HCA 3/46 f.38r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.38r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And thereupon the Judges at the petition of the
said Suckley did decree the said Pet and the said
Jerome his Attorney to be monished to appeare in
this Court upon this day sennight in the morning
betweene 9 and 12 to shewe cause why Articles
of Contempt should not be admitted against them
concerning the premisses./

The office of the Judges}
promoted against John Nirks}
Captaine of the shippe The}
Wildboare Bud}

Which day the Judges at the
petition of the said Bud did renewe
the Attachment formerlie
grannted against the said Birke
the sixth day of december 1653
returneable the 8th day after if it
the Reprizall Court day, and to the
effect formerly expressed./

Arnold Beake Elias Beake}
and Company against the shippe}
called The Piper whereof}
hance [?dosse] is master and against}
the said [?dosse] and all others et cetera}
Suckley ffrancklin}

Which day the said ffrancklin
appeared for Claus
Brumfeild and Isaach Stockman
and made himself partie
for them, and alleadged that
the said shipp doth belonge unto
the said Brumefeild and the lading
by the said Stockman, and that the
same are arrested by a warrant of
this Court wherefore he desired the said
shippe and her ladinge to be brought from
the port of Portsmouth to the port of Southampton
and there to be unladen whereupon the Judges
at the petition of the said ffrancklin and with
the consent of the said Suckley did decree the said
shipp The Piper and her ladinge to be brought
from the Port of Portsmouth to the Port of
Southampton under the arrest of this Court and
there to be unladen, and the said shipp and ladinge
to be kept and continued under the arrest of
this Court untill further order./

Arnold and Elias Beake and}
Company late Owners of the}
shipp the James against the}
shipp The Pype or Pyper}
of Lunecke hance dunke}
is master and the goods in the}
same and against Brumfeild}
Stockman and others comming}
in for their interest therein}
Suckley, ffrancklin}

Thursday the 27th day of
Aprill 1654. before the
same Judges et cetera in the presence of
Samuell howe notary publique
Appeared the said Suckley
and gave an allegation in
writinge (as he said) which
he desired to be admitted in
the presence of the said ffrancklin
exhibitinge his proxie for the saide
Brumfeild Stockman and others, and
makinge himself party for them dissenting
and alleadginge that the same ought not by
Lawe to be admitted But the Judges admitted
the said Libell soe farr as the same is by lawe
admissible which beinge soe admitted and repeated
and the said ffrancklin not beleavinge the same
to be true The said Suckley upon the said libell
produced for wittnesses James hedgethorne
John Nicholas Richard Beard Phillip White
Robert dynes and Thomas Perry whome the Judges