MRP: Missing Faces Lab

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Missing Faces Lab

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02/03/12, CSG: Created page


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Bisk, Lady

  • Elizabeth Dallison states Lady Bisk is the aunt of Judge Goddard[1]
  • Guybbon Goddard (b. ?ca. 1597, or ?1613, d. ca. 1671), lawyer and MP
  • A PRC post-mortem inventory is available for Guybon Goddard, but no will has been identified[2]
  • Now identified as Guybon Goddard Esquire, of Lincoln's Inn; Recorder of Lyme Regis, Norfolk, and Judge of the Sheriff's Court, London, 1659; appointed serjeant-at-law, 1669[3]
  • MP for Kings Lynn and Castle Rising, Norfolk in 1654-1659 period, manuscript private parliamentary diary of Guybon Goddard survives for this period[4]
  • Sir William Dugdale was brother-in-law to Guybon Goddard[5]
  • Short profile of Judge Goddard in Henry J. Hillem, History of the borough of King's Lynn (vol. 2 (Norwich, 1907), p. 505. States resident in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, since 1651, having purchased manor of Flitcham and sold residence at Brampton; states Sir William Dugdale, brother-in-law of Goddard, wrote to a "Mr. Bishe", 17th November 1658. Is the "Lady Bisk" of Elizabeth Dallison's letter a mistranscription by me or by Oxenden's copyist for Bishe?)[6]
  • Grandfather of Guybon Goddard was Thomas Goddard gent., lord of manor of Castleacre Priory, and two messuages of land in east and west Rudham, in manor of East Rudham, as per an inquisition at King's Lynn, IV Charles I; Father was Thomas Goddard (d. 1613), and mother was Mary Guibon , daughter of William Guibon.[7] According to Blomefield, Guybon Goddard was sixteen at the death of his father in 1613, giving a birthdate of ca. 1597, not 1613 as given by Hillem, 1907: 505[8]
  • Few Norfolk Goddards in C17th have PRC wills[9]
  • "Council held on November 26th, 1661. Nine Benchers present....At this counsell, Mr Goddard, one of the Masters of the Bench, and Administrator with the will annexed of John Greene, Esq., late Recorder of the Citty of London, deceased, presented one peece of plate, being a Colledge Pott of silver of about tenne pounds value, which was bequeathed as a legacy to this Society by the said John Greene"[10]
  • "Accounts of George Day, Guibon Goddard and Thomas Manby, Esquires, the Treasurers, from Nov. 28th, 1661, to Nov. 28th, 1662."[11]
  • "Council held on February 11th, 16 Charles II, 1664. Nine Benchers present.... At this Council the Commissioners of the Treasury, M:r Day, Goddard and M:r Manby, are discharged from their office, and Sir Robert Atkins is chosen Treasurer for the year ensuing."[12]
  • "Council held on November 22nd, 1666.

Ten Benchers present.
Officers for 1667. 1667.
Lent Reader : No Reading.
Autumn Reader: M r Thomas Powis.
Treasurer: M r Edward Rich.
Keeper of the Black Book: M r Guibon Goddard."[13]

  • "Council held on November 26th, 1667. Eight Benchers present.

1668. Officers for 1668.
Lent Reader : No Reading.
Autumn Reader : M r Gibbon Goddard.
Treasurer : M r Edward Rich.
Keeper of the Black Book : M r Richard Graves."[14]

  • Try search "Bisk" or "Bishe" + "Goddard"
  • Try search in Norfolk e-archives & county histories

Gary, Henry

  • Henry Gary's origins are unclear
  • No discernible PRC will; Gary is exceptionally unusual English name in C17th
  • Do a secondary literature search
  • Jump up 3rd April 1663, Letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir GO, London
  • Jump up PROB 4/2831 Goddard, Guybon, esq., of Lincoln's Inn, London 1671 13 July
  • Jump up See notes section, letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir George Oxenden (Pre-17th March 1665/66, Letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir GO
  • Jump up Wiltshire and Swindon Archives: Savernake Estate (9/25/1 - 9/35/416): PUBLIC AFFAIRS (no ref. or date)...Parliamentary Proceedings (no ref. or date): no title 9/34/3 1654-1659:] Private parliamentary diary of Guybon Goddard, M.P. for Kings Lynn and Castle Rising, Norfolk. It covers 2 September to 18 December, 1654, and 19 January to 4 March, 1659, with a memorandum for 24 March 1659 and a long discourse on free ports for England
  • Jump up Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851, p. ?
  • Jump up Henry J. Hillem, History of the borough of King's Lynn' (vol. 2 (Norwich, 1907), p. 505, viewed 02/03/12
  • Jump up PROB 11/121 Capell 1-65 Will of William Guibon, Gentleman of Watlington, Norfolk 05 February 1613
  • Jump up Francis Blomefield, An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk, vol. 7 (London, 1807), p. 41
  • Jump up PROB 11/266 Ruthen 260-310 Will of John Goddard of Rockland, Norfolk 14 September 1657
  • Jump up [W.P. Baildon, W.D. Walker (eds.), The records of the honorable society of Lincoln's Inn. The Black books, vol. 3 (Lincoln's Inn, 1899), pp. 13-14, viewed 02/03/12
  • Jump up W.P. Baildon, W.D. Walker (eds.), The records of the honorable society of Lincoln's Inn. The Black books, vol. 3 (Lincoln's Inn, 1899), p. 24, viewed 02/03/12
  • Jump up W.P. Baildon, W.D. Walker (eds.), The records of the honorable society of Lincoln's Inn. The Black books, vol. 3 (Lincoln's Inn, 1899), pp. 36-37, viewed 02/03/12
  • Jump up W.P. Baildon, W.D. Walker (eds.), The records of the honorable society of Lincoln's Inn. The Black books, vol. 3 (Lincoln's Inn, 1899), p. 53, viewed 02/03/12
  • Jump up W.P. Baildon, W.D. Walker (eds.), The records of the honorable society of Lincoln's Inn. The Black books, vol. 3 (Lincoln's Inn, 1899), pp. 55-56, viewed 02/03/12