MRP: Christopher Boone will

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PROB 11/389/1 Will of Christopher Boone, Merchant of London 29 July 1686

PROB 11/385 Lloyd 136-181 Will of Christopher Boone, Merchant of London of All Saints Lee, Kent 29 July 1686 + PROB 11/389 Foot 133-172 Will of Christopher Boone, Merchant of London 29 July 1686

Editorial history

14/10/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Christopher Boone (b. c.1615, d. 1686). Merchant. Member of the Merchant Taylor livery company. Cousin to George Oxenden and Elizabeth Dalyson, and five years older than Oxenden. Business location in London, with a residence in the parish of All Saints, Lee, West Kent, where he was buried on July 22nd, 1686.[1]

Christopher Boone was born, as he recorded in his will, in the parish of "S:t Mary Magdalen in the Towne of Taunton in the County of Somersett." He was associated with the London parish of S:t Stephen Coleman Street London, but gave as his residence in his will "All Saints in the Towne of Lee in the County of Kent where I now live."

Hasted described the parish of Lee as "but small, it lies low and flat, excepting towards the north, where the hill rises towards Blackheath; the lane, called Burnt-ash-lane, bounds it westward, and separates the two manors of Lee and Eltham. The village stands nearly in the middle of it, on the high road towards Eltham, and thence to Maidstone. It is very healthy and pleasant, and is well-built, the houses being all inhabited by genteel families of fortune. On the north side is the antient seat of Lee-place; at the west end a house, which has been many years the residence of the family of Papillon, opposite to which are the alms houses, built by the Boone family."[2]

Hasted writed specifically of Lee-place, which Christopher Boone identifies in his will as his residence ("my mansion house of Lee place"): "LEE-PLACE is an antient well-built seat, which formerly belonged to, and was the residence of the family of Boone, in which it continued till Thomas Boone, esq. dying in 1749, it came by his will to his natural daughter, married to Charles Cornforth, esq. who died possessed of it in 1777, when it went, by the limitations in Mr. Boone's will, to his nephews, sons of his brother, one of whom, Charles Boone, esq. now possesses it, but Benjamin Harrison, esq. treasurer of Guy's hospital at present resides in it."[3]

A Boone family genealogical website identifes an illustration of the front and rear view of a three storey house named Lee Place in Hasted's History of Kent as Christopher Boone's mansion house, and reproduces the illustration, together with an illustration of Christopher Boone's chapel and almshouse.[4]

He married Mary Brewer (b. ?, d. in or after 1707, just possibly bur. Mar. 5 1721/22), who survived him.[5]

Originally from Taunton, Somerset, he expanded his commercial reach into the East India trade. He appears in a venture associated with the Guinea trade in the company both of Elizabeth Dalyson’s close advisor, the merchant Thomas Papillon, and with the merchant Thomas Tyte, one of Elizabeth Dalyson’s two nominated referees required by the Court of Chancery.

Brother or cousin of Thomas Boone, merchant, they were both involved in the Spanish trade, and appear frequently in the correspondence of the Spanish merchant, John Paige. Thomas Boone was involved with Maurice Thompson in the late 1640s in advancing the Asssada plantation off Madagascar. Christopher Boone was elected a committee of the New England Company of 1649 in September 1677

In the late 1640s, Christopher Boone appears to have been resident in Seville, Spain, working as a factor for Thomas Boone in London, who was possibly his cousin. A letter from Thomas Boone to ?Richard ?Houncell in Alicante, Spain, dated June 3rd, 1648, made reference to:

The order you gave Mr Christopher Boone of Seville to send us some efecxts from thence or to lett us drawe itt on him that soe wee maie from hence remitt itt for your acco'o to Levorne because here are more occasions often for levorne than for St. Lucar or Cadiz itt is soe butt wee have verrye selldome occation to drawe itt from Seville bey exa there fore wee will write him to remitt it & for Vallentia if possible exsepte you will that hee remitt itt per some good English shippe that maie offer from thence hether which is selldome[6]

Christopher Boone maintained his commercial interest in Spain after his return to London, and employed Anthony Upton as his Seville factor in the 1660s.[7] Anthony Upton, like Christopher Boone, came from the south-west England, Upton from near Dartmouth, Devon, and Boone from Taunton, Somerset. Speculatively, Christopher Boone's strong and continued connection to the Spanish trade may explain his mention in his will, written in 16?8?X, of a cousin, John Boone "now at fflorida", which was Spanish controlled.

People mentioned in will

Wife: Mary Boone (nee Brewer)
Mother-in-law: M:rs Dorothy Brewer (widow)
Brother-in-law: Mr John Brewer (gent.); Richard Bowater
Sister-in-law: M:rs Dorothy Brewer
Uncle: John Whatlock
Cousins (female): Anne Whatlock (daughter of John Whatlock) and "my Cozen Mary Whatlock his wife deceased"; Elizabeth Henslow (spinster);
Cousins (male): Thomas Boone (London Merchant); John Boone (now at fflorida); John Oldberry; Henry Wagstaffe; Samuel Hardcastle
Great niece: Sarah Crocker
Loving friends: M:r Gilbert Upton (London merchant); Edward Watts (London merchant); S:r Benjamin Bathurst (London knight); M:r Benjamin Rookby (London merchant); M:r Robert Hubbard (London merchant); S:r John Mathews (London knight); M:r John Paige; M:r Joseph Sibley sen:r (London Tallow Chandler); M:r William Canstin (Lee, Kent, gent.); James Bowen (marriner); Edward Chapman (marriner); Richard Watts (in "Indyes")
Relationship unclear: Henry Boone (London Chirugion)

Suggested links

See March 1665/66, Letter from Christopher Boone
See March 1665/66, letter from Christopher Boone, XXX Saige, Thomas Papillon, and Jos. Child to Sir GO
See 13th April 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO, London
See 7th October 1667, Letter from Christopher Boone to Sir GO

See Anthony Upton will (factor of Christopher Boone in Seville; Upton mentions Boone in his will written 1669)

To do

(1) Check this transcription



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The Eighteenth day of March in the second yeare of the reigne of our soverigne Lord James the second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and ireland King Defender of the ffaith xr. Anno. Dom. 169[No fourth digit in digital image. It has been ommitted by the clerk] I Christopher Boone of London Merchant being in good health of body and of sound and perfect mind and memory (praise be therefore given to Allmighty God but considering the ffrailty and uncertainty of this mortall life doe therefore make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say

FFIRST and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Allmighty God my most mercifull ffather assuredly trusting and, beleiveing that through his mercy and the death and merits of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer I shall have full and free pardon and remission of all my sinns and transgressions and after this life ended be made partaker and inheritor of those everlasting joyes which are prepared for the Elect in the Kingdome of Heaven

And my body I committe to the earth where of it was framed to be decently buryed in Christian buryall in hopes of a joyfull resurrection

And touching such goods chattells moneys Lands Debts and estate as it hath pleased God to blesse me withall in this life I dispose thereof as followeth

FFIRST my will and mind is that all and every such Debts as shall be by me oweing at the time of my decease be truely satisfyed and paid with all convenient speed next after my decease after the payment whereof I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of S:t Mary Magdalen in the Towne of Taunton in the County of Somersett wher I was borne the summe of ffifty pounds to be distributed amongst the poore of the said Towne at the discretion of the Minister and Church wardens thereof desireing that their parochiall allowance may not be lessened thereby

ITEM I will that the summe of ffifty pounds be given and distributed to and among the poore of All Saints in the Towne of Lee in the County of Kent where I now live and other adjacent parishes in such manner and proporcions as M:rs Mary Boone my loveing wife shall thinke fitt and appoint

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of S:t Stephen Coleman Street London the summe of ffifty pounds to be distributed amongst them in such manner likewise as my said Wife shall thinke fitt

ITEM I give and bequeath to the Governors of Christs Hospitall the summe of One Hundred pounds to be disposed of


at their discretion for the good and benefit of such poore children as are or shall be kept there

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Governor and Company of Merchants of London tradeing into the East Indies the summe of ffifty pounds to be disposed of as they shall thtinke fitt for the use and benefitt of the Poore of their Almes house at Poplar

ITEM I give and bequeath to the Corporacon for proppagacon of the Gospell in new England and partes of America ffifty pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath to my cozen Anne Whatlock the daughter of John Whatlock and my Cozen Mary Whatlock his wife deceased the summe of one Thousand pounds if shee shall live to attaine the age of one and twenty yeares or be marryed the same to be paid unto her at such of the said times as shall first happen And my will is that shee be allowed interest for the same after the rate of six pounds p cent by the yeare towards her maintenance and educaccon in the meane time

ITEM to my cozen Thomas Boone of London Merchant the summe of one Thousand pounds and to Sarah his Wife Tenne pounds for mourning

ITEM to my great Neice Sarah Crocker the summe of One thousand pounds desiring and hopeing that my said Cosen Anne Whatlock and my said great Neice Sarah Crocker will not dispose of themselves in marryage during the life of mary my Wife without her consent and approbacon

ITEM I give to my Honoured Mother in Law M:rs Dorothy Brewer Widow Tenne pounds to buy her mourning And to my loveing Sister in law M:rs Dorothy Brewer One hundred pounds

ITEM to my loveing Brother in Law M:r John Brewer Gent. One Hundred pounds to be paid him in such manner and at such times as my wife shall thinke fitt

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loveing ffriend M:r Gilbert Upton of London Merchant the summe of One Hundred pounds

ITEM to my Cozens John Boone now at ?fflorida and Charles Boone Bodington and Dorothy his wife, Thomas Martin and Jane his wife S:f ffrancis Drake of Buckland in the county of Devon Barronett my cozens John Oldberry and William ?Ivatt (Or, ??watt) and Elizabweth his wife Charles Barksdall and Mary his wife Susanna Hurst Richard Goodall and Abigail his wife Elizabeth Lloyd my Goddaughter my loveing ffriend M:r Edward Watts of London Merchant and his Daughter M:rs Dorothy Turner my Goddaughter, my Godsonne Henry Boone sonne of Henry Boone[8] of London Chirugion my loveing friend S:r Benjamin Bathurst of London Kn:t M:r Benjamin Rookby of London Merchant my loveing friend M:r Robert Hubbard of London Merchant the Right Worshipfull S:r John Mathews[9] of London knight M:r John Paige to my cozen Henry Wagstaffe and Elizabeth his wife my Brother in Law Richard Bowater To every of them Tenne pounds apeice to buy them mourning or Rings if they please

ITEM I give and bequeath to my cozen Elizabeth Henslow Spinster ffifty pounds

ITEM to my cozen Samuel Hardcastle ffifty pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loveing friends M:r Joseph Sibley sen:r of London Tallow Chandler M:r William Canstin of Lee aforesaid Gent. James Bowen Marriner Edward Chapman Marriner and Richard Watts in the Indyes five pounds a eice to buy them rings

ITEM I give and bequeath unto each of my Men and Maidservants that


shall be liveing with me at the time of my decease the summe of ffive pounds a peice All which Legacies herein before by me given and bequeathed my will is shall be paid within one yeare after my decease of sooner if soe much of my estate as will extend to pay the same as alsoe the Legacie hereinafter given to my wife (which is in the first place to be paid) shall be gotten in

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my deare wife M:rs Elizabeth Boone in respect of the great love and affection which I have and beare towards her and of a considerable porccon which I received with her in marryage the summe of Tenne Thousand pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her in manner following that is to say

One Moyety of halfe parte thereof within foure moneths after my decease my will and mind being and soe it is here by declared that this my Legacie of Tenne Thousand pounds to my said deare wife shall in the first place be fully paid and satisfyed before any other my Legacies hereby bequeathed And whereas there is Two hundred pounds capitall in the stock of the East India Company which is entered and standeth in her name in the Bookes of the said Company my meaning is that shee shall have that two hundred pounds and all the proceeds of it over and above the said Tenne Thousand pounds I haveing given it her in her life time

ITEM I give unto my said dear wife All my plate Jewells Rings Cabinetts Bedding Lynnen Woollen Brasse Pewter and all other my householdstuffe and impliments of household whatsoever As alsoe my coaches and horses with the furniture and harnesse thereunto belonging and all such money gold or silver as shall be in her hands at the tome of my decease And all my Cowes Hoggs Sheep Beastes and cattle whatsoever that I shall be possessed of or shall belong unto me at the time of my death And I further give and decise unto my said deare wife M:rs Mary Boone her Heires and Assignes All that my Capitall Messuage of Mansion House of Lee place in the said Counts of Kent where I now dwell And all those sixteene Aces of Land be the same more or lesse with their and every of their appurtenances And all Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatever which I latels[ CHECK] or at any time heretofore purchased of George Thompson late of the parish of Lee in the said County of Kent and now of Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex Esq:r And alsoe all that my new built Messuage or Tenement in Lee als Leigh neare Blackheath in the said County of Kent with the gardens orchards and appurtenances thereunto belonging or thereiwth now used And all those my ffive Acres of pasture ground be the same more or lesse in lee aforesaid called or knowne by the name of Hawcroft which I lately purchased of ffrancis Griffith of the Middle Temple London Hent and Anne his wife To have and to hold the said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments unto the said Mary Boone my deare Wife her Heires and Assignes to the only use and behoofe of her the siad Mary her Heires and Assignes forever

ITEM I give and bequeath unto M:r Thomas Lucas Minister of S:t Stephen Coleman Street London And to M:r John Jackson Rector of All Saints Lee in the said County of Kent Tenne pounds apeice

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my cozen Christopher Boone the sonne of the said


Thomas Boone the summe of ffoure Thousand pounds if hee shall live to attaine the age of one and twenty yeares or be marryed and in the measne time my will and meaning is that the same be paid by my Executors hereafter named unto the said Gilbert Upton and my said Cozen Richard Goodall to be by them improved by placeing the same out at interest or otherwise as they shall thinke fitt with the consent of my said wife for the benefitt of my said cozen Christopher And as well the said principall summe of ffoure Thousand poundsa s the improvement thereof to be paid unto him when hee shall attaine his said age of one and twenty yeares or be marryed which of them shall first happen exceèt what thereof shall be expended in or towards his maintenance and educacon or placeing him out to some calling which I leave to the discretion of my said Wife Gilbert Upton and Richard Goodall desireing them in placeing him out to have a respect both to his cpacity and inclination And if my said Cozen Christopher shall happen to departe this life before hee shall attaine his said age of one and twenty yeares or be marryed or shall marry without the consent and approbacon of his ffather and my said Wife during their respective lives Then my will and meaning is that the said Gilbert Uptona dn Richard Goodall shall repay and redeliver the said ffoure Thousand pounds and such imporvem:t thereof as shall not have beene laid out or expended in or towards the maintenance or education of my said cozen Christopher or in palceing him out as aforesaid unto my Executors hereafter named provided allwayes that the said Gilbert Upton and Richard Goodall or either of them shall not be charged or chargable with any losse damage or casualty which shall befall the said ffoure Thousand pounds or any parte thereof or of the improvement thereof without their wilfull default nor shall the one of them be charged with any default or misdoeing of the other of them And moreover that they shall be allowed out thereof all reasonable charges which they shall lay out or be put unto in or about the same And all the rest and residue of my Goods Lands Debts and Estate whatsoever as shall remaine after my Debts funerall charges and sverall Legacies herein before specifyed shall be paid and satisfyed I give and bequeath unto my said Cozen Thomas Boone of London Merchant if my said cozen Thomas Boone shall be liveing at the time of my decease And if hee the said Thomas Boone shall be then dead Then I give and bequeath all the said rest and residue of my estate unto my loveing Cozen Christopher Boone his sonne if hee shall be then liveing And in case the said Christopher shall be then deceased I give and bequeath all the said residue of my estate unto my cozen John Boone an other sonne of my said cozen Thomas Boone And in case hee shall be then dead then I give and bequeath the said residue of my estate unto my sd deare wife her Executors and Administrators forever And of this my last Will and, Testament I doe hereby nominate and appoint Mary Boone my said loveing wife and my said loveing cozen Thomas Boone the sole and whole Executors And I doe hereby wholly and absolutely revoke and countermand all and every former and other Will and Wills by me made and doe declare this my present writeing consisting of foure sheets of paper to be and containe my last Will and Testament And now returne to thy everlasting rest my soule Lord Jesus come


quickly into thy hands I commit my spirite as into the hands of a faithfull Creator and mercifull Redeemer

IN WITNESSE whereof I have sett my hand to every of the said sheets at the bottom thereof and my hand and seale to a Labell wherewith the same are fastened together at the top thereof the day and yeare first above written


This writeing consisting of foure sheets of paper was signed and sealed by Christopher Boone of London Merchant and by him declared and published to be and containe his last Will adn Testament in the presence and hearing of us

Will: Moses Tho: ?Gery John Baber


WHEREAS by my said Will I have given and bequeathed unto each of my Men and Maidservants that shall be liveing with me at the time of my decease the summe of ffive pounds apeice Now I doe hereby revoke that bequeat and in lieu and stead thereof I give unto Mary my Wife the summe of ffifty pounds To the intent and upon trust that shee shall give divide and distribute the same to and amongst my Men and Maidservants that shall be liveing with me at the time of my decease in such proporccons as shee shall thinke fitt

WITNESSE my hand and seale the Three and Twentyeth day of March in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and ffive


Witnesse Will: Moses Tho: Gery John Baber



Summary of will of Mary Boone, widow, of Lee in Kent, written 1707

"Mary Boone of Lee, widow. — Dated 13 November 1707. To children of my cosin
Mr. Christopher Brewer of Beckington, Somerset, clothier. To my cosin
Mrs. Mary Owen, and her children and mother. To my cosin Captain
Thomas Brewer of Pauls Town, near Trowbridge. To my cosins Mr.
William Brewer of Trowbridge and his wife, Mr. Samuel Brewer of Trow-
bridge and his wife, George Woodford of Salisbury and his wife and son
Richard, and Mrs. Sarah Woodford, widow, formerly of Basinghall Street.
To Mr. Monk Blackwell and his present youngest son. To my cosin Mrs.
Hurst, widow, and Mr. Jacob Massam her son. To my brother Mr. John
Brewer. My sister Mrs. Dorothy Brewer. To Richard Bowater, Esq., and
his nephew Mr. Richard Bowater. To my cosin Mrs. Elizabeth Samwaies.
To Mrs. Elizabeth Best. To my cosin Mr. Christopher Roffey of Woolwich
and his wife. Abraham Harrison Esq. of East Greenwich, and Benjamin
Rookesby, Esq. of Stratford neare Bow, my executors and Mrs. Rebecca,
daughter of the latter, who is my Goddaughter. To Mr. Dottin alias Dottee,
who lately married my Goddaughter Mrs. Delvin alias Delven. To my God-
daughters Mrs. Mary Chantry and Mrs. Mary Hill daughter of Major Hill.
To Mrs. Catherine Taylor of Greenwich, widow. My cosin Mr. Christopher
Boone of St. Mary Ax, merchant To Mr. Thomas Turner of Aldergate
Street, Mr. Philip Constable of Coleman Street. My cosin Henry Boone
surgeon. My old servant Thomas Bland."[10]

Summary of will of Thomas Boone, of Lee Kent, written in 1747

"Thomas Boone of Lee, alias Leigh, in Kent. — Dated 27 April 1747. To be buried
in the churchyard of Lee. Certain property, &c. to Richard Dyer of Rich-
mond, in trust for my natural daughter Mary wife of Charles Cornforth.
Nephews Charles, Thomas and Daniel Boone. In presence of Thomas Riddy,
John Swale and William Firth. Codicil dated 3 October 1 748, legacy to
Ann Umcume, servant. 3 January 1748 appeared Bennet Alen of East
Greenwich, and on 7 March 1750, Charles Cornforth of Lee, in the matter
of the Will, which was interlined and obliterated. — Proved 21 March 1750."[11]

Unverified third party genealogical speculation on Christopher Boone's family

"...2) Boone, Boon, Somerset / Devon -- Existing knowledge identifies John
Boone ca. 1570 in Taunton, sons Christopher, Robert and Richard, who
produce Thomas Boone (Mount Boone, Devon), John Boone (Greenwich) and
Christopher Boone (Lee, Kent). This family produces merchants and
mariners that travel to the ends of the empire from 1640 until at least
1770, with several known to be in America (Charleston, S.C. and New
Jersey) between 1670 and 1770. "Chirurgeon", Henry Boone, seems to be
related, (3 generations of Henry's) but their origin is more obscure
than Thomas or Christopher.

Anyone related to these individuals or the allied families, or who have
info on these groups are asked to contact me thru the list, or offline

Priority data sought at this moment is info on Christopher Boone, born
Taunton 1615/16, died London 1686; looking for his early life, before
1655 when he is found in London. Info on Christopher 1678 - 1686, as the
Minutes of the East India Company are not found after about 1678, where
Christopher has served as a Director since 1660. Data on John Brewer,
Grocer in London, father of Mary Brewer Boone, Christopher's wife,
and/or their Brewer relations in Somerset and Wiltshire, ca. 1570-1680.

Some of what I know is on my website (NO advertising!!) but I've not had time to update it lately...."[12]

Possible primary sources


PROB 11/322 Mico 139-184 Will of Henry Boone, Barber, Chirurgeon of London 10 November 1666
PROB 11/348/56 Will of John Brewer, Grocer of London 22 June 1675 (Possibly the will of the father of Mary brewer, wife of Christopher Boone)
PROB 11/363 XXXX Will of Thomas Boone of Townstall, Devon 25 May 1680 Bath 60 - 123, pp. 6
PROB 11/364 Bath 124-18 Sentence of Thomas Boone of Mount Boone, Devon 22 May 1680

PROB 11/384 Lloyd 91 -135 Will of Henry Boone, Chirurgeon of London 12 October 1686
  1. Jump up Leland Lewis Duncan and Arthur Oswald Barron, The register of all the marriages, christenings and burials in the church of S. Margaret, Lee, in the county of Kent from 1579-1754 (Lee, 1888), p. 75
  2. Jump up Edward Hasted, 'Parishes: Lee', The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 1 (1797), pp. 492-502, viewed 29/01713
  3. Jump up Edward Hasted, 'Parishes: Lee', The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 1 (1797), pp. 492-502, viewed 29/01713
  4. Jump up [p3ggm302.gif, viewed 29/01/13; p3ttx600.jpg, viewed 29/01713
  5. Jump up PROB 11/584/7. Will of Mary Boone, Widow of Lee, Kent. 02 March 1722 (sic). A summary is available in Leland Lewis Duncan and Arthur Oswald Barron, The register of all the marriages, christenings and burials in the church of S. Margaret, Lee, in the county of Kent from 1579-1754 (Lee, 1888), p. 74); record of burial of 'Madam Mary Boon' who was buried 'at her chapel at Lee' on Mar. 5 1721/72 - Leland Lewis Duncan and Arthur Oswald Barron, The register of all the marriages, christenings and burials in the church of S. Margaret, Lee, in the county of Kent from 1579-1754 (Lee, 1888), p. 52
  6. Jump up [17] London. Thomas Boone (Alicante, 2-6-1648),' in José Ignacio Martínez Ruiz, Perry Gauci, Mercaderes ingleses en Alicante en el siglo XVII: estudio y edición de la correspondencia comercial de Richard Houncell & Co (Alicante, 2008), p. 130
  7. Jump up Anthony Upton mentioned Christopher Boone in his will, which he wrote in Seville in 1669 ( PROB 11/332 Penn 1-66 Will of Anthony Upton of Seville 25 January 1670
  8. Jump up Possibly PROB 11/384 Lloyd 91 -135 Will of Henry Boone, Chirurgeon of London 12 October 1686
  9. Jump up Sir John Mathews was possibly a London merchant, knighted 17 April 1677, alderman of Evesham 1684, mayor of Evesham 1685, and M.P. of Evesham 1685-7, and 1689-90 ('Members of parliament for Evesham' in William Retlaw Williams, The parliamentary history of the county of Worcester (Hereford, 1897), p. 148
  10. Jump up Leland Lewis Duncan and Arthur Oswald Barron, The register of all the marriages, christenings and burials in the church of S. Margaret, Lee, in the county of Kent from 1579-1754 (Lee, 1888), p. 74
  11. Jump up Leland Lewis Duncan and Arthur Oswald Barron, The register of all the marriages, christenings and burials in the church of S. Margaret, Lee, in the county of Kent from 1579-1754 (Lee, 1888), p. 75
  12. Jump up [From: "Bob Boone" <>; Subject: [SOG-UK] BOONE - Somerset, Devon, London; Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 11:08:08 -0400,, viewed 29/01/13]