MRP: March 1665/66, Letter from Christopher Boone
From MarineLives
March 1665/66, Letter from Christopher Boone
BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX ff. 49-51
Editorial history
18/12/11, CSG: Created blank page - the letter has not yet been transcribed
[hide]Abstract & context
Christopher Boone wrote to Sir George Oxenden in a letter dated March 1665/66.
In this letter, Boone XXX
Christopher Boone was XXXX
Suggested links
See March 1665/66, letter from Christopher Boone, XXX Saige, Thomas Papillon, and Jos. Child to Sir GO
See 13th April 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO, London
See 7th October 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO
To do
(1) Transcribe this letter
This letter has not yet been transcribed
[BL, Add. MS. XX,XXX ff. 49-51]