HCA 13/76 f.77v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/76 |
Folio | 77 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_6036.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/11/27 |
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tooke the opportunity of the faire winde and sailed to Bourdeaux to seeke
a freight and there arrived about June last, but staying there about 12 or 13
dayes and not getting freight there went to Rochell, and there was freighted by
Henry dersmitter a Comissary for the King of Sweden at
Rochell to goe to Brouage in ffrance to lade salt and there arrived about
the beginning of July last and there tooke in a lading of salt
for the said henry dersmitters account to be carryed in the said ship to Ostend
and to be delivered there to Jacques Ozure and from Browage they
went under the Cloyster neere Saint Maartins about 13th of July last new stile and there hee signed [?his] bill of lading
and there the said ship stayed about two dayes, and from thence went
to Saint Martins and there stayd about two howers and then went to sea
and sett saile with a strong ebb and faire wind for Ostend and came not [?XXX]
to Saint Martins or the said Cloyter, and since setting saile was about [?three]
of the Clock on the Morning of the 17th of July last new stile, And
sayth that the said ship did not the time aforesaid nor at any time since hee
hath bin Master of her weare or carry any Holland Antient or Jack or
any Colours whatsoever but the Burgundian fflagg and Colours which if shee
had done hee being her Master must needs have knowne thereof, and of the
truth hereof hee is soe certaine that hee would Adventure his [?life]
thereupon, And saith That the Burgundia fflag is white with a ragged
red crosse and the same the said ship did frequently weare, as other ships
belonging to the King of Spaines Dominions use to doe. et alr nesuit
Ad 13um. arlum deponit That the time aforesaid when the said ship was at and neere
Saint Martins hee did not see the arlate ship Swallowe or any other English ship there
or thereabouts, nor in the whole Voyage hee did not see any such ship as
is arlate saving that after seizure when hee was at the Isle of Wight
hee sawe a ship which was said to be the shipa rlate et alr
Ad 14um. arlum deponit That the said ship was taken by the Deptford Ketch
and after her capture some of her Company did as this Deponents Steirsman
told this deponent hang one of this deponents boyes up by the Ears and put a pistoll
to his chest and a knife to his breast to make him confesse that the said shipp
was of fflushing proffering to lett him alone if hee would so confesse
et alr nesuit.
Ad 15um. arlum deponit that whilest the said ship was at Saint Martins as [?XXX]
there were about twenty or thirty Dutch ships lying there
and some of them hee sawe wore the Dutch Colours and some of those
were flyboates and the New Exchange is alsoe a fflyboate
et alr nesuit.
Ad 16um. arlum deponit That never any body came on board the New Exchange
since hee had [?heX] that hee knoweth of to demand or aske for any Grout nor
did any of her company ever that hee knoweth of say that they or the [?XXX]
or fflyboates were Dutch or to any such effect et alr nesuit.
Ad 17um. arlum deponit That the Company of the said Deptford Ketch
since the seizure of the said shipp have taken and plundered out of her, the [?XXX]
of large part of the ships lading which was taken in at Rochell) a great quanitie of
salt Eleaven musketts six pistolls Eight Cutlaces six hundred pound of [?XXX]
twelve bundles of [?match] fourteene Cartrages a hundred bulletts and [?both] [?XXXX]
brasse ladles and [?XXXX] two bundles of Rope of three or four hundred pound [?weight]