MRP: St. Helena
St. Helena
Editorial history
24/12/11, CSG: Created page
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See Canaries
See Johanna
See Madeira
Sancta Helena, Linschoten, London, 1598
Bird's eye view, Isle de S.te. Helene, 1719
Image credits & copyright information
(1) 'Sancta Helena', illustration, in John Huighen van Linschoten, His discourse of voyages into y:e East & West Indies (London, 1598), Bk 1, Ch. 94, p. 173
(2) 'L'isle de S:te Helene', Fig. LIII, Alain Manesson, XXXX (Frankfurt am Main, 1719), p. ?
Town profile
Thomas Kendall provisioning St. Helena, 1662/63
"[20th March 1662/63] I hope you are safe arrived, w:ch will be a great comfort to us all, we expect you will make Andrewes honest or force him to give us Just Satisfaction, y:e care of S:t Helena is cheifelyy left to mee, We have in o:r Gen:ll lre given order to have ptian Sheepe & Deare w:th Some Arrack & Rice to be sent thither, on each Shipp, I make it my earnest Request you ingage y:e comman:es to take in w:t Conveniently they can & if you can gett noe ptian Sheepe this yeare pray give order to ptia to have some sent to you against Next yeare & if possible some of those Sheepe whose wooll Curles & are used to line Gownes, likewise pray Send all Sorts of fruits Trees & drugs...
...Yo: r Affectionate ffreind
& Servant
Tho: Kendall"[1]
Nicholas Buckeridge & John Proude provisioning St. Helena, 1663/64
"[31st March 1663] I have a request to prefer to you from M:r Jn:e Proude & my selfe to rend yo:r favour in y:e ffurthering & furnishing of y:e Island S:t Hellena annually for provisions on y:e Hono: Compa:a Acco:t w:th a butt of Goa Azzarke & Such a proporton of wheate & lamp Oyle as you shall think fitting for them for XXXX [fire?] Etc:a they can suply themselves w:th by Exchange other grane for it out of y:e shipping but if you could supply y:m w:th A Slave or two that could teach them how to plant rice it would bee a very great kindnesse to them as happily you may send them plenty of such if you take a Malabar yo:r goodnesse will bee further manifested to y:m if you please to send them such India goods, for these may bee of very great concernemen:t to them in y:e future alsoo y:e seed of Bengon [?] Trey [?] & such rootes, plants, & hearbs, as India affords; alsoo some psian sheepe Eus & Rams of w:ch specie if you supply them plentifully you may y:e more freely furnish yo:r selfe w:th part of them when you come for England"[2]
Recapture of St. Helena from the Dutch, 1670s
Captain John Privett died commanding the Assistance, retaking St Helena from the Dutch ca. 1674.[3]
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