MRP: 25th September 1662, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO

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25th September 1662, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO

BL, Add. MS. XX, XXXX f. 3

Editorial history

26/01/09, CSG: Completed transcription
14/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Sir Thomas Chambrelan wrote this letter to Sir George Oxenden from London. Although he did not specify his London address, in his will he remembered the parish of St. Andrew Undershaft.[1] Sir Thomas also possessed a property in Putney, from where he addressed another letter to Sir George Oxenden, dated March 8th, 1665/66, and where, in his will, he asked to be buried.[2]

As father-in-law of Sir George Oxenden's cousin, Michael Godfrey, Sir Thomas Chambrelan had a link of kinship to George Oxenden.[3] His other son-in-law was Sir Arthur Ingram, with whom Sir George Oxenden was also on friendly terms in his correspondence.[4]

Suggested links

See 25th September 1662, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO
See 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, London
See 29th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, continuation
See 30th November 1663, Letter from Cesar Chambrelan to Sir GO, Carwar
See 8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney

See 1656, Papers sent by Major Thomas Chamberlain to John Thurloe

To do

(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript at BL


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

[BL, Add. MS. XX, XXXX f. 3]

Hono:d S:r

London 25: September 1662

I should bee very glad to understand of your safe arrivall in good healthe & safety the life of my sonne Cesar,[5] I hope that M:r Andrewes is not departed but y:t hee will bee stopt till your arrivall & y:t hee will settle all acco:ts streight before his departure but having notice that hee intended a winter voyage & xxx for Italy wee have dispatched lett:rs to St. Hellena as allsoe for Leghorne & Genoa & ?Nicoise to y:e Command :rs of the Kings shippes in ye streights to maybe stay of this ship & Person & tyme will tell us ye issue, I doubt not of your care & dilligence to send us home ye Examinacion of those thinges which are committed to yo:r charge in your Instructions & y:t by yo:r care & dilligence all forme (sic) abuses will bee addresst & that things will bee settled to ye comfort of ye whole Comp:a & soe wishing you all health & happinesse I Committ you to Gods protection & ever Remayne

Your Loving ffreind
Tho:s Chambrelan


Wee are in some care for the ship Concord the Truro & the Loyall James & Henry god send them well to arrive, I pray remember my Sonne of his duty to write to mee having not rcvdd a word from him since his departure from London, I shall not need further to recommend him to your care being fully assured there will bee nothing wanting on yo:r part

Yours truly, TC


  1. Jump up PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir Thomas Chambrelan of London 07 December 1671. See Sir Thomas Chambrelan will
  2. Jump up 8th March 1665/66, Letter from Thomas Chambrelan to Sir GO, Putney
  3. Jump up PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir Thomas Chambrelan of London 07 December 1671]
  4. Jump up PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir Thomas Chambrelan of London 07 December 1671
  5. Jump up Caesar Chambrelan (b. XXXX, d. XXXX). Cesar Chambrelan was Sir Thomas Chambrelan's eldest son. He was still in the East Indies when Sir Thomas made his will in June 1670. See Sir Thomas Chambrelan will