MRP: Ludgate Hill
Ludgate Hill
Editorial history
18/12/11, CSG: Revised entry
[hide]Suggested links
See Hearth tax
See Places
See The Corner or Old Corner, near Ludgate (and Old Bailey), London
See Tobell Aylmer
To do
- Perform secondary literature search of "Ludgate Hill", "Saint Martin Ludgate", "Old Corner", & variants
- Look for relevant archival deposits
- Look at London Directory (1677) for Ludgate located merchants
It might be interesting to look at some of the residents of the area in the 1640-1669 period in addition to Tobell Aylmer. For example, John Evelyn lived at the Hawk and Pheasant, Ludgate Hill, 1658-59.[1]
- What was the social and commercial character of the area in the 1640-1665 period?
- Where were its key local linkages? To the courts? To the city?
- Was the parish of St. Martin Ludgate split between Farringdon within and Farringdon without?
Ludgate Hill was a fashionable shopping area in the seventeenth century.[2]
Tobell Aylmer in Ludgate Hill
See biographical profile of Tobell Aylmer
- Ludgate prison predated 1599
- Thomas Clarke, a keeper of the prison of Ludgate, 1641
- J & R. Nicholls, Keepers of Ludgate in 1630-1670 period[3]
- The Ludgate area was affected by the fire of 1666
- The 'Doggs head in the pott and the Fire', and other messuages in the said parish of St. Martin's Ludgate (1626)[4]
- See also reference to Doggs Head in the Pott in Fire Court records[5]
- [Mortgage] William Bowyer of Denham, Esq., to Randolph Byrd "at the Doggs head in the Pott within Ludgate", citizen and marchant of London (1655)[6]
- Pieces of ground on which stood messuages called 'The Still,' and 'the three guilded Keyes,' and the 'Still Saddle,' burnt down in the Fire of London, near Fleetbridge in the parish of St. 'Bridgett' alias Brides and on Ludgate Hill near Fleetstreet[7]
- Messuages on Ludgate hill near Fleet-bridge in the parish of St. Brides alias 'Bridgett,' one formerly called 'the Still' and now 'the Lookeinglasse,' another formerly called 'the Saddle' and now the 'three guilded Keys (1662)'[8]
- Two brick messuages in Blackfriars Precinct near Ludgate, where tavern called the Greyhound stood before the Fire of London[9]
- At the signe of the greene man at Ludgate Hill (1637/38)[10]
- Thomas Wakefield, Ludgate, yeoman (1662)[11]
Harben (1918)
"Ludgate Hill.-West from St. Paul's Churchyard to Ludgate Circus (P.O. Directory). In Castle Baynard Ward, Farringdon Ward Within and Farringdon Ward Without.
First mention : Temp. Eliz. (Proc. in Chancery II. 232, and S. 393).
Former names : "Flete strete "-from Ludgate to Flete bridge, 1274 (Ct. H.W. I. 19). "Ludgate Street" (q.v.)-from Old Bailey to St. Paul's (Leake, 1666, Weller's map, 1861).
Widened in 1864 at the time of the formation of Ludgate Circus, and again in 1893, from 47 to 60 ft., at a cost of about £200,000."
Possible image sources
Map of Farringdon without ward, Richard Blome, John Strype's London
Possible primary sources
Lancashire Record Office
- Lancashire Record Office: [no title DX 612 20 Dec. 1658]
- Contents: Bond for repayment of £103: (i) Thomas Posthumus Holt of Coleby, co. Lincoln, esq., Robert Heywood of Heywood, esq., Adrian Scroope of Cockerington, co. Lincoln, esq., & John Handsard of Clements Inn gent., & (ii) Richard Smyth of St. Giles Cripplegate, London, gent.: to be paid on 22 Jun. 1659 at the house of Walter Smith, scrivener, on Ludgate Hill, London. Witn: Walter Smith, George Sly. Heraldic seals. (Enclosed in DX 613).
London Metropolitan Archives
- Records of Saint Martin Ludgate, City of London, dating from the 16th century, including parish registers (marriages, baptisms, burials, banns) from 1538, vestry minutes from 1576 and rate assessments from 1573. Also administrative papers; records of parish poor relief, and papers relating to parish property.
- Lying on the north side of Ludgate Hill, the church of Saint Martin Ludgate was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666. It was rebuilt by Wren, 1677-1684 and is now a guild church. The church is dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours. The parish of Saint Gregory by Saint Paul was united with Saint Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street in 1670. The united parish was merged with Saint Martin Ludgate in 1890.
- See especially catalogue category "C", which covers "Rate assessments and inhabitants lists"
TNA: Ludgate inventories
By Index No
PROB 4/109 Scarborough, John, of St Martin, Ludgate, London, bachelor 1667 28 Nov.
PROB 4/529 Gardner, Fincham, of St Martin, Ludgate, London, bookseller 1685 Oct. (1684)
PROB 4/2288 Katherine, Clement, of St Martin, Ludgate, London 1661 9 Feb. 1661 9 Feb.
PROB 4/2911 Davies, James, Prisoner of Ludgate, of St Martin's, Ludgate, London 1678 16 May
PROB 4/3837 Hatt, William, of St Martin, Ludgate 1670 10 Dec.
PROB 4/5400 Eden, John, of St Martin, Ludgate, Citizen and Tallow Chandler of London 1679 18 Sept.
PROB 4/6078 Smith, John, of St Martin Ludgate, London 1661 22 May
PROB 4/6281 Wells, Joseph, of St Martin Ludgate, London, vintner 1691 25 Nov.
PROB 4/6458 Lewis, John, of St Martin Ludgate, London 1695 24 April
PROB 4/7731 Porter, John, of St Martin Ludgate, London 1665 1 Apr. (1664)
PROB 4/7909 Inventory of Tobell Aylmer, 1664, ff. 1-3
PROB 4/8022 Goodwyn, Charles, of St Martin Ludgate, London, haberdasher 1663 21 Feb.
PROB 4/8351 Cox, William, of St Martin Ludgate, London, combmaker 1682 27 Nov.
PROB 4/11156 Bishop, Mary, dau. of Mary Bishop of St. Martin Ludgate, London 1673 12 Aug. Undated
PROB 4/11377 Bargeman, John, of St. Martin Ludgate, London 1682 21 Feb. Undated
PROB 4/11676 Dermer, William, of St. Martin, Ludgate, London 1678 10 Sept.
PROB 4/16098 Knight, Francis, of St. Martin Ludgate, London, Citizen & Merchant Taylor 1673 23 Jan.
PROB 4/16197 Sawbridge, Hannah, of St. Bridgett alias Bride, London or St. Martin Ludgate, widdow 1688 31 Mar. (1685)
PROB 4/17488 Hussey, George, in Ludgate Prison 1675 [?4] May
PROB 4/21018 Taylor, Daniell, of St. Martin Ludgate, London ob. in Maryland, beyond the seas, batchelor 1677 24 July Undated
PROB 4/21285 Haskett, Stephen, of [St. Martin Ludgate, London], apothecary 1695 10 Apr. [illeg.]
PROB 4/21369 Wilson, Mr. William, of St. Martin Ludgate, London 1675 2 Aug.
PROB 4/21534 Canton, Benett, of St. Martin Ludgate, London, ob. at Cambridge 1664 10 Oct.
PROB 4/25527 Hougham, Margaret of St [Martin], Ludgate, London, spinster 1 [missing] 1677 ([?] May 1677)
PROB 4/25789 Dwelling-house in London. About £3,000 lent on bonds. Houses in Paternoster Row and Ludgate Street, "now burnt down" (1) missing (2) 26 Jan 1666/7 (31 Jan 1666/7)
PROB 5/621 WATTLE, Richard, of St Martin Ludgate, London, citizen and plasterer (includes account) [Registered will: PROB 11/358] 1681
PROB 5/1381 WELLS, Ester, of St Martin Ludgate, London (includes 2 commissions) [Registered will: PROB 11/454] 1699
PROB 5/3054 STEPHENS, Edward, house on Ludgate Hill, London (post 1670)
PROB 5/3097 OWIN, Nathaniel, of St Martin Ludgate, London (includes account) 1673
PROB 5/3351 STREET, James, of St Martin Ludgate, London 1691
PROB 5/4396 SMITH, Matthew, of St Martin Ludgate, London, died in Stanmore, Middx (includes commission) 1680
PROB 5/5516 GARDNER, Fincham, of St Martin Ludgate, London, bookseller (account only) 1685
PROB 18/8/75 Probate lawsuit Dawes and others v Spooner and others, concerning the deceased Edward Corbett, [citizen and cook of London] of St Martin Ludgate, London. Allegation and interrogatory 1676
PROB 18/25/19 Probate lawsuit Hawkesmore v Fell, concerning the deceased Hester Wells, widow of St Martin Ludgate, London. Allegation and interrogatory 1699
PROB 18/25/76 Probate lawsuit Hawksworth v Fells, concerning the deceased Hester Wells, widow of St Martin Ludgate, London. Allegation and 7 interrogatories 1699
PROB 32/25/227 Deceased: [Daffy, Anthony, St. Martin, Ludgate, London]. Inventory [1684] (Sworn 1685 Nov. 19)
PROB 32/25/259 Deceased: Daffy, Anthony, [St. Martin, Ludgate, London]. Account (Sworn 1685 Nov. 19)
PROB 32/67/32 Deceased: Wells, Hester, widow, St. Martins, Ludgate, London Account (Sworn 1699 Nov. 14)
PROB 32/67/41 Deceased: Wells, Hester, St. Martins, Ludgate, London Declaration (Sworn 1699 Nov. 15)
PROB 36/2 Name of deceased: Corbett, Edward St Martin Ludgate, London Case title and other data: Cook's Guild con Spooner Kitchen accounts 1676
PROB 36/3 Name of deceased: Corbett, Edward St Martin Ludgate, London Case title and other data: Cook's Guild con Spooner 1679
PROB 36/4 Name of deceased: Daffey, Anthony St Martin, Ludgate, London Case title and other data: Daffey con Trubshaw alias Daffey 1686
By date
PROB 4/6078 Smith, John, of St Martin Ludgate, London 1661 22 May
PROB 4/2288 Katherine, Clement, of St Martin, Ludgate, London 1661 9 Feb. 1661 9 Feb
PROB 4/8022 Goodwyn, Charles, of St Martin Ludgate, London, haberdasher 1663 21 Feb.
PROB 4/7909 Inventory of Tobell Aylmer, 1664, ff. 1-3
PROB 4/21534 Canton, Benett, of St. Martin Ludgate, London, ob. at Cambridge 1664 10 Oct.
PROB 4/7731 Porter, John, of St Martin Ludgate, London 1665 1 Apr. (1664)
PROB 4/109 Scarborough, John, of St Martin, Ludgate, London, bachelor 1667 28 Nov.
PROB 4/25789 Dwelling-house in London. About £3,000 lent on bonds. Houses in Paternoster Row and Ludgate Street, "now burnt down" (1) missing (2) 26 Jan 1666/7 (31 Jan 1666/7)
PROB 4/3837 Hatt, William, of St Martin, Ludgate 1670 10 Dec.
PROB 5/3054 STEPHENS, Edward, house on Ludgate Hill, London (post 1670)
PROB 5/3097 OWIN, Nathaniel, of St Martin Ludgate, London (includes account) 1673
PROB 4/11156 Bishop, Mary, dau. of Mary Bishop of St. Martin Ludgate, London 1673 12 Aug. Undated
PROB 4/16098 Knight, Francis, of St. Martin Ludgate, London, Citizen & Merchant Taylor 1673 23 Jan.
PROB 4/17488 Hussey, George, in Ludgate Prison 1675 [?4] May
PROB 4/21369 Wilson, Mr. William, of St. Martin Ludgate, London 1675 2 Aug.
PROB 4/25527 Hougham, Margaret of St [Martin], Ludgate, London, spinster 1 [missing] 1677 ([?] May 1677)
PROB 4/21018 Taylor, Daniell, of St. Martin Ludgate, London ob. in Maryland, beyond the seas, batchelor 1677 24 July Undated
PROB 18/8/75 Probate lawsuit Dawes and others v Spooner and others, concerning the deceased Edward Corbett, [citizen and cook of London] of St Martin Ludgate, London. Allegation and interrogatory 1676
PROB 36/2 Name of deceased: Corbett, Edward St Martin Ludgate, London Case title and other data: Cook's Guild con Spooner Kitchen accounts 1676
PROB 36/3 Name of deceased: Corbett, Edward St Martin Ludgate, London Case title and other data: Cook's Guild con Spooner 1679
PROB 4/2911 Davies, James, Prisoner of Ludgate, of St Martin's, Ludgate, London 1678 16 May
PROB 4/11676 Dermer, William, of St. Martin, Ludgate, London 1678 10 Sept.
PROB 4/5400 Eden, John, of St Martin, Ludgate, Citizen and Tallow Chandler of London 1679 18 Sept.
PROB 5/4396 SMITH, Matthew, of St Martin Ludgate, London, died in Stanmore, Middx (includes commission) 1680
PROB 5/621 WATTLE, Richard, of St Martin Ludgate, London, citizen and plasterer (includes account) [Registered will: PROB 11/358] 1681
PROB 4/11377 Bargeman, John, of St. Martin Ludgate, London 1682 21 Feb. Undated
PROB 4/8351 Cox, William, of St Martin Ludgate, London, combmaker 1682 27 Nov.
PROB 4/529 Gardner, Fincham, of St Martin, Ludgate, London, bookseller 1685 Oct. (1684)
PROB 32/25/227 Deceased: [Daffy, Anthony, St. Martin, Ludgate, London]. Inventory [1684] (Sworn 1685 Nov. 19)
PROB 32/25/259 Deceased: Daffy, Anthony, [St. Martin, Ludgate, London]. Account (Sworn 1685 Nov. 19)
PROB 4/16197 Sawbridge, Hannah, of St. Bridgett alias Bride, London or St. Martin Ludgate, widdow 1688 31 Mar. (1685)
PROB 36/4 Name of deceased: Daffey, Anthony St Martin, Ludgate, London Case title and other data: Daffey con Trubshaw alias Daffey 1686
PROB 4/6281 Wells, Joseph, of St Martin Ludgate, London, vintner 1691 25 Nov.
PROB 5/3351 STREET, James, of St Martin Ludgate, London 1691
PROB 4/21285 Haskett, Stephen, of [St. Martin Ludgate, London], apothecary 1695 10 Apr. [illeg.]
PROB 4/6458 Lewis, John, of St Martin Ludgate, London 1695 24 April
PROB 5/1381 WELLS, Ester, of St Martin Ludgate, London (includes 2 commissions) [Registered will: PROB 11/454] 1699
PROB 18/25/76 Probate lawsuit Hawksworth v Fells, concerning the deceased Hester Wells, widow of St Martin Ludgate, London. Allegation and 7 interrogatories 1699
PROB 18/25/19 Probate lawsuit Hawkesmore v Fell, concerning the deceased Hester Wells, widow of St Martin Ludgate, London. Allegation and interrogatory 1699
PROB 32/67/32 Deceased: Wells, Hester, widow, St. Martins, Ludgate, London Account (Sworn 1699 Nov. 14)
PROB 32/67/41 Deceased: Wells, Hester, St. Martins, Ludgate, London Declaration (Sworn 1699 Nov. 15)
TNA Ludgate inventories: known occupations
Merchant Taylor
Tallow chandler
Possible secondary sources
- Jump up ↑ 'Ludgate Hill' in Christopher Hibbert, Ben Weinreb, John Keay, Julia Keay, Matthew Weinreb, The London Encyclopedia. 3rd edn. (London, 2009), p. 517
- Jump up ↑ 'Ludgate Hill' in Christopher Hibbert, Ben Weinreb, John Keay, Julia Keay, Matthew Weinreb, The London Encyclopedia. 3rd edn. (London, 2009), p. 517
- Jump up ↑ Corporation of London Records Office: M.S. book of J & R. Nicholls, Keepers of Ludgate CLA/033/01/005 1637 - 1671,, viewed 09/10/11
- Jump up ↑ London Metropolitan Archives: Copy Probate of Will of Richard Graves HB/C/162 2 Chas. I. 1626,, viewed 09/10/11
- Jump up ↑ Phillip E. Jones, The Fire Court: calendar to the judgments and decrees of the Court of judicature appointed to determine differences between landlords and tenants as to rebuilding after the Great Fire (XXXX, 1970) vol. 2, p. 139
- Jump up ↑ Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies: Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies,, viewed 09/10/11
- Jump up ↑ London Metroplitan Archives: Indenture of Lease HB/C/058 9 Wm. III. 1697,, viewed 09/10/11
- Jump up ↑ London Metropolitan Archives: Indenture of Release HB/C/103 14 Chas. II. 1662,, viewed 09/10/11
- Jump up ↑ London Metropolitan Archives: Conveyance to make a tenant to the precipe and lead the uses of a recovery. ACC/0182/009 1679,, viewed 09/10/11
- Jump up ↑ Shropshire Archives: [no title] 5422/1-2 25 January 1637/38,, viewed 09/10/11
- Jump up ↑ Suffolk Record Office, Lowestoft Branch, Copy of probate will of Thomas Wakefield, Ludgate, yeoman. HA12/B4/4/31 10 Sept 1662,, viewed 09/10/11
- Jump up ↑ Ludgate Hill,, viewed 09/10/11