Majesty's Ship Sussex 18 May 1694
- Jump up ↑ November 1667, Letter from Henry Oxinden to Sir GO Letter 2
- Jump up ↑ 'Peter Cozens to John Goodier, January 7, 1675' (Home Miscellaneous, vol. xxxvi., p. 47), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes etc., of the East India company, 1674-1676 (Oxford, 1935), p. 136