MRP: Alicante
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Charles Longland dispatches to John Thurloe
"[July 10th, 1654] Honored Sir, Althoh hetherto most men hav thoht the differences between the king of Spayne and the state of Genoa hav gon on in a way of accommodation, yet now here is advys from Allicant, that the king has seized upon the Genowes estates lykwys in Spayn, which he has hetherto forborn to do"[1]
"[July 31st, 1654] Honourable Sir, The galley lately dispatcht with an ambassador by the Genowes for Spayn has bin at Alicant, landed the ambassador, who is gone up to the court, and is retorned back to Genoa, from whence the general advys sez, that theyr differences with Spayn are in a hopeful way of ajustment"[2]
"[November 20th, 1654] Honourable Sir, 'Tis advys'd from Rom, that the French fleet hav landed theyr soldiers at Tarento, which is short of the gulf of Venis; and assoon as they wer landed, the ships came about for Naples, wher they lye at a litle distance to aw it. If general Blak's fleet com into the seas with any desyn against the French, (as generally believed by al here) I myht hav bin servitiable unto them (if you had given me any such command) by meeting them with advys of the motion of the French, either at Alicant, or any other port, wher they may touch."[3]
"[June 22nd, 1657] Right honorable,... This evening came into port the Duch commander Ruyter, with six sail of ships of war. They want but nine dayes from Allicant, whence they bring newes, that the Spanyard had taken a citty from the Portuges, on the frontiers, of very greate import; but thes Duch are so partial for the Spanyards, that we cannot believ them."[4]
English merchants trading with Alicante
In the early 1650s, Sir Samuel Mico's kinsman, Aaron Mico, acted as his factor in Alicante, Spain.[5] In 1650 Mico was exporting woollens from England to Alicante, in Spain, and importing "Raisins, Anniseeds, Almonds, Figs, and some Wines, &c".[6]
Suggested image sources
'Aleppo Een Vermaerde Stadt in Syrien' in Olfert Dapper, Naukeurige beschryving van gantsch Syrie, en Palestyn of Heilige Lant...(Amsterdam, 1677)
Suggested primary sources
SP 82/10; Certificate by Sir William Swann, resident at Hanse towns, that on Dec. 15/25 `lord' [i.e. Herr] John Scrottering, senator of Hamburg, George Scrottering and Dederick Vasmar, aldermen of said city, John James Hiebenar, Henry van der Crentz, Albert Luteman, Paul Berenberg and Thomas Heger, Sebastian Tag and Cornelius Langerman, inhabitants and burghers thereof, appeared personally before him and made oath that ship St. John Baptist, captain Raymond Constant, loaded at Marseilles and Alicante and thence to be transported directly to Hamburg with a cargo of alabaster carvings, almonds, anis-seed, brandy, caper, cedar roots, cotton, gall [dye-stuff], gum arabic, jujube, marble stones, olives, rice, sal ammoniac, and soap, all for their own proper account, no other person or persons having any title thereto or interest therein [i.e. goods and shipment]; exact quantities and bale marks given. Folio 275; 1665 Dec. 16/26 Hamburg
SP 82/11: `Memoriall' for two Hamburg vessels `put in heare at Plymouth by contrari windes, coming from Hamburge', viz. Esperance, George Tamme, captain, bound for Cadiz, Alicante and Genoa, laden with lead, iron, tarr, piece goods, etc., and St. Jan [St. John], Jerome Joiepken, captain, bound for Oporto, laden with iron, pipe staves, shaken pipes, flax, copper piece goods, etc.; they will be able to pass, all laders having made oath at Hamburg that cargoes are transported for their own account and that no subject of States General had any part or interest therein; captains having sworn that they carried only what was declared, that they held authentic certificates and that on their return journeys they would not sail to any port under Dutch command or to any other port whatsoever, but directly to Hamburg. Folio 117: ? 1667 n.d. before July 31, 1667 Plymouth
SP 94: Secretaries of State: State Papers Foreign, Spain: Mainly in-letters to the Secretary of State from the English (later British) ambassadors, envoys and resident ministers appointed to Spain. Most of the letters are dated at Madrid (or The Escorial), though Seville was a popular royal residence. Despatches from the consuls (eg at Madrid, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cadiz, Cartagena, Corunna, Malaga, San Sebastian, Seville and Tenerife in the Canary Islands) are also in the series, as well as a number of letters from the consulates at Lisbon and Faro, and a few for that at Oporto (all three cities in Portugal). A few papers are from Gibraltar, captured from Spain in 1704. Many draft replies by the Secretary of State are also in the series, and a number of petitions, royal letters, and transcripts of intercepted despatches.
Suggested secondary sources
- Jump up ↑ 10th July 1654, Letter from Mr. Charles Longland to secretary Thurloe
- Jump up ↑ 31st July 1654, Letter from Mr. Charles Longland to secretary Thurloe
- Jump up ↑ 20th November 1654, Letter from Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorne, to secretary Thurloe
- Jump up ↑ 22nd June 1657, Letter from Mr. Longland, agent at Leghorne, to secretary Thurloe
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/290 Pell 200–248 Will of Aaron Mico, Merchant of London 20 April 1659. See Aaron Mico will
- Jump up ↑ 'House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 9 January 1652', Journal of the House of Commons, vol. 7: 1651-1660 (London, 1802), pp. 65-67. URL: Date accessed: 05 September 2010. >