HCA 13/73 f.759v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.759v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


1st die Augusti 1660:/.

Georgius Ixem parochia de [?XXX]
London Gener aetatis 24 annorum aut eo circiter
juratus coram venerabili viro Johannes
Exton legumDoctore Durrogato ven. [?XX]
Richard Southe legum doctoris suprimo
Curia Administrates Anglia Judicit
et deponit prout sequitur videlicet.


I Wouter Jacobsen of Rotterdam Master and mariner do
acknowledge by these presents that for and in Consideration
of three thousand an seaven hundred Guilders
of Holland money to mee paid and satisfyed at or
before the signing and sealing hereof by Mr Robert
and EdmundCustis of London Merchants


ship of vessell Called the Samuel of the
burthen of two hundred Tonns or thereabouts, as alsoe
unto Samuel Angier of London, Isaac Thomson
of Hull merchants each one Quarter part of the said
Vessell, withh all and Singular her masts sailes saileyards