MRP: 10th March 1665/66, Letter from Paul French to Sir GO
10th March 1665/66, Letter from Paul French to Sir GO
BL, Add. MS. 40,708 - 40,713, vol, 235, year 1665, f. 35
Editorial history
03/06/09, CSG: Completed transcription
15/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
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See 26th March 1663, Letter from Paul Ffrench to Sir GO
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(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript at BL
This transcription has been completed, but required checking
[BL, Add. MS. 40,708 - 40,713, vol, 235, year 1665, f. 35]
S:r Geo: Oxinden my much honn:ed friend
By the Roy:ll Charles I rcvd yours of the 6:th March 1664 whereby I find an errour committed by my former to yo:u concerneing what yo:w were pleased to favo:r me in, in y:e delivery of what yo:w mention to M:r Math: Gray[1] from whome By the Same Shippe I have rcvd ample Satisfaction, for which error I humbly begg your pardon, not having rcvd his Letters when I wrott to yo:w & retorne yo:w most hearty thankes for all these many kind favours rcvd from yo:w by me & my ffamily, as allso for the ffreindly promises yo:wa re pleased to express for your assistance in any our concearnes for the future, all w:ch wee receave from yo:w on So Small merritt, none of us being in any cappasity to express our gratitude by any returne of Service to yo:w or yo:s in w:ch If I might bee any waies Instrumental yo:w could add to my happiness, S:r Will:m Rider[2] my noble ffreind hath been pleased to acquaint me w:th yo:r kind remembrances of us to whome as to yo:r Selfe I have been highly obliged & I hope yo:w will be pleased to pardon y:e great trouble I have putt yo:w to & charge my presumption (in pte) to y:e great encouradgm:t I rcvd from him of yo:r great affections to our deceased Sonn,[3] S:r my Wife & self begg yo:r acceptance of a Quart:r caske of Cannary p Cap:t Tho: Stanton[4] on the Returne marked as p marg, [In LH margin in bold: G.O]. God send him safe to yo:w, S:r Will:m hath been pleased to remember your good health in a glass of the Same & wishes it may come as good to yo:w as we enjoy it & then I hope it will not Shame the Drawer this w:th allo:r prayers for yo:r continuall happiness I begg yo:r acceptance of
Yo:r most obliged Servant
Paul French
March 10:th 1665/6
Paul French & the English East India Company
"[April 25, 1656] The following securities are accepted ; Thomas Tomblings for Walter Gollipher and Edward Swinglehurst, William Buckeridge for Nicholas Buckeridge, and Paul French for Henry Revington ; each security is directed to seal a bond of 500/. penalty."[5]
"[May 21, 1658] Major Taylor and Mr. French, who provided the shells and guns for their friends in India, are to be summoned to the next court, so that this business may be satisfactorily settled."[6]
Possible primary sources
C 5/43/109 Smith v. French: Middlesex. 1663
- Jump up ↑ Mathew Gray
- Jump up ↑ Sir William Ryder, London merchant
- Jump up ↑ Paul French may mean his son-in-law, Henry Revington, the former head of the Rajapur factory. He referred to Revington's death in an earlier letter to Sir George Oxenden. See 26th March 1663, Letter from Paul Ffrench to Sir GO and Missing faces
- Jump up ↑ Captain Thomas Stanton, commander of the Returne
- Jump up ↑ 'A Court of Committees for the United Joint Stock, April 25, 1656' (Court Book, vol. xxiii, p. 513), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of court minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 98
- Jump up ↑ 'A Court of Committees for the New General Stock, May 21, 1658' (Court Book, vol. xxiv, p. 108), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of court minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), p. 261