HCA 3/46 f.40r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.40r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


upon Tuesday next in the afternoone in this place
in the presence of the said Suckley dissentinge and
alleadginge as aforesaid whereupon the Judges
assigned to heare this buisinies upon Tuesday next
in the afternoone/.

Child and others against}
ffishman and Beane}
Suckley, Smith}

Tuesday the second day of May
1654. before the worshipfull William
Clerke and John Godolphin
doctors of lawes Judges et cetera in
the dyninge Chamber et cetera in the presence
of Samuell howe notary publique
Appeared the said Smith and upon the
allegation by him in this cause given and
admitted produced for a wittnes Christopher
Wise whome the Judges receaved and administred
an oath unto him to speake the truth at the time
of his examination in the presence of the said Suckley
dissentinge and havinge the usuall tyme for
Interrogatories, and the examination of the said witnes being
taken the Judges did examine et cetera oublishe his
deposition, and savinge his examination and the
production, examination and publication of all such
wittnesses as shalbe produced sworne and examined
on the behalf of the sidBatson and Beane before
ffriday next in the afternoone The Judges by consent
of both sides assigned to heare and finally end and
determine this buisines the same tyme, and to
heare all such wittnesses as shalbe then produced
viva voce

Powell and others late master and}
marriners of the shipp, The}
hopewell against Austin and}
Suckley Clements}

Whcih day the said Clements
alleadged that the said
the hands of the Marshall
of this Court more money
then hath bin demannded, and that
the said money haveing layen in his
handes by the space of a moneth or
thereabouts, the wages of severall of the
said parties mentioned in the list in this cause
[?exhibited], have not all bin required wherefore he
desired the remainder thereof to be decreed to
him upon securitye Whereupon the Judges did order
and decree that the remainder of the money soe
by them deposited in the handes of the Marshall
shalbe redelivered unto them upon securitye to pay
it to the parties mentioned in the said list whoe
have not already bin paid or to such other persons
as shale legally qualified to receive the same
within three dayes after the same shalbe

Powell and others late master and}
marriners of the shipp The}
Hopewell against James}
Jauncey. Suckley}

Which day appeared the said
Jauncey to whome the
Judges administred an
oath to make a true answere
to the allegation admitted against
him on the behalf o the said Powell
and others whoe then and there
confessed and acknowleadged that hee