HCA 13/72 f.666v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.666v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 18th day of January 1658:/: [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of Nathaniel Good}




James Berblock of Poplar in the parish of
Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner
aged 51 yeeres or thereabouts sworne before the
right worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawes and one
of the Judges of the High Court of the Admiralty
of England. And Examined upon a certaine Interrogatorie
ministred on the part and behalfe of Nathaniell Good
late one of the Mariners of the ship the ffrancis and
John (Lawrence Browneing Master) saith and deposeth by [?XXX]
of his Oath./.

To the said Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee this deponent
knoweth the Interrate Nathaniel Good, and soe hath done
for five yeeres last or thereabouts whoe hee saith was one of
the Mariners of the said ship the ffrancis and John the voyage in
question wherein shee was taken and seized by some of the
ships belonging to the Dutch East India Company of the United Provinces
and saith the said Good had then on board the said shipp
ffive hundred of Rattans worth twelve pounds videlicet three hundred
[?XXpoone] Rattand at 3 li per Centum and the other two hundred at
2 li 10 s per Centum All which hee saith were taken away by the said
seizors or some of them, and the said Good thereby utterly
deprived, and dispoyled thereof which hee knoweth being
Pilot of the said ship ffrancis and John, the said voyage, and
on board her at her sayd seizure, and had the foresaid
Goods in his this deponents Custody aboard the said ship for the
said Goods untill they were soe taken away And further cannot Answer

Repeated before Collonel Cock./.

James Berblok [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]