MRP: Elizabeth Dallison's lodgings, Throgmorton Street, London
Elizabeth Dallison's lodgings, Throgmorton Street, London
Editorial history
04/10/11, CSG: Created page
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See Sir George Smith's house, Throgmorton Street, London
To do
(1) Look at hearth tax data (if it exists) for ward and/or parish containing Throgmorton Street (1662 & 1666)
(2) Look at relevant printed parish records
Freshfield, Edwin (ed.), The account books of the parish of St Bartholomew the Exchange in the City of London, 1596-1698 (London, 1895)
Freshfield, Edwin, The Vestry Minute Books of the Parish of St. Bartholomew Exchange in the City of London: 1567-1676 (London, 1890)
St Margarets Lothbury (north side of Lothbury, to west of Throckmorton Street)
St Christophers by the Exchange
Dutch Church, Austin Fryers (north and east of Throckmorton Street)
St Peters le Poere (bottom of Broad Street, on west side, not that far from east end of Throckmorton Street)
French Church
St Bartholomews Church (on St Bartholomews Lane)
St Benet Fink (Threadneedle Street, near division with Little Broad Street)
St Martins Outwich (corner of Threadneedle & Bishopsgate)
St Michaels Cornhill (east end of Cornhill on south side)
St Peters Gracechurch Street (corner of Cornhill and Gracias Street)
- Sir John Hublands (sic), shown east of St Christophes by the Exchange, on north side of Threadneedle Street
(3) Reexamine references to Sir George Smith in the parish records
Freshfield, Edwin (ed.), The account books of the parish of St Bartholomew the Exchange in the City of London, 1596-1698 (London, 1895)
Freshfield, Edwin, The Vestry Minute Books of the Parish of St. Bartholomew Exchange in the City of London: 1567-1676 (London, 1890)
Possible image sources
Broad Street Ward, XXXX, John Strype's London, 1720
XXXX, 'Broad Street ward'
Background on Throgmorton Street
Throgmorton Street, also written Throckmorton Street, was a major road in pre-1666 London, which crossed the wards of Broad Street and Cornhill.
Elizabeth Dallison's lodgings
Elizabeth Dallison lodged on Throgmorton Street from no later than 1663 to her death in March 1665/66. One of her letters to her brother, Sir George Oxenden, is marked "ffrogmorton street," and it appears that others in that period, though marked simply "London," are from the same address.[1]
Though a widow, and living apart from her married son Maximilian Dallison, and probably also from her surviving married daughter Mary Smith, the lodgings are likely to have been of reasonable size, as would have befitted a woman of some social stature. However, the exact address and size of her lodgings is unknown. Elizabeth entertained friends and merchants at her Throgmorton Street lodgings , and maintained a household of at least two servants - Sarah Waynman and XXXXX.[2] On one occasion a niece visited from Stonepitt, Kent, and stayed for several months.[3]
Sir George Smith, a close friend of both Elizabeth and her brother, Sir George Oxenden, also lived in Throgmorton Street. His house in Throgmorton Street was of significant size, with XX hearths. In addition he rented a further house in Finsbury.
Elizabeth may well have lodged at this address somewhat earlier, though in the late 1650s she appears to have lodged elsewhere, possibly on or near Ludgate Hill, which may have been at or near the house of her relative Tobell Aylmer, a former East Indies merchant.
Background material
Harben, 1906
Throgmorton Street
"South-west from No.70 Old Broad Street to 41 Lothbury. In Broad Street Ward (P.O. Directory).
First mention: "Throkmorton Street" (S. 1598, p.137). "Throgmorton Street" (ib. 140). Formerly called" Broad Street" (q.v.). Parish of St. Bartholomew the Little described as in Broad Street, 36 H. VIII. 1544 (L. and P. H. VIII. XIX. Pt. 2, p.188).
Named after Sir Nicholas Throgmorton.
Roman well found here at the corner of Bartholomew Lane at a depth of 12 ft., also Roman and Gaulish pottery."
Merchants listed in Throgmorton Street, Little London Directory, 1677
Atterbury, Thom. & John Angel-Court, Throgmorton-street
Baker, Edw. New Court, Throgmorton Street
Barron, Will. Throgmorton-street
Barkley, Edw. & Hen. Throgmorton-street
Barton, Edw. Angel-court, Throgmorton-street
Barker, Rich. New-Court, Throgmorton-street
Bon, John New Court, Throgmorton-street
Carlock, John Throgmoton Street
Carrel, Joseph in Throgmorton street, or Warwick-court
Clark, Samuel Throgmoton-street
Deathick Copthall Court, Throgmortonstreet
Delliviers, Jos. Throgmort. Street
Delliviers, Lyon Throgmort. Street
Deynens, Mart. at Mr. Webs Throgmorton-Street
Dickinson, John Throgmorton street
Fellowes, John Throgmorton-street
Fulwood, Sam. Throgmorton-street
Hartley, Thom. Throgmorton street
Jurin, Ald. Throgmorton-street
Kitle, Mr. Throgmorton street
Lee, Jos. Throgmorton street
Mepot, Mr. Throgmorton-street
Maubert, Mark Throgmorton-street, New Court
Miller, Francis Throgmorton-street
Morgan, John Lodger, at Mr. Hopegoods, Throgmorton-street (may be same as Edw. Hopegood Loathbury?)
Mooles, Fred. Angel-Court, Throgmorton-street
Norton, Heneage at Mr. Willoughby, Throgmorton-street
Oldworth, Robert Copt-hall-court, Throgmorton-street
Parker, Mr. Throgmorton street
Pancier, Andrew in New Court Throgmorton street
Petters, William Throgmorton Str.
Ponia, Mr. New Court Throgmorton street
Poynes, William Throgmorton Str.
Priscott, William Angel Court, Throgmorton Street
Sanders, John Throgmorton Str.
Strude, William at Mr. Atterberry Throgmorton street
Sturt, Mr. Throgmorton street
Testard, Issac Throgmorton Str.
Tudman, John Throgmorton Str.
Turpim, Mr. Throgmorton street
Van Milder, Daniel Throgmorton street
Walker, Mathew Throgmorton str.
Warner, Edmond Throgmorton str.
Webb, William Throgmorton street
Webb, Thomas Throgmorton street
Willoughby, George Throgmorton street
Extract from 'Broadstreet Ward. The Streets, Courts, &c.', Strype (XXXX)
"Now going back again, we turn South into Broadstreet, very spacious graced with good Buildings, which are well inhabited; which said Street from London Wall runs Southwards, till bending West it falls into Throgmorton Street, and more South into Little Broadstreet, and thence into Thredneedle Street. In this Broadstreet are these Alleys, Courts, and Places of Name: beginning next to London Wall. First; White Horse Court pretty large, with old Timber Houses, nigh unto which is White Horse Yard, only for Stablings. Vine Court, now built up into Houses. Bull Alley, but narrow, and ordinary. The Pay Office, that which formerly was Winchester Place, a good large House, made use of, now of a long time, for the Payment of the Navy, &c. By the Corner of this House South is Winchester Street already mentioned. Pin-makers Hall and Pin-makers Alley, a pretty handsome Place, with a Free Stone Pavement. Crown Court, still more South, a handsome broad Place, with good Houses, well inhabited by Merchants and others....
...Now back to Throgmorton Street; very well built and inhabited; the chief Place here is the House and Garden belonging to the Drapers Company. In this Street are these Courts and Places of Name, viz. Red Lyon Court, both small and ordinary. New Court, a pretty handsome square Place with good Houses. Shorters Court, a very neat square Place, with open Passage, the Houses well built and inhabited. St. Bartholomews Court, but mean. Angel Court, very large and handsome, garnished with good Buildings, the Habitation of Merchants, and People of Repute. Copt Hall Court, a large and handsome open Place, with Houses fit for good Inhabitants. Warnford Court, a good large Place, very well built and inhabited, at the upper end of which is a handsome large House, severed from the rest by a Wall which opens into a Court Yard, with a Garden, which House the Royal African Company made use of, until their removal to their House in Leadenhall Street; and is now made use of by the Managers of the Linnen Manufacture. Drapers Hall, a very large and spacious Building, having a comely Quadrangle in the Entrance to it.
Next Throgmorton Street West is Lothbury, a Street of a pretty good Trade, especially for Founders for the making of Candelsticks, Bells, and divers Utensils of Brass and Copper; the part of this Street which is in this Ward goeth but to the Corner of St. Margarets Lothbury Church, which it takes in but a small part of, the rest is in Coleman Street Ward: The Courts in this part are, Greens Court but ordinary. Princes Court, likewise but ordinary. Faulcon Court, but small, with a Free Stone Pavement. Token- house Yard, a large Place, with well built Houses fit for good Inhabitants, especially the Row on the East side, which have Court Yards, with Brick Walls before them; At the upper end of this Yard is a small Passage down Steps into Bell Alley in Coleman Street Ward. This Place took its Name from an old House there standing, which anciently was the Office for delivering out of Farthings. Whalebone Court, large, with a Free Stone Pavement, hath good Houses, pretty well tenanted.
Coming back we pass up St. Bartholomew Lane, which runs up to the North side of the Royal Exchange; a Place well built and inhabited, and of a good Trade, and the rather for being so great a Throughfare to and from the Exchange. In this Lane are Ship Yard, which hath a wide Entrance, is replenished with good Buildings, which are well inhabited; and the Court, which is spacious, hath a Free Stone Pavement. Nags Head Court is large, pretty well built and tenanted, with a Free Stone Pavement.
Then we come to St. Bartholomews Church seated at the South East Corner. This Church was destroyed in the Fire of London 1666. and is rebuilt of Free Stone, with a Towred Steeple.
Out of Bartholomew Lane we come into Thredneedle Street: which takes its beginning on the West in the Poultrey, and passing by St.Bartholomew Lane, and leaving Little Broadstreet on the North side, and Finch Lane on the South, falleth into Bishopsgate Street: In this Street are several good Buildings, well inhabited with divers noted Places, with Taverns, Coffee-houses, and other publick Places of Entertainment. At the West End of this Street is Princes Street, which with a turning Passage falls into Lothbury; this Street is very well built and inhabited; but the part next to Lothbury is in Coleman Street Ward. In the Part in this Ward is Drapers Court, which is pretty handsome, with a Free Stone Pavement, which with a turning Passage leads into Lothbury. Also Katharine Court, which is but small and ordinary.
But to go back again into Thredneedle Street, wherein are these Courts and Places, at the West End Three Nun Court, pretty large and indifferent good, with a Free Stone Pavement...."[5]
Possible primary sources
Possible secondary sources
- Downloadable PDF- Jump up ↑ BL. MS. XXXX, 3rd April 1663, Letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir GO, London Frogmorton Street. See 3rd April 1663, Letter from Elizabeth Dalyson to Sir GO, London Frogmorton Street
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ 'Three Tun Yard - Tiger, Tyger Court', A Dictionary of London (1918). URL: Date accessed: 08 October 2011.
- Jump up ↑, viewed 08/10/11