HCA 13/73 f.760r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 760 |
Side | Recto |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/03/01 |
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whatsoever none excepted, made, counted, done or caused
to be done. Enemyes. fire. water restraint of Rules and
Princes excepted. In Witnes whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seale the first of August 1660:-
Signed sealed and delibered in the presence of
Misselden Kilfort, Edward Helmers and P.Pope Notary Publique
was delivered unto him this deponent yesterday (being the
last day of July 1660: (old stile) neere the Royall Exchange
London by Mr Edmund Custis of London merchant to the
end to have the same entered in the Registry of this
Court, and to be Exemplified under the great Seale
of the said Court to serve upon any lawfull occasion./.
3o. die Augusti 1660:/:
Touching the White}
Rp E:A:
Fredericus Ixem de London Notarius Publiquis
aetatis 34 annorum aut eo circiter juratus coram
vernerabili viro Aegidio - Siveit Legum doctore
surrogato venerabilis viri Richard Zouche [Legn]
etiam Doctoris. Supremi[?o] Curia Admirallitatis Anglia
Judicis, dicit et deponit prout sequitur videlicet.
That the Certificate, and Affidavit now by him seene and perused
being of the Tenor word for word as followeth: Citty of Bristoll
Theise are to certify and make knowne unto all whom it may
concerne that on this instant one and twentieth day of July in the
yeere of our Lord One thousand six hundred and sixty Robert Wickris
John Peterson senior and John Peterson junior all of the City of Bristoll,
merchants came personally before Mr Edward Tyson Esquire major of
the said City, and did depose and make voluntary oath taken upon
the Holy Evangelists of God that the ship White Dove of Bristoll
of the burthn of one hundred and twenty Tonns or thereabout
whereof under God Robert Winter is appointed
to goe Master, and now rising at Anchor in this Port of Bristoll
and bound on a merchant Voyage for Mallega in Spaine
is really belonging unto them the said deponent and none else
And that her whose lading is of the English Growth and rising And
in Mallega the said ship is intended to be reladen for account
of themselves and partners all merchants in Bristoll and no other
All which as is just and usuall for a further manifestation of the
truth I have thought good to Certify inder my hand, the seale
of my office of Majorallity of the said City in such cases