MRP: Account books
Account books
Editorial history
16/01/12, CSG: Created page
This page provides an index to account books relavant to the commercial affairs of Sir George Oxenden and his commercial contacts in the mid-seventeenth century
Partnership accounts
Edward & Jonathan Ashe & Company account book, 1645-51
Edward & Jonathan Ashe & Company account book, 1640-1643
Voyage accounts
East Indies
Richard Abdy account book, 1657-1659
Daniell Gates account book for the voyage of the Leghorne Merchant into the Streights, 1668/69
The Accompts of the Shipp Undertaker to the 24:th of ffebruary 1656: Date: Exhibited by M:r Smith June 2nd 1657
West Africa
Voyage accounts of the Constant Ruth, August and September 1652
Possible primary sources
A2A sources
East Sussex Record Office: Archives of the Frewen Family of Brickwall in Northiam [FRE/1 - FRE/1126]: Personal [no ref. or date]: Account books [no ref. or date]: Account book of Benjamin Frewen and Stephen Frewen FRE/521 1632-1679: Accounts ledger of the ship Tenerife FRE/522 (?1646)-1656:
These documents are held at East Sussex Record Office
81 paper folios between limp parchment covers. There is some original foliation which is incorrect and the volume has been re-foliated in pencil as detailed below.
John Turner owned two sixteenth parts of the ship; the ledger was propably compiled by John's brother Richard whilst on board during the overseas trips
Includes also:
- List of 'The owners Beelonginge to the shippe Tenerife Merchant of London' FRE/522/iiiv nd [1646-1656]
- Accounts of disbursements on new fitments and equipment for the ship, on wages on maintenance, crews wages, etc, and on provisions ammunition FRE/522/1-6 nd [?1646]
- Disbursements as above, divided into sections containing payments on wages, 'charges at the downes' and 'charges at the Canares' (Canary Islands) FRE/522/7-11v 1647
- Accounts of disbursements mainly on crew's wages and for provisions at the Isle of Wight, at the Canaries, 'Home in the Downes', and at Rotterdam, summarised at the end as being 'for Chargis Disbursed one hur Second voyage to the Canaryes' FRE/522/14v-17r 1648
- Account of receipts and disbursements on crew's pay, at Gravesend, 'In the Downes' and at Newfoundland (Canada) - the latter is accounted in 'ryalles' and 'dollors' and converted into sterling at the total FRE/522/22r-25r 1649
- Receipts and disbursements on wages and provisions at the Canaries, at Palma and elsewhere (not specified) FRE/522/28r-31r 1650
- Account of disbursements on wages and provisions at ?Gravesend, at the 'Downes' and the Canaries, nd (probably 1651) followed by summaries of disbursements and credits FRE/522/33r-36r Mar 1651
- Accounts of disbursements on wages, provisions and materials at Gravesend, Isle of Wight, Plymouth, New England, 'Bilboe' [?Bilbao] and the Canaries, and receipts FRE/522/38r-43r 1651-1652
- Account of disbursements on wages, provisions and materials at Cowes, Bilbao, Mallegor[Mallaga] and Hampton [?Southampton] and summary of receipts FRE/522/44v-49r 1652-1653
- Similar accounts for voyage to 'Mallegor' FRE/522/49v-52r Mar - Oct 1653
- Account of disbursements on wages, provisions, repairs, etc at the 'Downes', Falmouth and Mallaga, and of receipts FRE/522/53v-56r 1653-1654
- Accounts - usual details for voyage to Canaries FRE/522/57v-60r 1654-1655
Business accounts
Household accounts
Possible secondary sources
Business accounts
Hainsworth, David Roger (ed.), Commercial papers of Sir Christopher Lowther, 1611-1644, vol.189, Surtees Society (XXXX, 1977)
Household accounts
Gray, Todd, Devon Household Accounts, 1627-59 (Devon Record Society, 1996)
Munby, Lionel M., Early Stuart household accounts, vol. 2, Hertfordshire record publications (XXXX, 1986)