MRP: Mary Hoddesdon will
Mary Hoddesdon will
PROB 11/398 Dyke 1-44 Will of Mary Hoddesdon, Widow of Upminster, Essex 11 January 1690
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20/11/11, CSG: Made minor edits and restructured page
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See wiki article on Tobell Aylmer
See wiki article on Ludgate Hill
See C 6/133/9 f. 1
See C 6/17/7 f. 1
See C 6/133/9 f. 2
To do
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Mary Hoddesdon of Upminster Hall in the Parish of Upminster[1] in the County of Essex Widdow being in good health of body and of sound and perfect mind and memory praise bee to God but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life doe make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and forme following
THAT IS TO SAY FIRST and principally I Committ and Commend my Soule into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator hopeing and assuredly beleiving through the merritts death and passion of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and Remission of all my sinns and a Joyfull resurrection at the last day
And my body I Committ to the Earth from whence it came to bee decently buried according to the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named And that in the parish of Hornchurch in the said County of Essex as near as may bee where my late husband Christopher Hoddesdon was buried
And as touching all such worldly goods and estate as God hath been pleased to bestow upon mee in this life I give devise bequeath and dispose therof as followeth
FIRST I desire that all my debts and funerall charges may bee duely paid and discharged within convenient time after my decease
ITEM whereas my sonne in Lawe ffrancis Seamer[2] of Upminster Hall aforesaid stands indebted to mee in the summe of one hundred pounds for the payment of fifty pounds of lawfull money of England I give and bequeath thereout these legacies following vizt to my sonne Tobell Acton the summe of five pounds of lawfull money of England and a little Gold Ring And to his wife Charity Acton the like summe of five pounds and three pounds more to buy her a Ring to wear for my sake
ITEM I give and bequeath my said sonne in lawe ffrancis Seamer the summe of five pounds of lawfull money of England and to his wife Jane Seamer the like summe of five pounds
ITEM I give and bequeath to the said Jane Seamer my daughter all my wearing apparell both Linnen and woollen and also my Cabbinett my black box lined with Sarsnett my Bible Covered with blew plush and my Sable Muffle
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Mary Acton daughter of my said sonne Tobell Acton these severall goods and things following that is to say my ffeather Bedd and boulster two long pillowes two little pillowes two blanketts and Rugg Curtaines Valance and headcloth a large Looking Glass two hamer’s brass candlesticks a Green Carpett with ffringe and in my ould Trinck a Holland Sheete with three breadths a paire of Holland Pillowbears a Damask Table Cloth and twelve Naplins a pair of fine Callicoe Sheetes with three breadths and a pair of Pillowbears a pair of fine hempe sheets ?Ell broad and a pair of long Pillowbeers a paire of Course flax
Sheets two little Pillowes two paire of Lesser flaxen sheets and two Holland Smocks
ITEM I give and bequeath to all my Grandchildren tenn shillings a peece to buy them rings to weare in remembrance of mee
ITEM I give and bequeath to my Grandaughter Elizabeth Seamer my Beadstead and one paire of flaxen sheets two Pillowbeers two Tables with all the Rest of my goods in my Chamber not herein before disposed of
And whereas the Kings Maj:ty that now is stands indebted to my late deceased husband John Acton in a Considerable summe of money for Silver Plate xr by him delivered to the use of King Charles the first of ever blessed memory unto whom my said husband John Acton was Goldsmith And alsoe whereas severall persons are and standeth indebted in divers summes of money and debts unto my said husband or mee if any such summes of money and debts shall hereafter happen to be received gotten and obteyned my will and mind is that the same shall be equally divided betwixt my said sonne Tobell Acton and daughter Jane Seamer Share and Share thereof alike
All the Rest and Residue of Estate either Personall or Reall in what kind or quality soever the same shall bee found not before herein bequeathed I wholly give devise and bequeath unto my said sonne Tobell Acton whome I doe hereby nominate Ordaine and appoint full and Sole Executor of this my last will and testament
And I lastly I doe hereby revoke disannull and make void all former and other wills and bequests by mee heretofore had or made and these presents onely to Remaine as my last will and Testament
In witnesse whereof I the said Mary Hoddesdon to this my said last will and testament contained in the Sheets of Paper written on one Side of each Sheete have sett my hand to each Sheete and to the Topp and last Sheete sett my Seale this foure and Twentieth day of September Anno Domini one Thousand six hundred Seaventy Eight And in the thirtieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the faith xr
Signed Sealed as alsoe published and declared by the said Mary Hoddesdon Testatrix to bee and containe her present last will and testament in the presence of
Upminster Hall
The manor of Upminster, or Upminster Hall, or Waltham Hall, was one of three manors in Upminster. Until the dissolution it was the property of Waltham Abbey. According to the Victoria County History of Essex the manor was sold in 1642 to Elizabeth Hicks, Lady Camden, who died the following year, having settled it on her great-grandson Henry Noel, who died in 1677.[3] Presumably Mary Hoddesdon, who is not mentioned in the VCH, was a tenant of Noel.
Upminster Hall survives today as the clubhouse of the Upminster Golf Club. The building is stated in secondary literature to date from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with a north wing which may date from the seventeenth century.[4]
The thatched Upminster tithe barn dates from the middle fifteenth century and is located close to Upminster Hall. The Hornchurch and District Historical Society's museum of agricultural implements and local domestic items is located in the building.[5]
Potential secondary sources
Fox, Anthony W., Upminster Hall, its barn, and estate (XXXX, 2001)
- Jump up ↑ Upminster is located roughly four miles due east of Hornchurch. Mary Hoddesdon's husband, Christopher Hoddesdon, appears to have been of the manor house and manor of Lee Gardens in Hornchurch, and it is in the parish of Hornchurch where Mary desired to be buried, as near as possible to her deceased husband; for background on Upminster see W.R, Powell (Ed.) 'Upminster: Introduction and manors', A History of the County of Essex, VCH, vol. 7 (London, 1978), pp. 143-153
- Jump up ↑ "(MARRIAGE) Nov. 2 [1661] Francis Seamar [sic subs.], of Hornechurch, Essex, Gent., Wid:r, about 28, & Jane Acton, of same, Sp:r, about 20; consent of mother Mary Hoddesdon alias Acton, of same, Widow; at Rainham, Upminster, or Hornchurch, s:d co" (G.J. Armytage, Allegations for marriage licences issued by the Dean & Chapter of Westminster, 1558-16XX (London, 1890), p. 64)
- Jump up ↑ W.R, Powell (Ed.) 'Upminster: Introduction and manors', A History of the County of Essex, VCH, vol. 7 (London, 1978), pp. 143-153
- Jump up ↑ Christopher Hibbert, Ben Weinreb, John Keay, Julia Keay, Matthew Weinreb, The London Encyclopedia. 3rd edn. (London, 2009), p. 961
- Jump up ↑ Christopher Hibbert, Ben Weinreb, John Keay, Julia Keay, Matthew Weinreb, The London Encyclopedia. 3rd edn. (London, 2009), p. 961