HCA 3/46 f.39r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.39r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


then likewise shewed and read appeared and th
said Waters did further answere that the said Bland
hath allowed to Mr Bewly, and others for damadge
by them susteyned. 6. li 15 s. and not above as hee
beleeved with his consent whereupon the Judges
upon hearinge what was then alleadged and confessed
by the Councell on both sides, and upon serious
consideration of the whole matter did thincke fitt that
the parties on both sides doe make together and
end the matter in difference amongst themselves
betwixt this and Tuesday next in the afternoone if
they can But in case upon such meetinge they shall
not compose the said difference The Judges did
declare that they will upon Tuesday aforesaid in
the afternoone order and decree the said Bland to
pay the wages due to the said Waters and Company
deductinge what he shall then make appeare to have
beene already paid unto themm in part thereof, and
alsoe deductinge the freight for nyne Tuns of goods
and 6 li. 5 s. (sic) for the damadge aforesaid, and continued
the cause upon the assignation for hearinge and
finall determination of the buisines untill Tuesday
next in the afternoone at 2 of the Clocke in the
presence of Suckley and the said Mr Bland dissenting./

John Baptista younker against}
KInge Suckley Smith}

ffriday the 28th day of Aprill
1654 before the said Judges et cetera
in the presence of Samuell howe
notary publique Appeared the saide
Kinge to whome the Judges administred
an oath to make a true answere to the libell
given against him on the behalf of the said John
Baptista younker, and then the said Kinge gave his
answere in writinge which he acknowledged to be true./

Rose against Maples}
Colequite Suckley}

Satterday the 29th of Aprill 1654
before the worshipfull William Clerke and
John Godolphin doctors of lawes Judges
et cetera in the dyninge Chamber et cetera in the
presence of Samuell howe notary publique
Appeared the said Colequite and desired the allegation
by him in this cause given to be admitted as to
proofes in the presence of the said Suckley dissentinge
and alleadginge that the same ought not to be
by lawe admitted Whereupon the Judges assigned
to heare the order of the Court upon the petition
of the said Colequite upon Tuesday next in the

[?Judocho] Maes, Ellis Good and}
Thomas Warren against the shipp}
the Hopefull William of London}
William Beck master, and against the}
said Becke Suckley ffrancklin}

Which day ffrancklin
appeared for the said
William Becke and made
himself party for him and
alleadged that the saide
shipp doth belonge unto him, and
produced for sureties Jacob
Blackleech of Wapping in the Countie
of Middlesex marriner, and dennis Liddall
of the same place Painter Stayner whoe
submitting themselves et cetera obliged themselves et cetera
for the said William Becke in the sume of sixe
hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England to
the said [?Judocho] Maes, Ellis Good and Thomas Warren