HCA 3/46 f.37v Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 37 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/04/29 |
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admitted whoe beinge required to come and testifie their
knowledge in this buisinies have refused soe to doe
and therefore he desired a Compulsory against the saide
wittnesses, and the answere of the said ffishman and
Child to the said allegation in the presence of the said
Suckley dissentinge and alleadginge that the said
ffishman is gone to sea, and the said Childe being then
[?pute] in Court, the said Smith produced him upon the
said allegation, and the Judges administred an oath
unto him to make a true answere to the said allegation
and monished him to be examined by the Register
and did decree a Compulsory against the said wittnesses
returneable upon Tuesday next in the afternoone and
with the consent of both sides the Court did assigne to
heare this cause and finally to determine the same
upon the whole matter referred by the Councell the
same time./
The Lord Protector et cetera against John}
Brewer, Bud, Suckley}
Which day the said Bud upon
the allegation by him in this
cause given and admitted produced
for a wittnes Robert deane whome
the Judges receaved, and administred an
oath into him to speake the truth at the
time of his examination in the presence of
Smith dissentinge, and haveing the usuall
tyme for Interrogatories./
William humfries against Thomas}
Lambe, Allen}
Which day appeared the saide
Allen for the said Lambe and
made him self party for him, and
produced for sureties Thomas havard
of the parishes of Saint Mary Somersett
London waterman and Edward Baskervile
of the parishe of Saint Saviours in the
burroughe of Southwarke fisherman and
waterman whoe submittinge themselves et cetera
obliged themselves et cetera for the said Thomas lambe
in fortie pounds of lawfull money of England to
the said William humfries to answere the Action
commenced by the said humfries against the said Lambe and
to pay what the said Lambe shalbe condemned in
with expences of suite in case he shalbe overthrowen
And to bringe forth the said Lambe in iudgement
whensoever his presence shalbe required And the
said Lambe obliged him self in the same sume and to
the same effect, and to save gis said sureties [?an]
harmeles And unles et cetera which Caution the Judges
receaved, and decreed the said Lambe to be released
from the arrest./
A Buisnies of Contempt promoted}
by John Crosse against Phineas P[?et]}
and John Jerome his Attorney}
Which day the said Suckley
appeared for the saide
Crosse and made himself
party for him and alleadged
that the said Pet doth sue and
implead the said Crosse by the
said Jerome his Attorney in the
Sheriffs Court of this Cittye for a
shipp called the ffrancis pretended
by him to be lost in the parishe of
Alhallowes Barkinge London in contempt
of the Lawe and of the Jurisdiction of this Court