HCA 13/74 f.48v Annotate

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HCA 13/74 f.48v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And the said Tortoise shells worth the summe of 52 li [?XX]
sterling. And a great deale more the said Goods might
have bin sold for had not they bin soe detained from
the said Owners thereof (Which hee Knoweth being a
Merchant and having traded in the said Merchandizes
and thereby being acquainted in the Vallues of the same./

To the .11.th 12.th and 13.th articles and the Schedule
in the said Eleaventh Article mentioned hee saith that
after the order [?XXX] to Tollon for the Restoring of the
said ship Santa maria and her Goods this deponent and the
said Captaine Van Lynen went severall times onboard
her, and found that there were very many things
belonging to the said ship taken away by the said Captaine
Stoakes, and his Company, And saith that
all or most of the things sett downe in the said schedule
were by them taken away, and were never restored, and
the same were worth the severall sumes therein sett
downe for the same, or neere thereabouts as hee [?verily]
beleeveth, And saith that upon such their coming
onboard the sayd ship, they alsoe found that her sailes
(which were at the said seizure very good and most of them [?newe]
were through the neglect and carelessenesse of the said Captaine
Stoaks Company in letting them take wett [?very]
rotten, and very much damnifyed but to what vallue
hee saith hee cannot estimate./

To the last hee saith that the said Phillip Van Hulten
and others the Owners of the foresaid Goods
and Merchandizes, not received, have (besides
the respective vallue of the same aforementionedd
sustained great losse and damage, in not receiving the same namely to the vallue of One thousand pounds Sterling
And the foresaid Hector [?Velorson] and
Company the Ownes of the said ship tackle Apprrell
and furniture aforesaid, besides the vallue of the
things taken away as aforesaid and the damage
to teh said ships sailes, have suffered losse and damage
in not receiving the same or satisfaction, for the same, but
how much hee cannot Estimate.